Today we’re going to take a closer look at these beautiful but dangerous landforms as we explore the different types of volcanoes and trace the patterns of volcanic activity around the world. From the explosive power of a stratovolcano like Mount St. Helens in Washington to the quiet but consistent eruptions of a shield volcano like Kīlauea in Hawaiʻi, volcanoes are like windows into the center of the Earth helping us understand more about how it all works.
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#CrashCourse #Geography #Volcanoes
this video is so helpful! Watched it twice. The girl has explained it well too
Thank you! 🌋 💥
Welcome to the club! You never forget your 1st volcanic eruption, no matter how many more of them you witness (or so I am told by geologists, I've only seen 2, and they were both on the same volcano 12 days apart).
When the earth booms like that, it seems to grab you from the inside of your chest.
Volcanos are basically earth zits.
With earth blood and pus being magma/lava and mentle.
"the floor is lava" screamed at drunk geoscience students works world wide :'D
The beginning of this kinda scared me when I thought back to those 18 people in New Zealand last year who were doing exactly the same… and now they aren’t here any more. 😢
Bout time you guys do geology and volcanology videos! Finally! My area of passion <3
It's H2S that smells like rotten eggs and SO2 that smells like striking a match
Another stellar episode!
No Volcanos in South Arica. Thank, Someone.
Oh nice
What part of the earth could be lost by them in time
Is all the under water volcanoes around all the Islands specifically ? And if so if they go off hard what would happen to the Islands?
A.S.O. Too much Volcano
I was BORN to love volcanoes! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=47YWgklZO60
Volcanoes: Planet Earth's never-ending acne problem 🙁
Too much volcano….. no volcano
Speaking as a licensed geologist in the pacific NW, this is a great series but is WAY too short to do Crash Course Geology true justice…. we're not merely a subset of Geography. I'm biased, but it really does deserve it's own course. That said, what a great job CC has been doing summarizing geologic features and processes and super props to Ms. Carrere for excellent presentation!
When I come across anything related to Volcanoes, I get reminded of what lies beneath our feet; I think for a bit, scared and then forgets everything because of 'day to day life'.
Only to be reminded again.
Well, it's a great video.
This is exactly why I question how much of an impact humans have on climate; Definitely have an effect but compared to what volcanoes can spew???
I wish we could put more into answering these questions
Tom Scott just posted a video of him trying to film Iceland's newest volcano. Worth a watch.
That little animation of the volcano on the top right of the intro was so cute, and I couldn't help but laugh then I remembered what volcanoes do, and really wish someone had hit the little guy's snooze button before he was awoken 😂
Has CrashCourse done an episode on different geographic projections?
It's clear that the map overlays depicted @ 3:07 are using different projections. It's not as noticeable near the equator, but the volcanoes near the Arctic region are depicted farther north than they actually should be — the volcanoes on the Kamchatkan peninsula and Aleutian Island chain are all offset, and the volcanoes in highly-active Iceland are depicted as being in Greenland, the latter of which is devoid of active volcanic activity.
Otherwise, great episode — very informative!
I never imagined vulcanoes were so happy.
As a Geology major its kind of sad that the geology stuff is being lumped in with geography, they are certainly adjacent fields they are not the same. A Geologist is not a Geographer and vice a versa. It just feels disrespectful to try to relegate such a vast wonderful field as Geology to some subsection of geography (Another wide ranging field). As they say "Geology rocks, but geography is where its at."
The squeaky toy noise XD
Wonderfully done! Thank you for such a great series thus far, just caught up with everything!
I thought she was rapping terms at first before realising I was watching the video at 1.5 times of speed.
Is there an estimation for how long Earth's geological activity will last?
2:05 ew, "miles"…
That lil volcano is so happy!
Unsqueezing?? Is that like unfreezing??
This video could be unpacked into a one-hour course/documentary.
That milankovitch cycle stuff wild—and wildly controversial. Good for you guys for putting it in a video.
Nice , i always loved geography