Water Opossum – One Of The Cutest And Exotic Animals In The World #shorts
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A water opossum? Walter the water opossum!
Cute little creatures 💀
Never knew such a creature existed 😅
So cute~
So it's a boat..
Like how the animals listed don't match the pics.
cute ?
It just looks like a long-legged rat
The master splinter is that you???
So the 'O' isn't silent 🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️🤦🏾♀️😂😂😂
"These cute little creatures are excellent swimmers"
Shows demon👹
“These cute little creatures-“
Shows a demon
Is he a semi aquatic egg laying mammal of action tho
"..snails.." *proceeds to show a frog*
Every dog has a good trait, besides a chihuahua
You are showing two different species, and the one you show the most does not correspond to the aquatic opossum. Philander is the one you show the most in the video, Chirocnetes is the aquatic one
Why can’t any YouTuber use grammar at all? It’s “one of the cutest and MOST Exotic animals in the world. Only a Re-Re would write it like that. And I see it all the time
Thats a four eyed opossum 😐
There was one that was a character named Tico in Hanna Barbera’s short lived 1978 cartoon series, “Jana of the Jungle”. It took me years to figure out what kind of animal Tico was. And given that opossums and possums are my most favorite types of animals, I now know why I loved Tico so much. They were a bit off on the voice by giving him the voice of a monkey.
It's a rat I think
Day 59 of asking for bearded dragon
that mf not cute.
Less wimsical than the north American.
Does it carry the scaled features also?
I like the eyebrows
If this is cute your blind
That's kinda creepy 😂
So cute!
most of those videos are of grey four-eyed possums not water possums
But WHY DOES THE MALE HAVE A POUCH??? They left out the explanation!???
The “o” is silent isn’t it?
man i love animal planet
Most of the footage is of the four eyed opossum
First time i hear someone say that a demon is cute
You realize how less knowledge you have when you come across this channel. And you google that animal's name which you have first time herd, and you find thousands of scientific literature just pouring out from that 0.001 second result finding.
what the heck a water type opossum
Now, I like to think of myself as an animal lover, but I've never even heard of these guys before. So cool!
Frog- "snail"
Dont pronounce the O
Birds are mammals and frogs are snails. Good to know
Bro he's/she's from ice age
Day 58 of asking for bearded dragon
He is a semi aquatic web footed marsupial of action