Those creatures you’re not meant to speak by name are exactly the kinds of things featured in today’s massive 5+ hours compilation of 46 Absolutely DISTURBING Folklore Encounters!
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Please narrate more with scary voices please I love them more that way!!!!! I watched the Grudge alone in the dark ngl she scary with her mouth open 😳🤣😂😭😐 not funny anywayssss more scary voices pleeeease.
Ever hear of the race Nephilim (rooted in the Bible Genesis 6) ? All of these monsters are either made up or the vast # of them belong to the monsters created by the 200 fallen angels aka the Watchers & their reprobate children, the Nephilim (giants). The Watchers were transformed from their angelic-states into Devils & the Nephilim that died became demons. Fantastic reference: Book of Enoch. And yes, I do believe the existance of Vampires, Werewolves, Sasquatch, Leprechauns, Mermen/Maids, Sirens, Thor & Hercules were cannibalistic giants who drank blood (that adrenochrome thing), Zeus & Odin were fallen angels (Watchers) who took on many I.D.'s, and I could go on & on 👹
Jesus that story about the tall thin stalker was horrifying, curiosity got more than a cat this time.
All these usernames check out I surely don't believe any of these stories are fake LOL.
I like "full moon devil" at around 3:40:00
Lost me in the first lame story
“NOW…let’s begin” My favorite saying💕Best voice and stories on YT!
Thank you for saying la llorona right lol ❤🙏🏾💪🏾
That alien story needs 2 be a movie it had my full attention
Golden Narrator.
Please narrate with rain background sometimes brother, great stuff
This is the best channel ever scary stories with a little back history thank you so much for all your hard work❤
I like the story around the three hour mark on the Police officer rescuing a child from the woods. Probably the most believable story on Grey's I've heard, would be nice to have a copy of the story.
Some nice creepy stories, but the Ouija board one around 4:20 really got to me. Those boards are truly occult and do summon evil entities. When 16 I and a friend played with one at her house. We called up something at her house. Once was enough for me! Never again after that. She continued though. Eventually we parted as friends, though I heard from others how mean and nasty she became. I think something evil took her over from how she changed! My Lord Jesus only! Never again anything occult!!! Ever!!!! Kids think it funny. or quirky or a game, but it tricks and deceives them; pulling them towards the devil! Beware!
Coyote skinwalker and UFO stories were best
Most excellent
YESSS I LOVE THE FOLKLORE HI DARKNESS ITS ME ALI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can someone explain how I review the shows on Spotify? I can't figure it out but would love to know so I can help.
I listen ,because most are real ,just unknown at present 🙂
North Korea Tube algo: I demand shorts!!!
Darkness Prevails: Best I can do is 5 hours.
Belief hole podcast is another great channel for this kind of content
if you don't reproduce with menehune you're a racist
Awe reruns
Are these true?
Just saying the sister needs a stake through the heart tbh
56:30 That's an Alp from German mythology. It's a type of witch appearing at night, sitting on people's chest. They usually wake up, because it feels like a weight is pressing down on them and they can't breathe. The word itself refers to a male entity, but it often appears as an old woman with skelettal fingers and sharp claws, missing teeth and wild, long grey or white hair. She cackles when she sits of you and extends her hands in the direction of your face, as if to scratch it or poke your eyes out. Her movements are always very slow, but you can't avoid them, because you're in a state of paralysis.
Also very common is, that you see her sitting in one of the far corners of the bed (often the one that touches the wall) after waking up, and then she comes crawling slowly towards you on the wall side of the bed or right on your legs up to your chest.
Check out Johann Friedrich Füssli's 1790 painting "Der Nachtmahr" (The Nightmare). It shows the Alp in its demonic form. The horse (aka the mare in "nightmare") refers to the second thing, that the Alp does: It entangles horses' manes at night and rides them in a wild frenzy. If they're unkempt and dripping sweat in the morning, although they supposedly spent all night in the stable, the Alp has visited them.
I’m a little confused by the skinwalker story about an hour in. If the writer and her sister in law are both “whites girls”, how is her sister in laws mom a full blooded native living on a reservation?
Great video Darkness!!!! 😁😁😁
Hmm. We don't use the term "camp outs" in Australia
Good morning Daddy darkness hope you and your family had a wonderful and happy New Year being here in central Arkansas close to Hot Springs national Park I was wondering if you might have some kind of freaky folklore stories about Arkansas or around the area of hot springs and Ouachita Lake and the mountains hope you have a wonderful day keep the creepy stories coming love them!
Awesome work mate
Another upload from Darkness!? Let’s go!! Keep the videos coming my guy.
I lived on Oahu for a couple of years and heard of those little creatures when we were at a lookout mountain one night, kept hearing strange noises coming from the bushes and trees.
“And we peeled outta there” is something I’m hearing more and more in these stories 😂 “yo man we just peeled outta there so fast”
Allah sezz good luck you eygptian serpants. And Hebrew snakes on the snakes sabbath day ov losers by there own submission worship thee snakes on Saturday worship the snakes on Sunday your own eygptiian Greeks Roman Jewish admissions god ahlah
Ares god hela anjole ahla sez good luck americas yor gonna need it
Ahla ares goddess ov death angel hela sez every other Greek and catholic Hindu Buddhist eygptian myth all love to suck on the setpoint guess church ov hells finaal damnation in the name ov god ahla good luck your gonna breed it alah
Ahla sez Islamic angels and Muslims came be 4 you Shiva loving sergeants Hindus Adam and eve snake. Eyed jesus loving eygptian lyrss yahweh seerpanntinne losers demons snake like saints demons cuz alah ares god ov deth hela all American Greek Roman lunatic who never draw a picture ov ahla at the Vatican ov well paid demons alha ahba ahla Damion god
I just love all your stories. Hope you have a great year.
Who wrote these stories, a 12 yr old? Good reader but awful stories…..
Thank you Darkness for the compilations ! I'm suffering a flue and this is perfect while I'm in bed listening to my Favorites !! 🖤👀🇨🇦
By anoynomous,by anoynomous,by anoynomous!!! By anoynomous!! I wrote a book about a true story haunted house. I got it published & put into a library. I took all the much deserved credit.
Your stories are my favorite
I just wish you used less bright visuals with the stories lol. I listen to these when I go to bed and the bright screen wakes me up at times 😳😅
I lived on the big island for four years. You got the night witches, the minihunees and night walkers on the Kona side. Ive seen the night witches. The one I saw was sitting in tree and my headlights caught it. The minihunees pushed my car over a cliff there. It’s an evil place. Horrible.
good horror stories or horrible stories lets see what we have here.
I'm sure I'm terrible for it, but as soon as I heard Dingo I started laughing because my brain started yelling "A Dingo ate my baby!".. It yelled it in an accent and everything lol. No wonder I listen to these and murder mysteries when I go to to sleep. The laughing doesn't help tho lol