He Died And Ended Up In Purgatory | Near Death Experience | NDE

He Died And Ended Up In Purgatory | Near Death Experience | NDE
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Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com

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For more NDE narrations, please see below.

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE


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About the Author: Heaven Awaits


  1. Interesting notion, "Self-fulfillment"… what is the Self anyway…let alone how does one fulfill something when most people are ignorant of, false sense of pride, or seeking to avoid/cover up?

    The idea that one's thinking is standing in the way of "self-fulfillment" is another interesting idea. Just how does thinking obstruct or permit one's achievement towards "self-fulfillment" when one does not know the score board per se. In other words, how can a human find or achieve "self-fulfillment" when one does not have the knowledge or understanding of what fulfills, let alone the pathway in which to gain access to fulfillment?

    I would have many questions for Jesus after hearing this. Wonder if I would be brushed off and told to simply "go back" and good luck… The limits and boundaries which are applied to our realm of existence hinder our capability "evolve" or growth when they go unacknowledged or addressed.

  2. Second story so sad that the school thought about it's liability before the health and safety of this child back then. Then again Amerikkka where money rules over everything and morals and decency comes in dead last every time.

  3. So many highly opinionated comments on here, as if the responders think their every word comes from Sinai, lol. Personally, I find the experiences interesting and worth thinking about! Thank you!

  4. First, "my thinking had been limiting my potential." The things Jesus told him telepathically, Spiritual Master and the goal Spiritual Effort, self-fulfillment. From the first NDE, wow. Powerful.
    The second NDE, makes me think that school was terrible, they were liable yet they moved his body and didn't call an ambulance. That's terrible.

  5. I'm sorry for the suffering of others. This is all part of the curse. However, we compound the problem by believing in things that are unbiblical. Such as purgatory. This is not from God, but the spirit of this world. When people die, they either die with Christ or without. NO SECOND CHANCES. NO PRE-TRIB.

  6. No one knows what happens after death. Heaven is a myth to assuage mankind's deepest fear which is fear of death. An entire money making industry called organized religion is built on that. After one dies, they go to that crazy random place they always visit in their dreams. The Universe is just random forces. God is a God of Manichaeism in which God dispenses evil as well as good. There are no absolutes so there is no heaven. There is only hell to varying degrees. All people go to purgatory after they die and never heaven. I don't believe that anyone goes to heaven. Even if they did, the novelty would soon wear off and the critical faculty would kick in thus making it a compromised heaven = purgatory.
    "Even if God didn't exist, it would be necessary for man to invent him." Voltaire. Same with heaven. It is necessary to invent heaven for the sake of sanity. Heaven is the ideal. The reality may be another thing.

  7. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. Science has proven lack of oxygen to the brain can causes hallucinations. This isn't evidence of anything just someone describing their hallucinations.

  8. G o d gave us a strong immune system,we once lived long ,BUT man long ago invented "(V).a x to shorten it . B.i.g. P h.a.r.m. gives c h e m I c a l s to make $ & you keep taking more & more …… God Bless & open your eyes.. Go to a home of e l d e r l y,all on d-r-u-g-s …. Do you see,yet?

  9. Thanks so much h for sharing your experiences ❤❤🎉truly appreciated , your voice is so calm Lee really helps a lot on a daily . ❤

  10. I really think all these people are lying and just wants some attention. Don't let this big fat lie send you to hell. Is it really worth it?

  11. Both are powerful experiences of NDEs thank you so much. I wonder if there will be one done on people who went into comas and lived another life, then returned to their bodies. This happened more than we know. Thank you again.

  12. In Dante’s Divine Comedy & especially Purgatorio the soul was at a river bank in the night very similar to some of the NDE’s we’ve had.
    The presence of other souls ( not angry), but not really reactive or.
    verbal. we’re also similar. The boat floated toward the shore.The boatman held a lantern . There was not much verbal exchange in Dante’s inferno.That is why I thought you meant this was Purgatory. . Symbolically it is contained within boundaries.Those who dwell there are focused on resolving their mistakes. The presence ofJesus was always the way a soul is taken out.⭐️

