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This is part 2 of my interview with Jeff Tolley about his Near Death Experience!
Watch part 1 here: https://youtu.be/Q0ssO8KvmNA
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Ya right……. Jesus coming back hahahaha keep dreaming people, and relaying in others to save you…… basically until we don't say ENOUGH nothing will change, and we'll go more and more down!
Aliens are fallen angels. They are demonic entities that lead men astray from the one true God, Jesus!
time to go vegan.. you didn't ask him how being a factory farmed pig feels like.. from the looks of the footage.. not pleasant.
please buy a decent mic..
Mother Earth is ascending to 5th dimensional consciousness and many will not be coming along with her….over the next 3-5 years will become more intense for many….I have intuitively gotten that 2025 is the year of the Solar Flare (what most call the Solar Flash) and that darkness ends in the year 2031…5th dimension is not Self-Realization so humans will not be perfect, but will be respectful of each other – 5th dimension is about following what you feel in your heart vs. living through egoic thinking. Source is within each of us in the upper chest area, that is the spark of light that we are….so Source is wearing a costume (physical body) and playing a role (personality) – surrender to your True Self and you will be at peace and feel fulfillment within yourself.
A good rule of thumb is that if you can imagine any technology it already has existed for eons. Emotions are humans greatest strength, the Bible says be not afraid over 300 times because of what our fear helps to creat/attract into our lives. When you refuse to feel your emotions you are slowing your own spiritual growth, the only emotion you should refuse is fear.
He rings true with me. He makes sense. You can see what fear is doing in our politics! People are so irrational they can't even determine the truth. I feel better after watching – thank you!
Nothing has to "wipe away" all the nonsense, it is literally no harder than refusing to participate in it. Without the participants the current crop of "leaders" would have no more power than an infant throwing a temper tantrum. It may require a wave of us willing to starve for it. When the tyranny becomes so bad death is seen as the preferable option, then the tide will turn.
Let’s goooo! 🎉 I hope this happens soon. I had a meditation epiphany, the high counsel told me there would be no shame, no guilt, etc. I ended up getting overwhelmed and the connection was lost. We’re headed in the right direction I just can’t wait until it’s all over and we’ve transitioned.
Who are "they" at 8:42 who are "using fear as a tactic"?
We sometimes catch a window a glimpse of whats beyond, was it just imagination stringing us along. ( Mystic Rhythims – Rush – Power Windowscd)
The GOP runs their campaigns on fear , hatred , and divisive cultural
Issues. Fear , usually how much crime they blow out of proportion.
Hatred usually the "other." that their trolls push incessantly. Cultural issues like trans and LGBTQ all of which are a very small portion of the population.The GOP represents the 1% and could care less about you.
Vote blue for reality and to improve your life.
If you’re going to disclose to a species or civilization that you exist you’d orchestrate society much like a puppet show so it can incrementally disclose it to itself over time. Technology that will improve the world will come through “new inventions” and is currently and slowly being introduced right now. People will be utilized in all of this in different ways so one can assume those putting out such technologies are at a higher “clearance” level and have already made contact. When Werner Von Braun said “we had help” with the space program it’s kinda like that lol🤷♂️. The hardest part about all of this for me is seeing it all go on and being a low level minimum wage dummy just along for the ride. I’ve known the world has been unnecessarily harder than it had to be in my lifetime. I wish I could have found myself more on the “fun” side of it all😂.
Has anyone here read the Urantia book? What do you think about what it says?
Most Christians are sitting around waiting for Jesus to “return”. He’s not returning here, He’s always been here. He’s going to return to the mind controlled, brainwashed unbelievers. When we all “can see”, we will defeat evil. Satan has no power without people. He works through people. When he has nobody left to work through, he’s defeated. Just like David had to realize his God given powers to defeat the giant, we have to do the same. God didn’t defeat Goliath for David.
yeah I see what he is seeing intuitively. there are good powers at play. be on the lookout! esoterically and exoterically.
I cant tell if we are just being trolled at this point. I want to believe it. It makes sense. But people have spoken of crazy revelations for years. But more often we get crazy events, but they usually end up being just nefarious and mundane… there never seems to be any real disclosure of ET or God yet we have spoken about it for thousands of years…
The monster of negativity is social platforms….get off FB and twitter. To start with
Great interview & guest! However, I tend to think that not all souls are ‘old’. Some people don’t grow & nurture their soul, as a result that energy is absorbed into the Source, becoming a new life form, unaware of its prior life because that energy doesn’t remain whole, it is fractured. Having sad that, all these energies/ souls are ‘old’, eternal really. Some live, others don’t. 🖖🏼
We in the change…going to peake out…then the shift happens
GOD is exposing the deepest, darkest evil right now and removing all evil leaders in every are of our lives around the world. HE is changing the way we live and we will not be slaves to mankind's systems anymore. GOD is implementing HIS systems and there will be glory regions around the earth where believers will prosper, be in perfect health and have unlimited wealth but unbelievers won't be able to enter the glory regions and they will be poor, unhealthy and very sad or very evil. Find GOD or you will be left out of HIS glory and your life is going to be worse than you can imagine! GOD is gathering HIS harvest of souls soon and you better be saved!
8:29 Truely!!! And yet oddly the Mentally "strong" are seeming Heartless & Souless, like they've lost their Human heart & kindness and are walking zombies 🧟♂️ But not emotional
I loved this vision of the future! The clean crisp air. I’ve been visualizing that for a long time. We are the divine in physical form. We ARE creating the future with our thoughts and visioning we do. So I agree we want to avoid focusing on any negative prognosis for earth. I also visualize clean, clear, pure abundant water for everyone on the planet, animal plant and human. WHO WANTS TO JOIN ME? We don’t need to be afraid of “dark times.” Our assignment if we choose to accept it is to look only briefly at every seeming “negative” thing and us it to create and hold the vision for the world we want to create together! These are fun exciting times if we remember who we are. – parts of God here to CREATE in love and harmony and joy.
