Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape Snow in Canada 1080p

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Unbelievable Natural Disasters Caught on Tape. Snow in Canada
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More than five centimeters were recorded in areas around Ottawa.
From here, conditions are expected to only worsen as temperatures drop and areas where it has rained are at risk of dangerous flash frosts.

“Snowstorm conditions are developing tonight as a result of very strong winds and lake effect snow off Georgian Bay,” Environment Canada said in a statement. “Given the local nature of lake-effect snow, accumulation will vary by location. Remember that it doesn’t take much accumulation combined with very strong winds to develop a blizzard.”
Snow buildup isn’t expected to be as much of an issue in Toronto, but with a winter storm warning, Mayor John Tory
The combination of harsh winter precipitation and strong winds, in some cases reaching gusts of up to 90 km/h, has already led to power outages in parts of the province.
More than 35,000 customers were without power , according to Hydro One. Officials expect power outages to be a problem for many as a result of this storm.
The worst of these resulted in blizzard warnings for areas like the Midland, Orillia and other locations close to Georgian Bay, with up to 50 centimeters of possible snowfall.
There are more than 1,100 pieces of equipment around the city ready to deal with the snow when it piles up,” Tory said.
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New york turns into an ocean! flash floods, cyclone bombs & huge waves hit new york

Major flooding overwhelmed parts of Long Island, New York City and the Jersey Shore earlier Friday, with strong onshore winds combining with high tide to strand cars in what appeared to be multiple feet of water. Nassau County’s Freeport, Baldwin Bay and Hempstead Bay saw major coastal flooding, with water levels recorded at 7.2 feet at 8 a.m. Friday. The threat should continue to ebb over the course of the day, though. Winds shift to the west Friday afternoon, which will significantly diminish hide tide levels. Water levels are expected to stay well below a minor flood stage (6 feet) going forward. The remaining coastal flood warnings in effect are expected to expire by mid-afternoon. Howard Beach in Queens also was hit hard early Friday. The city’s Department of Environmental Protection said it was prioritizing that neighborhood and other vulnerable ones in the southern part of the borough. It said it expected to ramp up cleanup efforts once high tide waters receded.

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