Kitten Abandoned In The Rain, Cold, Shrinking for Protect Herself – No one heeded his plea for help
Our channel is not monetized, so my videos are not intended for monetization. We want to spread the act of protecting animals to everyone!
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We are from the animal rescue team. We specialize in rescuing homeless, abused or trapped animals. Surely you are also an animal lover when watching this video of us. We all own a beloved animal, and we all understand the pain of an abandoned animal. Because my country is still poor and backward, so many animals are abandoned. The bad thing about this is that at the moment we can’t provide enough or the food is in short supply, we hope everyone can do a small part to support the animals in need.
Animals Care Media – The National Rescue Center is headquartered in Mexico and has several small branches in undeveloped countries. Because the population here is still poor, animals are not respected. So animals are often abandoned, live in landfills…and are not taken seriously. Our mission is to adopt abandoned animals and rehabilitate many abused animals. We are available 24/7 to assist anyone who calls.
thanks everyone!
#rescueanimals #animals #animalscute #catlover #animalprotection
Donate For Animal Care Paypal: animalscaremedia@gmail.com
We are from the animal rescue team. We specialize in rescuing homeless, abused or trapped animals. Surely you are also an animal lover when watching this video of us. We all own a beloved animal, and we all understand the pain of an abandoned animal. Because my country is still poor and backward, so many animals are abandoned. The bad thing about this is that at the moment we can't provide enough or the food is in short supply, we hope everyone can do a small part to support the animals in need.
thanks everyone!
Everybody wants humanity
Oh my god wat abeatiful catthanks for taking care of him/her❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for saving this beautiful Kitty I've never seen a cat with these kind of making its very unusual and the marking are beautiful. I wish I could adopt this cat I would love to give this kitty a forever loving home I would take very good care of him. To bad I live so far away I'm in thre USA so the adoption isn't going to happen for me but I hope and pray this beautiful car finds a wonderful loving forever home. You Sir are a good kind soul I wish the world had many more people in it like you the world would be a much better place if everyone had the compassion in their heart that you have for animals. Thank you Very Much for Saving the Beautiful Wondeful Cat.
Beautiful save of a beautiful creature.
I love you 🐈
That is the most beautiful cat I've ever seen! That little furbaby had an angel looking out for it ♥
Thank you for saving this cute kitty🙏❤
Only someone crazy would abandoned a beautiful cat like that
Какой то с позволения сказать"художник", поиздевался над бедным котейкой и выбросил на улицу. Или специально сделано,для лайков. Безумие и безнаказанность за издевательство над животными процветает.
God less your compassionate heart!! praying for this dear baby!!!
What a stunning lil floof,and what amazing people you are to love him so much ❤️ 💗
Вау, какой красивый окрас
Thanks for saving this sweet cat! God Bless You Sir for caring! 👍😇😊
OMG…I want him so bad…what a beautiful fur coat…never seen such colour before
what a beautiful cat ❤
i’ve never seen coloring like that on a kitty.
thank you for saving him and nursing him to good health. makes me so happy any time a good person like you helps an animal when they need it.
☹️ bulu nya cakep banget
That kitty has been traumatized by something. Such a pretty little one. Thankyou for saving him.
Poor sweetie
Такой красивый котик. Спасибо всем, кто не проходит мимо бедных животных и помогает им.
Gorgeous kitty. He looks happier now
Thankyou for having empathy & loving care for this beloved 🐈 God Bless you for showing LOVE💕🌍💖🕊️👏✅🙏🤗
Bless you!
Thnx to all for saved this baby
Ella teba amar mucho🥰😍😭😭😭😭desde colomnia Dios te bendiga
Un ser humano que abandona trata mal un animalito es mala persona bien por el q tubo misericordia y recogio al gatico y lĺoraba Dios te bendiga yo amo todolos animalitos y sufro mucho por loq les hacen y ellos son puros
What a splendid fur!
Moço você é um anjo Deus te proteja