Northern California Earthquake in Humboldt County: 6 p.m. Update – Dec. 20
ABC10’s John Bartell provides an update after a devastating earthquake hit along the Northern California border in Humboldt County.
Northern California Earthquake in Humboldt County: 6 p.m. Update – Dec. 20
ABC10’s John Bartell provides an update after a devastating earthquake hit along the Northern California border in Humboldt County.
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Got off freeway to get gas and got harassed by cop and locals not cool at all. It was crazy. All I was doing was get gas. Stop praying for horrible people or countries that are not ok people. Pray for the people who keep getting mistreated by own country men..
The “houses that came off the foundations” were all mobile homes without foundations. People should try to improve the seismic safety of their homes as soon as they can afford it, by installing foundation bolts and plywood shear walls, and removing masonry features like chimneys, especially, this saves lives.
Listen to the geologist, she’s the one that knows best! Previously unknown faults are often discovered when they cause earthquakes for the first time, also. This is a seismically active region, there are no places in California guaranteed to have no significant earthquakes. Plus, proximity to a fault or epicenter is only one factor in safety and damage, building construction quality and the nature of the underlying soil, or ideally, rock, are more important.
Theres even homes in Northern California actually built directly ON the fault line( that's what I call "denial"). Its good that most Californians don't know the reality of their Geologic situation.
Blowing up DUMBS ?
Let's hope that liberal s*** hole slides off into the ocean
I will whoop anyone who wants some we is northern California country boys…
Look at utube Dutchsinse earthquakes utube volcanoes erupting map 2022/ look at Hawaii volcanoes now….
To avoid death by these punishments from God more mag 6 earthquake volcano tsunami snowstrom meteor North and South Americans to convert to islam 22 december 2022.
Why did he keep showing us a row of porta potties? Surely there is much more to show besides the idiot governor.
More is on the way,get ready folks the next ones is much bigger, don't kid yourself, it changing right under our feet!! All of Cali is under great stress right now. Energy is spreading out all over,what we just felt is nothing like we will experience very shortly get tarps and things needed for shelters, and God bless the west coast of the u.s.a. it's reality folks get ready now time is short.
Lets just see if our wonderful Government will take care of its people-or are they gonna take care of other Countries First? Umm-This Administration is killing our nation-Zelensky is moving to the USA and will be accompanied by U.S; fighter jets-look it up-Zelensky moving to the USA.
If people would look at their homes and businesses with the new seismic code in hand and make sure that the house is bolted to a substantial foundation and walls are strong enough to withstand shaking, they would fare much better in earthquakes of less than M 7.5. Above that level, damage is going to occur unless they tear down everything and rebuild it using Japanese construction standards. USGS and the State of California have plenty of publications to use as guides while rebuilding. If they can't afford to build to code, they need to sell out and move to a cheaper and safer place.
They were built by cheap labor with no building code enforcement. They are fire hazardous and earthquake prone…but the million dollar home owners saved a couple of thousand bucks on labor. I bet they will start asking for federal money for buying or building in hazardous prone areas…that's the price you pay for disregarding zoning and common sense.
70 000 are still without power and a rainstorm might be coming in. God bless you.
All of California is earthquake country. This earthquake was not felt much in Los Angeles. God bless you, Humboldt people.
Weather will be acting strangely, a sign of the downfall of this fraudulent govt & the global elites trying to push a one world govt.
Californication quake silicon valley LGBTQ evil diabolic state cult you
It's just a beginning..
Drink the blood of your own lust
Hey guys i knew about this earthquake hitting California a few months ago . Please check my video on Youtube . Im highly gifted . Thanks for sharing it . Bass From Florida . +++
I find it odd that's there's no videos of the actual temblor
Dutchsinse warned of this quake 2 days prior.
MyShake app went off down here in Vacaville when it happened. Not sure why. I’m definitely nowhere near the epicenter but, I was alerted.
This is why many people are "preppers".
Can you take care of yourself until.first responders come to your rescue???
Let's give more billions to Africa and Ukraine instead of taking care of our own
Happened in 92 expected again
I remember the one in 1992. I was living in Eureka at the time. The powerlines were whipping around like jump ropes and snapping off the swaying poles. I also saw the ground rolling like waves during the many aftershocks.
California – Home to Earthquakes, Wildfires, Mudslides, Floods & cyclic ARK STORMS. Better Google & prepare for the next ARK STORMS.
Tectonic plates. Techton Greek for mountain building
There have been many 4.0 earthquakes and aftershocks from earlier this mornings 6.4…think today's earthquake is connected to the Mendocino Tri faultline which is basically the plates are all pushing against each other and pushing the mountains into each other and sometimes upward.
These poor folks deserve all the Federal aid that's necessary for their complete restoration. Dear God protect the Califonians from harm and poverty. Bless them, love and care for them. Lord you said, that anything you pray for shall be given from the Father. Give these Califonians some money and relief in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
This was nothing compared to the big one, the scientists speculate that when the big one hits in California 200,000 plus will die, bodies will be found weeks later, the fire services, hospitals will be overwhelmed, the power will be out, the water non-drinkable, the fires out of control!
It will be bad and there is nothing they can do about it!
It's End Times everyone repent from your sins and accept our Lord Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour. It's your choice what kind of life you want to live. God bless you and your families.
Space lasers are responsible.
It didn't feel like a 6.4. Felt so much stronger.
I had no power or water. Water came back fairly quickly though. After about 15 hrs, got power back.
The 7.1 in 1989 took out about 60 % of downtown Santa Cruz buildings, most bridges in town and closed Hwy 17 for months
I remember the 6.4 in Palm Springs in 1991.
2:45 That’s the most casually dressed reporter I’ve ever seen.
Why is everyone in a panic about these earthquakes with minor IF ANY damage, and cold weather warnings?!? There was a SNOWNADO watch in February 2022. 🙄 If you lose power, there is no shortage of videos on YouTube of people (who obviously are making videos) on ways to survive extreme cold living in their cars. I won’t focus on the number of blog posts I found with “Tips On Sleeping In Your Car During the Winter” that also included ADVERTISEMENTS for products you can purchase to make the process easier to set up and more comfortable.
I can’t help these people, they do not live in my reality.😡🧾
Evicted and Living In Their Car During Pandemic
Who determines the size? People this is Bible…read it!
So it has just dawned on me that they want us to rely upon the government for everything, an app that can track your every location and warn you of things, but they really just want your location, they are hoping and praying that FEMA comes in, what we should all do as a society to do away with FEMA is for all of us to collectively come together and say that when someone has disaster, we will collectively give to a fund that will help those individuals and then if we run into an emergency, we might also be able to get that if it happens from a natural disaster, but we as a people should come together to make that happen rather than relying upon the government because the government will fail, and then of course they don’t implement things without wanting to control your life and usher in communism…
So much for the infurstructure Fed bill
All our bridges are weak.
The Government won't tell you what they really know.
Rio Del is right on top of the fault..
Perry sure the denim guy is showing damage on his own hoise
6.4, that's nothing. Let me know when the 10.0 hits.