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▫️The voice used in the film is not the best, but I hope you like it.
◾️Warning‼️Do not repeat some of the situations shown in the video as they are dangerous❕
▫️The video in no way encourages harmful content or dangerous activities.
◾️Some people come here to laugh and make themselves feel better, while others come to learn and draw conclusions
▫️The film was made for entertainment and educational purposes.
◾️The Narrator in the video uses exaggerations to make it more funny and
▫️By watching the video you can draw conclusions and lessons on what not to do at the gym
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Write to me, if you want your clip removed, or I missed credit, or I mistakenly used without your permission.
Daksi1@onet.pl 📩.
#fitnessfails #workoutfails #gymfails #crossfitfails
"Monday is international elbow day." Hahahahaha
I glad you back with these.
2:51 so thats how they train to run from the police… i always wondered
I was in tears laughing when the handle bars snapped of those weights.
That old circus music gets me every time. Lmao!!
Really ty daksio !
Every vidéo from you is a real gift !
Thanks mate !
that guy 0:40 Definitely has mental issues. lol but 8:18 pure gold hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
5:14 That dude in the background is like, "This shit is way too time consuming and hard. I haven't lost a single pound yet. I'm gonna start doing coke."
2:59 The gym tool. Every gym has at least one.
2:25 That's the same type of jackass who won't clean the sweat off after he misuses the machine.
“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.” Albert Einstein
0:40 That cable is not moving…..at……all.
0:10 Nice toe.
@1:20 That woman bouncing on the dip-assist perfectly encapsulates the stereotypical Planet Fitness member. 😉
Daksio hell yeah!! Best part of the morning
I love your videos. Thank you for making my week better. Keep making them I'll keep watching them.