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https://youtu.be/w6urQm7Prs4. Fails of the Year 2022, Watch It!
Bicycle pileup! 😂
2:30 This guy proposed to his girl at breakfast with another dude sittin' there in pajamas, WTF?
The birdy laugh in the begining got me ☠️☠️
the knee to the head…damn…his bleeding right when it hit…i hope he go to the hospital..
3:24 no one gonna talk about the absolute KING who saved the beer from the falling guys hands?
4:24 camera guy got a seizure damn
Nothing is more satisfying then watching people stage videos and them turn out terribly wrong.
4:43 + Stupid couples hahahaha
Pretty funny 😄
What's a big deal
I'm relieved that I'm not the only one who does stupid behavior. lol
I like this
you can see blood at 1:00
Buying triple nunchucks off Amazon doth not a Shaolin monk make.
The title should be fat people are so uncoordinated.
6:07 Tea Bag.. sorry .. couldn't help myself!
2:51 is not correctly translated they said " help him, maxi help him, help the kid"
6:57 😮💨😂
11:27 John Cena
that shoe though 😆
4:47 kkkkkkkkkkkkkk, olha essa cena😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣
Best laugh I’ve had in ages! Still crying writing this. A big thank you to all contributors 👏🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Теперь понятно почему у иностранцев плохо с логикой и пополнением населения. Развлекаются исключительно головой и причиндалами.
What tubbos.
Censoring women’s clothing and alcohol? Pathetic snowflakes.