The goal of this technique is to activate your Pineal and Pituitary Glands/ Third Eye. You must realize that the metaphysical experience is the direct result of a physical process that you force to occur within your body. Begin by laying down in a safe place. Do a basic meditation to relax your body and clear your mind. Once you are relaxed, you are going to start squeezing and expanding your brain. Your brain is attached to muscles and tendons that let you expand and squeeze it. Bring your focus to your forehead and try squeezing and expanding your frontal lobe. Concentrate and keep trying until you can get it. Once you can feel it moving then move to the center of your brain, (this is where the glands are located, the Eye of RA) and do the same thing. Squeeze then stretch it out, feel it expand as if past your skull, squeeze, expand… After a few minutes move to the back of your brain where the Claustrum is located. This is where the Sacred Oil is produced. Do the same, squeeze, expand over and over. Once you get the hang of it, start doing it in a wave motion from the front to the back. Continue squeezing and expanding repeatedly until you can start to feel the fluids moving, such as mucus running down the back of your throat. Some people, myself included, experience something that sounds and feels like a crust breaking off the outside of your brain, this is normal. The objective is to get your brain working, you have never used it like this before. Once you get the fluids moving you want to push the Oil from the Claustrum in the back of the brain down the back of the spine, down your nervous system and back up the front. Using your back muscles, push the fluid down the back of your spine to the bottom. Squeezing your muscles in your lower area like your buttocks and sphincter. Then start pushing the fluid up the front of your spine. Men as well as women have kegel muscles, use these like a pump. Using your stomach and your chest muscles, continue pushing the fluid up the front of your spine into your brain, pumping the fluid up the front of the nervous system into the Pineal and Pituitary Glands, the Promised Land of Milk and Honey. Continue repeating this pattern, from the front of your brain to the back of your brain, down the back of your spine to the bottom, and up the front of your spine into your brain. Repeat this process as long as you can. When I did this I was not staring at a clock but it felt like an hour. Realistically I would say 15 to 30 minutes. I did it until all of a sudden I couldn't close my eyes! Not even to blink. This lasted for several minutes. At first I thought I broke my brain! As soon as I was able to relax enough to barely close my eyes, I slipped…
Some things to note:
1. I know to a lot of people this sounds weird, (like it's not already weird) but you need to make sure that the Moon is in your Sun Star sign. The Moon affects the fluids in your body and helps the Oil be created.
2. The ancient gnostic text talk about sexual abstinence in order to get this to work. I refrained from having sex for two weeks before I did this.
3. Make sure you are in a good place in your head and that you have pure thoughts. Because if you don't, you won't go all the way to the end and meet the Light.
4. If this does not work the first time, try decalcifying your brain for six months and then come back and try again. I put in a reverse osmosis machine under my kitchen sink for $150.00 and I quit using fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride calcifies the pineal gland, which is what we are trying to activate.
5. This last one is a WARNING. Working on yourself is PARAMOUNT beforehand so that you have the best positive experience you can. Also, you need those skills for afterwards. I was super high for about 2 weeks and then I became insanely negative. It took a lot of hard work to crawl out of that hole and then maintain the connection, so you need to be prepared for that mentally. SUICIDE HAS OCCURRED IN THE UNPREPARED. THIS IS LIFE CHANGING. Make sure you have some good meditation techniques. Maybe have a friend handy to lean on a little.
In my experience I was granted one wish, I wanted to be emotionally healed from the damage caused by being an innocent man on death row. I was also gifted with a vision. The Chrystal Light Being touched my heart in order to heal it so that I could love my family properly, and it showed me that everyone on Earth has this Light Being inside of them. Everyone will have their own experience. This is how to have a true Kundalini Awakening, but it's also called the Anointing of the Christ/Chrism Oil, the return of Christ is the return of this knowledge to you. This is what it means to have Christ in you inorder to enter Heaven, it's something you do while you are alive. Email me at jcchrism at yahoo. com for a free pdf with more info. Good luck my friend.
I love you❤️
mental illness… just a word salad of crazy.
He said very little about his future experience.
Love is who you ARE. .. it is what you are. Love is coming here as Bob, Mary, Joe, Janice .. ect ect.
It is who you are ! … it is also what everything is made of … you can not be in manifest form and some how be seperate from Love, you can only not know who you are due to knowledge, and living from concepts.
Life is Unlimited… in knowing this, you instantly know that aliens exist, because Life being unlimited can be any form of its making. Life can be a tiny winged lady bug .. a long necked horse with unusual patterns, to a two legged man who is called dad .. then how can aliens somehow not exist .. that would only limited life.
There is so much more.
Extraterrestrial demons, fallen angels and their offspring.
Magnificent gratitude beautiful Souls, I cannot Appreciate U more, this was so very honest & things I’ve felt coming 💞🤗💞Thanks 4 sharing Ur truth ❤🎉❤🎉❤
Thank you so much for both interviews..👋👍👉💪💖
Interesting what he is saying about the earths atmosphere clearing. It happened when we went into lock down at the beginning of the Covid Pandemic. There was hardly any traffic for two days and the atmosphere cleared. Not only was it particulate matter but the sound energy dropped down and was more calm. We live about a mile from I 80 and the continuous noise or vibration is very draining. So how bad is the particulate. Lets change this.
Thank you so much Jeff. I feel immediately so much better about myself and the future for all. I hugely appreciate you.
Interesting! I had a vision of a blue flash that blasted across the earth and afterward the sky and colors where so intense and the air was fresh and it felt so calm and beautiful!