WWE Wrestlers Who Almost Died on Live TV

WWE Wrestlers Who Almost Died on Live TV
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WWE may be scripted, but it’s extremely dangerous. So dangerous, in fact that we’ve seen several WWE wrestlers nearly die on live TV.


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About the Author: Tap Out Corner


  1. Love HHH, guy sold it. this list is among the worst from this channel. The London one should have been, well, in a word, 1.

  2. Everyone commenting on Trips throat injury. According to RVD, Trips was fine after the match and didn’t even go to the hospital & in Robs words. He didn’t think during the match that Trips was as hurt as he was making out

  3. Triple H continuing on in such a gruelling match despite having his throat crushed further cemented him as one of the toughest wrestlers of all time. Watched that Chamber match back the other day. Can't comprehend how Triple H continued and his performance levels were still very high.

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