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NEAR DEATH CAPTURED by GoPro and camera pt.123
#neardeath #captired #gopro
untrained workers in dangerous work environment so their bosses can save money, i say sue the companies and make them go bankrupt, those mofos dont deserve running a company
What the? I just got here and it's already 1, 2, 3. Like your video bro 👍
Greetings from Brazil
happy new year!!
Happy new year to you and everyone else 🎉🎉🎉 greetings from Germany
Yeah a snark is horrible way to go
When you say "what is that???" Fkn takes me out 🤣🤣🤣💀💀💀🤣🤣🤣
i've seen so many videos of people who fell right under a truck and got crushed. bikers, drunks, and people who just tripped. its crazy how fast you can die.
If u did a GOT reaction ill patreon.
3:10 "It's comin right for us!!!" Just like Jimbo in South Park
What did he do that is he stupid is it a movie stunt, what's a snark lol, drunk early, lol, what a damn fool on a skateboard, look at the pretty kitty pet him, lol, What an idiot loan the truck that way You put it in the other ways too much wind resistance, damn fool, haha moron, on the lake, what is wrong with you people you're on a board you got to look out, this is damn crazy WTF, this is why you need a flag of some on your damn motorcycle the truck I can't see 4 ft below him, LOL never get married there you go, this is great quizzy you got to do more.
That video look like it was shot in Honolulu
"You definitely scared away all the fish" 🤣
#O D G 4 LIFE 💙
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Hi Quizzy 👋
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This video is filled with crazy situations
Hey quiz, have you ever had any close calls like that yourself?
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