The Dear David Ghost story just got more scary as Dear David was caught on camera in HORRIFYING, supernatural photos!
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Do you believe in this "Ghost" story?
What if you say dear David five time’s
– Charlotte brought me here
anyone else?
If I got haunted , I'll never do anything I'll just let my spiritual mom to take care of it !
i woild kill myself
Reminds me of something my roommate would wake me up to. She wakes me up around 2 or three most nights and says something scary lol
That would be so scary real. Nope nope nope
Holy f*#k this is wayyyyyyy to freaky
We want Charlotte dobre not you
He's an author/illustrator for a living, dear. He's taking everyone for a ride. He's good at what he does, I'll give him that
Know someone the song on fundal?
Wow girl i like your accent😍😘😝😳💙💜💙💜💙💜
(im A female/girl 💙💜)
I think its so real
Can any of this be independently verified? No. Why is it that ghosts are invisible to science and we have to rely on unverifiable 2nd and 3rd hand accounts or grainy pictures/videos every single time? I know it is fun to get enthralled in fantasy but ghosts probably aren't real as far as we can tell.
info wars has never said anything about mars and has only talked about things that other sources that mainstream is supposed to be reporting but isn't.
this is fake the person who made this myth had doll and he pretended that he would find stuff falling from his attic its just a doll everyone
Dear David's death was caused by his mom…
wow Rebecca your in a TON of vids
Edit:oops i mean channels
Hell to the nah I would have ran to another country if I saw him
I feel really safe in the comments saying this is fake like it gives me that part of that confidence lol
Boi this dude needs a therapist like dayum
I believe in the Holy Ghost
I think its fake the pictures are way too clear..if ghosts were that easy to photograph there would be a lot more evidence out there..but it would be great if it wasnt fake..i love a good ghost story..
I seean my dead grampa at the foot of my beed.i was scared
Of course it's fake. It's also scary and fun.
The whole Dear David thing is boring.
The more that comes = the more im skeptical
I've seen it I'm still crying
I was following, but he lost me with the doll – actually, he had started to lose me at the shoe.
Does dear David has a family?