Caught in an avalanche. Is freeriding worth the risk? | Arctic Lines – Twenty Chapter 2

Caught in an avalanche. Is freeriding worth the risk? | Arctic Lines - Twenty Chapter 2
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Arctic Lines presents: Twenty – A documentary series about a freeride snowboarder’s journey towards sustainability

Risk-taking is part of snowboarding culture.

In Twenty Chapter 2, Antti gets into trouble and is taken down by an avalanche. He is forced to think hard about his approach to risk-taking while exploring the high country around Kilpisjärvi, Finland, where a beautiful line for his Arctic Lines project awaits.

Then things are stepped up at Bárrás, an enticing mountain easily seen from Finland, but located in Norway. The crew, featuring a special guest, has to deal with a difficult layer in the snowpack that creates spooky avalanche conditions.

What is an acceptable risk? There’s no denying that others will also suffer if something bad were to happen. Can it all be justified with the thrills that you can experience in steep terrain?

No matter what we do, accidents can happen. And when that happens, our greatest responsibility is to share the experiences honestly, even if it’s painful. That way, others can learn from our mistakes and make better decisions in the backcountry.

Twenty follows one athlete’s attempts to reconcile his conscience with the requirements of his profession. Is it possible to pursue a long career in freeriding, take on filming missions and expeditions, and do it all without getting hurt or exceeding the limits of our planet? With its inherent risks and demands, can freeriding ever be truly sustainable?

30 lines above the Arctic Circle. Arctic Lines is a dream project for Antti Autti. A journey of personal growth where he learns how to balance risk, responsibilities and thrills, and an attempt to show the true potential for freeriding in the Arctic.

Antti Autti
Ella Autti
Antte Lauhamaa
Ile Eronen

Jaakko Posti
Joonas Mattila
Mikko-Pekka Karlin

Edit: Mikko-Pekka Karlin
Grade: Mikko-Pekka Karlin

Twenty Logo design:
Jari Salo

Cover photo:
Jaakko Posti

Arctic Lines graphics:
Jani Kärppä


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About the Author: Antti Autti


  1. Thanks for checking the project. Hope you like it! Would love to hear your thoughts on it!

    Also, if you are new to my channel, I suggest checking Arctic Lines web series!

  2. Tämä oli yksi parhaista tällä kanavalla. Tässä mennään vapaalaskua ja lumilautailua syvemmälle elämän tasolla monessakin eri kerroksessa. Kuvaus, kuvakulmat, rytmitys ja varsinkin editointi aivan priimaa. Mikko-Pekka Karlinille erityismaininta. Ps. Nämä ovat myös todella opettavaisia jaksoja varsinkin tällaiselle katsojalle, joka on kyllä laskenut laudalla 90-luvulta asti, mutta vapaalaskun kanssa vielä täysin alussa. Sitä kohti, oppia lisää pikku hiljaa, riskejä rauhassa välttäen.

  3. 33:46 This is what I picture when I hear the word "Heaven on Earth". Absolute tranquility. I would rather live 50 years doing this, than 80 not doing it. Life is about moments like these. These moments are the meaning of life

  4. Interesting that you store your gear in a roof box on the back of your van. How do you attach the roof box there? Do you need special mounting options for it?
    Very nice video, as always :).

  5. Love what You do! That kind of… I've got it today with my little mogul – lunch ramp in My woods – when places show their secrets. I wish You the best runs through Your secret worlds. Freeride Your Soul Dear Stranger from the North.

    When IT comes to The risk… Once I was invited to freeriding in Italy. I've asked the People who invited Me: "do We have a Guide?" They said: "what for?!"… I did not rode with them. I'm here for My Fammily first.

    Sometimes it's more important to be on Your tiny lunch mogul in Your Woods – hearing from Your Wife: "nice landing", than bombing big mountain lines.

    Snowboarding is about the Soul, and not the show.

    Real Man cry for real. I was after my car accident. I was crying: "pleasse God help Us!"

  6. When was that filmed? (Sorry, same question as last time^^)
    I was in Lyngen in the first week of March and we took the decision to go to Tromsø on the Friday that week because the weather was bad. It was raining cats and dogs (love that expression). Because we flew back home to Switzerland on Saturday we had our hotel in Tromsø anyway, so was better than bad weather earlier in the week. But therefor didn't keep an eye on the weather in the arctic anymore. But if it was the week(s) after, it probably was a solid block of ice with some snow on top…

  7. First I had tears in my eyes and then I almost fell off the chair laughing at the Fifty Project joke… don't think I've ever experienced such a rollercoaster watching a freeriding video on YouTube. My hat goes off to you man. Keep it up!

  8. You talk like it was just slab that started the avalanche, but could clearly see the snow break up, witch means it's a small avalanche in the beginning. Maybe i misunderstood tho 🤷‍♂️
    Anyways glad it worked of good! 🙌 Scary stuff 🤯

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