  13. The Bible says life is supposed to be difficult and hard. Truth is we all go to hell automatically unless we have lived our life void of judgement of anything we must only observe nature and separate emotional reactions from occuring. If one lives their life as if they are a traveler and a helper of mankind even those who might deem you their enemy never give up on them unless you want the father and Jesus to give up on you. Loving the good and evil knowing all evils bring a loving outcome from the outcome of exhausted wickedness and by doing this strange thing it's only because we understand all souls incarnate into animal bodies that have a separate mind and will of its own and naturally hate God and Jesus because it knows it must die and also knows the soul is eternal. The soul is one with God but cannot return to heaven until the hell fire purges the evil stains from the soul it acquires by evil partaking in a lifetime we have a choice to deny the animal temptation we often choose to yield to it's desires mistaking it to be us but it is not we are the possessor of the human body we must decide to be it's master the same way we are a dog's master we must correct the puppy and earth child sometimes with loving punishment. No one wants to go to hell but the ones that go to heaven are the ones that refused to love this world or anything in it never became deceived by its illusions. All are only allowed to love the living beings. If you love you will be loved, if you share grace you will receive it if you offer forgiveness to all you will receive it and you must transform your guilt inherited by a choice born out of curiosity to experience evil into something good enough that the lesson or outcome is sufficient to keep you from ever trying it again and if you have successfully done that you have achieved true repentance which is an act that prevents one from being tempted by their curiosity to commit that sin ever again than that soul has found the silver lining of a wicked deed by lessons learned sufficient to convert guilt into a valuable lesson and the outcome of it is loving your brother for you know first hand the hard lesson earned only so long as the experience results in one never wanting to do that thing again and love taking the place of evil the guilt can't cause a soul to decide hell over heaven. If one has mercy on others it will be given to you. Basically the accuser known as Satan is an emanation of all of one's childishness and selfishness they practice on earth if we are selfish Satan says your his as you are like minded with him and he will accuse and punish exactly and according to how such ones feel punishment should be rendered on others they during their lifetime felt was just for another as all will be judged by themselves in the exact same manner as they judged all on earth during their lifetime. Only those who love themselves and others in equal amounts can go to heaven. The Bible says that Jesus overcame the animal body by saying not my will but thy will father and kept saying it until the desires of his animal body realized he was its master not the other way around. We are to live our lives depriving the animal beast all it desires in order to overcome it and master love knowing long suffering is a requirement to achieve that degree of love it's a kind of love that shares a kind of pain that causes eternal gain just like when people work out to improve the fitness of ones own body so too must a sacrifice be made in order for the soul to reach it's ascension into heaven or go back home. All souls will continue this cycle however many lifetimes it takes for their soul to learn what Jesus said was true and willing accept it as an ultimate good and that has been the purpose of me sharing this guidance out of love for all who read this so it might be of benefit and that they might see the benefit of doing all they can to avoid taking heed or advice from its animal host. When we allow the mind and will of our animal host to have its way we are losing our chance to return home to heaven.

  14. Hey Leigh I don't believe the first man was seeing Jesus. Look at what Yeshua said in The Gospel of Matthew about false Christ's. This was a false Christ dude.

    But the second one, Yeshua was there. Yeshua loves the little ones. No doubt.

  15. love the snow covered landscapes. kinda like here. good stories. I'm not sure why you say (in the title) that he ended up in "purgatory." I don't recall him saying that in the story, and it didn't sound like anything other than a dark lakeside, which can be found at any lake at night. it sounded to me just like some sort of way station, with other (lethargic) spirits. I've known lots of people like that who weren't even dead yet. In my childhood Catholic education, we were taught that purgatory was a place very much like hell, only it wasn't a permanent destination – it was only temporary until your sins were burned away. maybe there are different levels of purgatory? BTW Leigh – I appreciate you for thanking those (like me) who cannot afford to send $$, but who enjoy and benefit from watching these videos. your energy is strong and it comes thru in your narrations. Thank YOU.

  16. Hey Leigh you should research Sheol. The ancient Jewish people actually believed you went to Sheol and that's the actual translation of "Hell" in The Bible. Now I do believe in Hell but it's more complicated then people think. Sheol is pretty much like purgatory except everyone goes until the end days. Yeshua even went to Sheol ( but that's more of a tradition then anything from The Gospels.)

  17. When possible I prefer to hear people tell their NDE with their own voice. I just can’t get the spirit and testimony from having it read by someone else. Because of this some stories don’t ring true. Sorry, just my opinion.

  18. I love all the videos I would like to see if you can find one that's a little bit more detailed like seeing family members and and knowing if all the bad and good stuff you did why you're still on Earth is there a way to make sure you're doing the right thing…

  19. Pergatory is like what new age people believe and the many layers of the astral planes. Or some Christians and layers of paradise,it makes sense that there is many layers of up and down places to fit where we are energetically when we pass and to help us move up the ladder is prayer and Jesus and angels and our guides.

