Another year, like 30 or something more memes. I had a lot of fun this year making memes, and the channel also grow a bit as well. As I’m sure some of you have noticed, I’ve taken a soft break this month. This is a combination of real-life stuff going on and running out of ideas. There are only so many times you can go “haha demi-fiend go burr” before it gets boring. Therefore, the old 10-second meme format is probably gonna have to go as my main form of content. The new content will be pretty similar, just longer and more sustainable. I’ll still be doing Shin Persona Tensei V though. Anyway, see you next year!
Videos that got cut cuz they got copyrighted-
Playing Nocturne Be Like: https://youtu.be/Haw6-CltWb4
Merciful Mode In Nocturne Be Like: https://youtu.be/GaeemdXUoiU
It’s NNN, don’t do it!: https://youtu.be/sD2QM7OIHXw
#meme #memes #smt #nocturne #smtv #persona
smh matador doesn't even know that shin megami tensei nocturne was originally on the playstation 2….
YESSS. The RKG video I've been waiting for! I've been rerunning through old SMT memes again recently so this is great.
5:43 Or you can go the Weebo route and start by watching the Nakajima OVAs
I miss Raidouh!
Ngl thought real name was Battle V8 and never once clicked on any links that said crazy murder dance or whatever, I don't have time for click bait, I only watch the donkest of memes, like this compilation, great job