Funny Videos 2022 | Instant Regret | Fails Of The Week | Fail Compilation 2022 | Fails | RandomFails
Welcome to Fun Time I make meme videos and funny fail videos as well as comp s of twitch clips. This video in particular is a girl fails compilation video, that I found in 2022. When I look for videos I try my best to find the most entertaining ones. I hope you enjoy this video. Subscribe if you like my videos 😀
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This video is for entertainment purposes only. My videos are not intended to bully/harass or offend anyone. The clips shown are funny, silly, they relieve stress and anxiety, create good vibes and make viewers laugh.
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This video is inspired by, Failarmy
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I like pranks. I also love my family, and I don’t think I would be comfortable subjecting them to that kind of extreme terror. It’s one thing if the broadcast is something like an alien attack. But a nuclear war is very much a possibility at the moment, and it’s on everyone’s mind. That’s not a prank. It’s just cruel.
You lost me at the nuclear prank. Far from funny.
Funny fails
I hope they sued the first guy
Most of the Videos aren't funny, they stupid or dangerous or both.
Are you anxious, are you depressed, are you lost..you only have to believe that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is the Messenger of God..and follow the instructions of Islam..a method that is one hundred percent guaranteed to remove worries..and problems, no matter how big and everything..try it, you will not lose Shi .. I love doing good for everyone and I am sure that you will feel comfortable if you settle it ..
Nobody cares about your Bible crap
very funny 😂
Anybody knows please the name of the monologist and which is?
8:12 dont wreck cool looking shit in nature these must be some lame ass city folk with no respect
you'll know a real nuclear attack, because there wont be a emergency broadcast
guy diving didn't have a diver's flag that I could see. It was 100% his fault if he didn't, especially in that busy channel.
Horse stood there like he just knocked a walk off home run!!!
Don't know who Ric Flair is either, and he didn't come up in a Bing search. 🤷
Who is that comedian lol?
Bruh. Putting salt in somebody's Coke is a prank. Telling your family they're all finna die in 15 min is just fucked up.
Czy tylko mnie to nie smieszy?
What was the first one? What did he ask?
That girl in the nails needs a brain transplant
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." —
"To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." —
7:52 Dirty ass Edward Scissorhands want-a-be looking motherfu<ker
1:38 that horse was uncomfortable right from the start.
4:37 me too buddy me too …. 🥰
The nuclear warning "pranks" are so shitty. If someone ever did that to me they would never set a foot in my house again. I don't care if it is friends or family. Piece of garbage human.
🇵🇸 free Palestine
7:51 You know who's butt isn't properly wiped…
Guy at 2:30 doing surface dives without a surface marker buoy… Wow! He really wants to win that Darwin award. Utterly irresponsible of him. I feel sorry for the guy driving the boat. I'm guessing his heart was in his mouth thinking he might have killed someone. Tip for the diver – the OK symbol is used underwater between buddies at short range. At distance on the surface you place your fingertips on top of your head making a big O shape with your arm. The captain would actually be able to see that at distance.
4:40 holy moly that is a LOT of teeth 😂😂
10:04 Nuclear prank, NOT FUNNY! When I found out who did it they would be SMACKED out of their next 10k pranks. 💩☠
dog – "it's not just any stick it's BIG STICK!" "i'm stick of you grabing my BIG STICK!"
OMG, there is a nuclear attack on the town we are in, let's film the television with our phone…
The sacmmer thing, he should have told them "reaper drones have been dispatched to your location" adding a bit of extra fire.
The hacker that finds the scammer is a YouTuber called Scambaiter – credit him if you are taking his content…
4:35 That was fuked up. wtf
That nuclear family, i would not want to teach them. Soooooo chatting chatting chatting, even when “their life” hang on next info, they couldn’t shut up
Some sweet Shibby Shibs
Great video thanks for posting 😂😂😂🙏🏾
Its clearly apparent stupidity will supercede absolutely everything in the collapse of western society especially in N America in the coming years. It's happening so rapidly its truly scary how it's pushed to the forefront of society with praise and celebration, we are totally fked!..Maybe the zombie apocalypse is already here without the eating of brains because so many individuals lack one in the first place, the ability to critically think is going extinct!
The diver made two mistakes; 1- no red buoy to signal his presence to boats. 2- he could hear the boat coming, he shouldn't have surfaced while it was above him.
He as a “famous” person has an obligation to the fans to sign stuff, meet and greet. If he did want the attention he should have door dashed or bought the place out or at least a private section. He is an asshole.