Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.
If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE
I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE
I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE
Hey everyone, I wanted to make a change to this video, donors will be thanked at the end instead of the beginning. I want to see if this new format plays out a little better. Let me know your preference in the comment section below.
Thank you!!!
I know the true link between death and life, and the abundant and endless knowledge after death. I also know what is the safe way to leave the body and return to the body without any anxiety or fear.
Wow… It seems like our "judgment" is all self inflicted because it never seems like God is judging anyone based on these ndes… That is very interesting.. Pretty incredible how our God doesn't seem to judge. Our "judgment" with God is us judging ourselves for the pain we put others through and our other sins… It makes me feel alot better that God isnt angry with me even though I always feel like he must be.
Well done, insightful .
Thank you for narrating this wonderful near death experience 🙏🏻
I really enjoyed hearing your experience. Thank you for sharing. Instead of passing on grief and pain, you choose to pass on hope and love. You are a special spirit. By the sounds of it, you are a strong one and are stronger than you realise. Thank you.
Yup, It is hard to replace a "player" in the middle of the movie! The reason they gave him was lame. So they told him (or gave him the knowlege) that he planned it all? If we are given knowlege, how do we know what we are given is true?
Also It is so nice of them to feel bad and care if the family and friends are affected because of a suicide but they don't care about other people that lose a young family/friend to accident, illness etc.? why not save them?
I think they don't like the "Earth" series to end on "their" Netflix …
I'm glad he had this NDE, he gets to find out what many don't before all is too late. Well done Lee, much better leaving the thank you's till the end.
Thank you! Beautiful! 💜💙
I am so happy you put this up it illustrates that life if sometimes, very hard , or we feel hopeless, bu giving up hurts many more people then we can possibly know…
My mother-in-law was inflicted with fairly severe bipolar disorder all her life and at times was a real pain in the <fill in the blank>. One day I was at the end of my rope with her and prayed about this and that to the lord about what she was doing and the answer I got was like a slap up side my head. The answer in plain speech inside my head was "What makes you think she isn't doing exactly what I want her to be doing?". From that day forward, my view of her and a lot of other people in and who had been in my life changed. I actually learned to forgive people who had wronged me from that day. It was an amazing experience. I knew from teachings of my Church that people choose to come to earth and accomplish certain objectives (like taught in this NDE), but until this answer to prayer didn't really understand the importance of it. Yes, we are here with a plan. We are here to experience specific things, things to strengthen us, to help us grow spiritually. In the case of my MIL, she was here not only to grow and experience for herself, but she was to suffer her illness so others could deal with her to be helped in their path. People like me.
I get so exited when a new upload is done❤thanks so much for sharing ❤
The end.
It was a wonderful experience he had. It turned his life around, so I'm happy for him.
Wow, I wish I had this much insight at 16. I think I could barely walk and chew gum at the same time when I was that age. Very nice NDE. It sounds like the person had a good resolve. PS. I love this community that you've created, Leigh. Thank you for this. I like that you credit your donors personally, beginning or end!
Hey Leigh I want to ask you this. I have seen many of your NDE's where people say they met God face to face and I have seen a testimony where a man met God too. How do you think one could meet God face to face. I want to meet him face to face. I know he exists 100 percent, I have heard his voice in a dream, it was the voice that gave Moses The Ten Commandments. I know I can't literally meet him face to face as he isn't a human being with a physical form but I know he can manifest as a man. He's God dude.
I wish I could donate on every video but I am recently collecting Social Security and it’s not very much but I’m hoping my XRP investment takes off in 2023… I kind of liked You talking about the donations at the beginning
I can speak only to my own NDEs. The mind is a wonderful thing. I was usually conscience and on dialysis (two large needles in my left arm connected to a machine). My nurses (lovely people) notice when a patient's eyes dilate due to a sudden loss in blood pressure. This is the light, the entire center (room) was painfully bright. I had no afterlife belief but felt a withdrawing feeling like I was getting smaller or pulling backwards, like a movie affect. These center was usually cold on purpose, but I got almost hot and then pleasantly warm. These are chemical reaction in the brain. I had anywhere from 8 to 10 of these over the course of the last six months I was on dialysis. They were usually similar in nature. I have since then discovered, like the chap narrating his personal experience, that people of different belief systems see different things. This is either the mind on chemicals or all the religions afterlife stories are true and all the different gods are real. Since we all experience different things even if you have more than one, I can only conclude these are the work of our minds/brains and not actual events. Hope for the sake of hope is errant. A drug trip can do the same thing.
Nose picking incidents from his childhood???
I cannot imagine the torture of battling depression an entire lifetime.
This is a great channel
Like the “thank yous” at the beginning. Gives me an opportunity to be thankful for the kindnesses of others 😊
Very good NDE! I appreciate his opportunity to reflect on the consequences of his actions, and make his decision.
I love the reading of names at the end because it gives me a chance to finish my comments before a new video starts. I used to have depression but after I read a book about it years ago, my stopped since the book explained that if we realized there is something we need to do the depression stops as soon as we try to figure out what that is, especially if we do it.
I enjoyed this young man’s experience. He was quite bright and mature for 16 years old. He readily accepted living and learning and cared for those he loved. His sense of humor at the end was a delight.
Reading the names at the end is ok for me even though I preferred the names to be read at the beginning. You might consider alternating for those who preferred the name be read at the end.
I liked the names at the end. When they're in the beginning, I'm tempted to fast forward. At the end, I'm contemplating the NDE and listening to the names passively, not anxious to get past them & to the content. Great NDE, I really liked this one! 💜
I heard this same voice in a YouTube ad smh. Even though the voice reading the nde could be fake I'm still not unsubscribing. I enjoy the channel and party at my house when this channel hits 200k🎉
This life review was very tough to listen because the pain that ran through it was palpable. I admire this person’s decision to return even though they knew it would be very hard. When I heard how their prospective suicide would have had on people, even those who were distally connected it really made me think hard about the “ripple effect”- every action touches/affects another.❤ Seems like this person is very selfless, in being concerned about that impact.
I must say that as an ex-raised-Catholic, and post-Evangelical believer, NDE accounts are far more comforting than any scripture. There, I said it. And thank you, Lee.
I like the change in putting the donors at the end of the video.
Thank you for your excellent work and devotion .
He's correct. You SO don't want to get stuck in the Suicide Loop. Think about poor DJ tWitch now facing the Suicide Loop ..there are no opt outs in your life "contract" with God. Finish your tests, move on.