Top of Unbelievable video natural disasters caught on tape and camera. Snow London

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Top of Unbelievable video natural disasters caught on tape and camera. Snow London

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About the Author: Admin


  1. There is no ice apocalypse! It's about a few cm of snow that has already melted by now. In December it is normal for it to snow.
    Check out the London webcams.
    Non c'è nessuna apocalisse glaciale! Si tratta di qualche cm di neve che ormai si sono già sciolti. A dicembre è normale che nevichi.

    Guardatevi le web-cam di Londra.

  2. To avoid death by strong earthquake tsunami volcano snowstorm floods tornadoes lightning Covid-19 meteor Pope Francis and Europeans to convert to Islam December 14, 2022.

  3. How lovely, it almost looks like a postcard! It's really pretty when it snows like this with the flakes. Did you know that no snow is looks alike?

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