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I would love to see this become Cannon and a series on Disney +. That would be insane
We need a complete lore video on Revan
I wanna know what his lightsaber looks like and the meaning behind all of the golden lightsabers
Stopped watching this part way through to avoid spoilers. Maybe I should go back and pick up where I left off with SWTOR? Don't recall quite how far I got into the content with Valkorian but it wasn't too deep and it was many years ago since I last played it.
Love him as a Villan a movie on this music be made
The origins of the "old" Gods of Zakuul is they were machines from Iokath. Play thru KOTET and the operation (the gods of the machine) that follows the IOKATH expansion and you will see this.
While it is true that Arcann does not have a lightsaber style shown in the initial intro scenes, he does battle the Outlander in the dock of Asylum, so if you play that chapter (ASYLUM) it does have scenes of him using his yellow lightsaber.
As far as who "kills" Valkorian in the initial scene part (before Valkorian inhabits Outlander's mind), that is totally controlled by whether the player Kneels or not (In-game choice). If player kneels, Arcann stabs his father. If player refuses to kneel, player stabs Valkorian.
Actually it is stated that Zakuuluns did not wield either the dark nor the light side, rather their strength in the force was based on their commitment to their leader or to Zakuul itself. This dialogue takes place between the Outlander and Lana within the 3rd chapter of KOTFE. This would most probably extend to Thexan & Arcann as well as to his sister Vaylin, although clearly both Arcann & his sister Vaylin exhibited actions that would be considered dark in retrospect. (Thexan never got a chance to rule as he was slain – possibly accidently – by Arcann (when Arcann was trying to kill Valkorian – see beginning montage of chapters for KOTFE)
My favourite thing about Vitiate's story line is that my first playthrough of The Old Republic wsa as an inquisitor. It was incredible as the very first segment of the game sees you as about to be the victim of Essence Transfer before one of your companions saves you. Felt like a great deal of foreshadowing as I was right back in that same situation of having to deal with more force ghosts and learning how to stop the transfer.
Valkorion was the greatest. The Sith depended on him for their survival for millenia, he was their god, that is why they withered in his absence. He outgrew the Sith and their Empire, hence why he abandoned them for Zakuul. The dark side was insufficient for him, he wanted to experience the force in its totality. Revan opened his eyes to this when he almost defeated him using both sides of the force in balance. In Zakuul, he was free to pursue new things that the Sith would have deemed him weak for: love, above all. This explains the change in his personality from the ruthless destroyer of worlds, to the loving husband and the father of three children. He could be whoever he wanted without the chains being Sith imposed on him. Realising this only magnified his power and his perspective.
Hey Stupendous Wave, Please Tell us, Are you almost finished with What if Qui Gon Jinn Trained Anakin part 3, we have waited long enough to get an answer from you, so please tell us. we are Anxious to see it when it releases.
i believe vitiate is stronger than palpatine because we havent seen a single feat as strong as vitiates force powers
This is a wonderful compilation. The eternal empire is probably my favorite concept in all of Star Wars, just a mysterious threat that came out of nowhere at exactly the right time to take down both enemy factions. I ended up watching some Battlefront II mod showcases and when Valkorian popped up I clapped like a tiny child. Kneel before the dragon of Za-…Zach-…Zakuul?… ok just kneel or whatever.
To be played by Val Kilmerian
Tenebrae Vitiate Valkorian will live again somewhere and sometime some ambitious force wielder will find his personal Holocron and Spell books remember the Emperor was a Sorcerer and Alchemist there will be at least one or two holocrons and numerous spell books he might follow beyond Darth Krayts Empire or someone can find the Dark Staff far too many loose ends
Never change stupendous wave never change. Been watching your videos a while. Never think that no one cares about your videos, because when I was in middle school I used to come home and watch your videos before doing other things. I know you just make Star Wars content, but wow you’re a good guy.
I say Vitiate was more powerful that Palpatine for sure. I mean his feats outmatch Sidious. He lived far longer than Sidious did living 1500+ years and absorbing force from planets and more.
Will you ever do a lore on Darth Raven?
Great video as always tho!!
It’s not Arkaaaan it’s Arcan 💀😂
7:15 slight correction. The peace treaty was between the sith empire and the republic. The eternal empire was not revealed yet
More fire. Thank you for your work. Best lore channel yet. I am one with the force, the force is one with me
If Sidious is the devil, Valkorion was a vengeful evil god. Which is ironic with his goal
Val would kick sidious ass. I have no doubt.
Whoa I haven’t been on Battlefront 2 in years, they added old republic hero’s???
Nobody ever even came close
Dude, Lucasfilm has a whole trilogy here with this and they instead got that shit 😭😭😭
Y'all forgot Vitiate could form Avatars to cast spells and fight for him I call that Absolute power
There so many good star war stories…..why did they have to destroy Luke's story
The greatest Sith to ever exist
Darth Vitiate (Immortal Emperor) Quote
"You discern a fraction of reality beyond these stars exist other galaxies, other worlds, and other beings. I will experience or ignore them as I wish. I will spend eternity becoming everything: a farmer, an artist, a simple man. When the last living thing in the universe finally dies, I will enjoy the peace and wait for the cycle to begin again."
Tenebrae loves life and is willing to do anything as an immortal to experience it until he finishes devouring all life in the universe or until he witnesses the end of the universe. However, he is still power-hungry and willing to rule a strong empire. As Valkorion, Tenebrae matured and actually removed any thought of devouring all life and simply used it as an idle threat if all came to oppose him. He loved Senya but his love doesn't extend to his children because how he fears their power and fears that they will grow up into ruthless leaders who will one day overthrow him. Tenebrae sees a lot of himself in Vaylin and worked to dominate her so she won't overthrow him similar to how he overthrew his own father. It is interesting that all of Zakuul saw him as a good leader (not a good person) who actually gave his people comfortable and peaceful lives. He did not impose the Sith doctrine on his people but somewhat on his children. Overall, Tenebrae is a monster but is a complicated villain because his final attachments are what led to his own defeat. His final attachments were his family and he loved them in his own twisted way. However, Tenebrae's actions led to his family helping the Jedi and the Sith destroy him once and for all.
Tenebrae loves life to the point he hates the Sith for discarding life and hates the Jedi for sacrificing themselves for the sake of people they do not know. The Jedi and the Sith believe Tenebrae is a monster who cannot change. However, they are wrong as Tenebrae did love Zakuul and his family in his own twisted way. It should be noted that the Tenebrae we see in Echoes of Oblivion is not him but an imprint of who he once was (a world-devouring conqueror).
He is the goat of the sith
A God has no need for a Family.