An unidentified flying object spotted in Hawaii caught enough people’s attention to get the Federal Aviation Administration involved.
Full story: https://abc7.com/society/ufo-sighting-prompts-alert-to-faa/9341731/
An unidentified flying object spotted in Hawaii caught enough people’s attention to get the Federal Aviation Administration involved.
Full story: https://abc7.com/society/ufo-sighting-prompts-alert-to-faa/9341731/
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I'm noticing a lot more comments now in support that these are aliens. Just shows it takes a long time to change societies minds on something. When once before you were just laughed at.
People are pranking people with drones all the time. Looks like a glow stick attached to a drone.
You cannot tell the size of something in the sky, at night, with nothing to size it in comparison.
I do believe in UAPs though, even the CIA has come out with saying 'we don't know what's flying out there'.
I just recently caught the same thing on video while filming stars, it's on my channel if people want to see it. They are jinn, the same species as Satan, they are serpent dragons created from fire. They are able to fly up into the heavens.
nasa be like: is that an alien ufo?
while me: is that a giant cheeto
Its Doctor Evil
They're here
My Angels will sound their trumpets throughout all the nations warning trumpets oh yeah God is dead lol God meets the dead and living foolish morons everything you have is owed to God my army will exact revenge globally against my enemies
I came ahead of them now it's the time to meet me in the clouds a lot of things that shouldn't have happened happened a lot was allowed a lot people showed me their true colors
A second massive fleet of sea forces by third massive fleet of air forces a forth fleet of terrestrial forces will converge on the nations all the seas land air
I will send forth into war and battle thousands of my fiery angels they will takes over the heavens the seas a fiery monstrous cherubim will follow behind them they will prepare fiery justice upon all my enemies
Massive technological disturbances will sweep the solar system events that the gods enemies will have zero power or control over
The losses will be beyond anything they could have imagined there will be signs of panic dismay and total shock for the sinning nations individuals
Anyone know where the original video is?
I have still shots of blue orbs in Missouri.
Biden’s America
Looks like species of jellyfish that can fly. That might be what a lot of the UFOs that are going in and out of the are.
How can I help
They are trying to talk to us
I like how this video is exactly 2:22 long. 😏
The first ET's that show themselves will be very human like. Otherwise people will not be prepared to accept them as benevolent beings.
Lol they called 911
My friend saw a green glowing object fall into the ocean in Kona
it's Stitch
Crazy how UFO's are only spotted in the USA
0:40 I think that's a d1LD0
Called 911? 🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️🤦🏼♀️ Connect to the Christ energy.
Shii probably jusy maui pullin up anada island
It was a glow in the dark kite
I'm starting to think the Gov has had this kind of technology for a long time ! And will possibly use it against the citizens or it will be measured " enslavement " to "protect " the citizens ! Seriously why would aliens want to come here really ! I'm not disbelieving I don't know it's just a theory .
What I believe these are, at least the ones that accelerate at extreme rates, are balls of superheated gas, aka "Directed Energy Weapon" tests, not UFOs. That's why they are able to acceletate at such impossible rates, because they are literally just coming from a beam (probably on one of the ships), and have no mass.
The same principle is used for creating plasma in a tokamak (fusion reactor).
Look up Directed Energy Weapons they are the future of warfare.
They are conditioning us. That’s why we seeing so many of them. So when they come we won’t be so surprised.
In 1989 i seen 4 huge spheres fly over my house,they were red blue yellow and orange,made no sound and were perfect spheres,the blue one was the same blue as this one,hope to see them again.
I seen the small white one yesterday, i seen how it flys and how it looks, just like a paper towel roll that is finished, they way it flew the tube or roll folded like a snake as it stopped for a split second and went at high speed so fast it disapeaered seemed like it went into another dimension. i saw this the second time once very high this is the second time and it was very close about 15 feet from the ground
That’s a paraglider you can see he person under the “wings”
I have a small self explanation, I think it could be us from the future, documenting real historical events.
Aliens, maybe, but more like our satellites and space probes. Takes pictures, gathers scientific data, etc. I don’t think there are occupants inside, just technology.
Did they see anything on radar at all, regardless of nothing tracked, then disappearing from radar?
The worlds population are seen more and more sightings because this is preparing us for the contact of other civilizations. The Governments of the USA and other countries already know this.
Drone Hoax drop off LED in plastic bags?? UFOs just don't fall. They intend to direct where they want to go.
Dat sound like maria
Fake don't show us on media show us in real life
It didn’t crash, it dove. Heading back to mother base I presume.
Ball lightning
If they can fly into the ocean, they can make cities under the ocean.
Irresponsible fake news msm.
They had to have known that, which makes them liars. If they didn't know, then they're stupid. Either way, they have no business reporting the news.