Cutest Puppy Ever – Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Coco – A day in the life of…

Cutest Puppy Ever - Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Coco - A day in the life of...
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Watch in HD. A day in the Life of Coco, my King Charles Cavalier puppy! She’s the most adorable thing in the world, watching this makes me wish I was a puppy haha

REGARDING HER HARNESS: Yes, we had to put her harness on incorrectly when she was a puppy because the puppy trainer recommended that it would help her learn to walk on a leash more easily. She used to tug too much when her harness was put on the right way.


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About the Author: callmehere


  1. Hello! Im considering getting a Cavalier next year, when my student loans are paid off. Do you find it necessary to give her a bath every night? Was wondering if thats something to do with the breed? I've heard they need to go the groomers a lot but hadn't seen anyone give them a bath every night

  2. I've had my Susie for 8 years now and she is so loving and affectionate this weekend me and my mum are adopting a rescue puppy mill cavalier.Her name is lottie and we are very excited to meet her!Apparently she has never seen roads or traffic and she's 8 years old to!She is so beautiful!!

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