  20. The 1st NDE was gentle & fortunate for the recent widower to have another ‘chance’ to delve deeper. Digging into our life’s personal meaning ( our soul), should be the first curriculum in a child’s education, after the 3 R’s . .Our confidence & reason for almost everything we do- hinges off that very branch, we’d be UNSTOPPABLE with wisdom & virtue if that basic need were met, early on. 👍The 2nd NDE made me sad bc the beauty of his awakening to a full spiritual reality just within reach was diminished by the financial ramifications of a lawsuit. What creeps! 🎄🎄🎄🎄

  21. Usually when they get to see Jesus, they are soooo filled with love and happiness that they cant contain themselves, or if its a bad experience, they feel compelled to change their life, This guy didnt so I am feeling skeptical about this particular experience.
    Once you see Jesus you are profoundly changed to preach the good news to people and bring them to Christ, expecially because the rapture of the church is soo near with the sign of the times, there is a serious urgency to do so and that the whole reason for Jesus to begin with is saving us through faith in Him, that He suffered for our transgressions a horrible death so we, being sinful creatures, would and could be covered and sheltered by the innocent blood He shed. In Him doing this, we are able to stand blameless in front of the immaculately perfect and pure Almighty Creator GOD and become one with HIM and His power. The Father Creator is unable to look upon "sin" so He sent His Son Jesus so we could identify and be drawn closer to God also.
    Also, when Jesus had the light, Jesus "is" the light so I doubt it was Jesus because the main message from who he thought was Jesus was to go back and find his own purpose. People who have "seen" Jesus "Know" what their purpose is and its in the bible, to bring souls to GOD. For this we were created to commune with GOD.
    You can do what ever you want with your life as long as you are serving God and others, not going against the Laws of GOD.
    He left the experience with less confidence and answers than before it happened.
    For these reasons, I dont believe he saw Jesus, I think he saw a demonic spirit disguised as Jesus. Satan can do anything Jesus can do, especially fool us. You must pray for discernment to be able to tell the difference and knowing the bible as I do, … that was Not Jesus.
    Just my opinion.
    If you are searching for purpose, explore Jesus of the bible, our life is not meant to be self fulfilling here on earth but joyful in that we are here to learn and we have work to do for GOD If we live wholesomely and dedicated to the Lord will be undescribably surprised, loved, in awe and have everything we ever wanted, peaceful, joyous and finally being home, a feeling of "wholeness" and belonging to a huge family under Him.
    I pray you find love, Jesus "is" love, the truth, and the life. Bless you

  22. You are welcome Leigh.. I always look forward to listening to your daily video upload. Thank you! 🙏 Listening all the way from 🇸🇱 Freetown, Sierra Leone 🇸🇱 West Africa 🌍

  23. Thank you for sharing people’s different NDE experiences. Everyone is not going to have the same experience. I feel everyone experiences are unique to their souls, not their religion. This is just my opinion.

  24. I don't think the point of this site is to pick on others beliefs. Many peoples beliefs are lifelong and treasured. We don't have an exact blueprint of what is on the other side. The important part of so many people coming together and discussing these incredible experiences is to grow. We can't grow and expand our souls for the Glory of God if we are fighting or picking apart others.

  25. It's strange because most Catholics believe in purgatory and they seem to experience it more than any other religion because of their brainwashed into this belief so sad 😭

  26. Does this narrator do voice work for advertisements on youtube? I'm sure i've heard him voice an ad for a security camera company (i'm not saying what it's called). I'm certain it's his voice. Edit: yep, on another video his voice has just presented and voiced over another AD on something else i was watching (a flashlight commercial).. certain it's this narrator.

  27. Thank you very much.
    I love to hear all the dialogues with Jesus, (and also with angels and god). 💕
    Since I was a kid, I searched for NDE experiences.
    Before the internet was invented, it took decades to find some books about that topic.
    Today I share my favourite authors with you. I mean this as an additional source to this channel, for a deep dive.
    Have much joy and inspiration with their books! 💌
    1. Dr. Eben Alexander
    2. Dr. Mary C. Neal
    3. Betty Eadie
    4. Anke Evertz
    5. Michael Ugboanugo
    6. Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross (afterlife science)
    7. Willigis Jäger (spiritual practice)
    Be blessed!

  28. I keep thinking, what can we do with this information, these inside views, that we have been privileged to hear? How can we use this information to improve our souls and maybe advance ourselves in heaven? Many have expressed that they do not want to have to come back to this earth. We should be able to learn from these and make changes in our lives, even difficult changes, with a little more unique knowledge given to us here, that will help in making it easier to implement those changes. Every soul is unique. I guess we each need to look inward and find those areas that God would want us to do differently and work on them first.

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