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90% comments are about the guy slipping out of the car
I once saw this cute mouse, and it fell into a bowl of cream. The mouse began to scrap around with mild licks wiggling his or her whiskers, and nose. The point is sometimes you land in something sweet, and this, was a sweet treat of laughter that had me rolling.
Ну Максим конечно многие места сгладил, о некоторых совсем умолчал. Не понятно почему? В таком монументальном для блогера труде? Объявление войны было, Сталин готовился сам напасть -доказано многими историками, это не миф. И потери были не из-за некомпетентность руководства,а потому что многие встречали Гитлера как освободителя от советского строя и тоталитарной системы…этому всему стоило уделить внимание
FYI, That's a track hoe not a dozer.
7:08 guys not a red flag, he's the definition of a red code warning.
2:55 is he going to pay for the cart full of broken groceries? Or he is going to leave it there for all of us to pay for it.
Slipped Out Of Truck Guy's problem is that he's known too many people who let him speak to them like that.
I don't know why I laugh so much at this 6:20. are they magnet handle decoration? XD
Pole *
I appreciate your videos but kids watch these and that faggot on the pool isn't cool
4:18 what’s the fail?
7:18 dawg ur not helping the stereotype big truck little 🍆😂
4:30 Hearing "Im on neutral" should be always first thing when someone jumps out of the boat but tries to go right back in. Good that some people still can play it cool.
4:47 Ouch, the girls knee is history, hope not
Not a bulldozer
rest in peace right knee 4:50
there are Indonesians at the beginning who will emit a lot of smoke, greetings from Indonesia it turns out that the videos are mostly from Indonesia salam dari Indonesia ya wkwk saya dari orang indonesia
Seriously with that guy at 0:10? Thought you were better than this.
Thought a train would be much stronger than that!
I hope she leaves him, what a wanker
If that guy with the truck loses his temper over such a little thing I can only imagine what that woman has to go through if they're together or whatever the relationship is
Bulldozer?!? LMMFAO 🤣
I feel bad for people who are hurt and that will hurt 🤕 and when I play the other one the video is explo the car
Epic Fail! 😂😂
Jesus Milo!
7:05 Some serious smol pp energy there, buddy.
dude guy in the truck acting like some one shit on his face or something god dam anger issues
2:58…well, that went differently than I expected…same result in the end, but I was expecting the trolley to flip out from underneath him, like when a motorcycle pulls a wheelie too far back and pops out from underneath…and that the balancer would just drop vertically facedown whilst still planking
Grab the fish!
Whoever wrote title clearly doesnt know what a bulldozer is
03:47 missed life in a wheelchair by just a bit. happy for him!
You can tell that lady is afraid of dude, who fell out of the truck and kicked the tree into space..She moves away as comes close yelling.
Rapid firebox opening