“On the 22nd of April, 1992 a series of huge explosions ripped through the Mexican city of Guadalajara, opening up a trench almost eight kilometres (or five miles) in length…”
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00:00 – Intro
00:46 – Prelude to Disaster
03:38 – The Guadalajara Explosions
06:16 – The Aftermath
► “Glass Pond” by Public Memory
#Documentary #History #TrueStories
Same old story- City Officials: we might be wrong and don't want to be blamed, so let's just do NOTHING
It’s “figure” not “figger”
7 days later LA riots
Drain covers most certainly did NOT rattle and jump, not until the explosions started anyway. Only an explosion could cause these covers to jump. Don't believe me? Go out in front of your house and find one. Try to lift it. You'll see.
I think we need to put all rescources now, into a full investigation. Perhaps even begin a Lice wide evacuation.
Evacuation!? Tomorrow is the Coutang festival! Do you know how much money we would loose?
Im from GDL and, based on anecdotes Ive heard, my mom came extremely close to being there when the explosion ocurred. But like, close enough that chances were pretty high that she would have died, literaly the only thing that saved her was that one of my aunties (Who has a lot of mental issues) was having a bit of an episode that day, so they stayed home for a bit longer than they expected while they helped my auntie calm down and then heard the news about the explosion.
I was born in 1994 so, if it wasnt for my auntie, they would have both probably died there and I would have never been born. really scary to think about.
If I had lost everything, there would only be terror bombing left for me.
What is more important? Money and Power, or the people?
And this day will forever be remembered as Taco Tuesday🌮💨
Pemex paid out almost nothing. Actually it was an American investigator hired to investigate the disaster that found gasoline leaking from leaking pipes even on Pemex property but was charged with trespassing by the company and subsequently denied the chance to testify since his findings were found on private property and therefore obtained illegally. Corruption on a massive scale in the judicial system.
I was born in Guadalajara but came to the states when I was 5. I remember many years later going to visit my family and seeing a few houses demolished to rubble in the neighborhood.
They had told me they exploded…I’m guessing this is what had happened to them.
Iv watched so many of these videos that now I walk around thinking things like "man I hope there was a good safety Inspector for this building" or "I sure hope there no small fire burning in a some sucluded corner that'll fill this room with black smoke and kill 187 people" or "man I hope this thing is grounded" or….. Well you get the point haha
way to go Pele
I believe that if a corporation kills one employee, they should have to convert their company over for the benefit of the remainder of victims across the board, and lose all rights to their profits.. Or they can suffer the wrath of hell, a lifetime served for each individual that was killed, is fair as well.. Just my opinion..
The saddest part about the LACK OF ACCOUNTABILITY… It's from Corporations that the only recourse to is Boycotting them but even boycotting them isn't gonna work because they are a factory that makes a part for another factory to use that part to make the entire product. So boycotting is about as impossible as a getting a cake to make and bake itself. IF we could get the finish product companies to put their foot down on these irresponsible corporations, such as either they follow safety rules and keep up on their properties and doings or the company will cease business with the Corporation and find others to fill the gap, such as the Mom and Pop fabricators WHO DO FOLLOW STRICT RULES WHICH A GOVERNMENT DIDN'T HAVE TO PUT IN PLACE TO GET PEOPLE TO FOLLOW SAFETY PROTOCOLS.
I don't think cooking food with gasoline is a good idea.
the "almighty $$$ " over people. never ends.
And yet dumb people leave metals in contact with their gad meters causing galvanic corrosion just like this. And then they are surprised when their meter leaks gas. 🙄
Why do all these terrible events seem to take place in April?
I was on the disaster investigation team one year after the explosion. My first day on site was April 22, 1993 and the destruction was still evident in many areas. As the evidence pointed towards PEMEX, we were told they could not be the source since they had diesel fuel in their transmission lines. (Later we heard PEMEX changed the flow from gasoline to diesel right after the explosion.) As a result of our investigation we found one (1) fuel station that was leaking diesel into shallow soils and COESA wanted to charge them. We also discovered more than 20 feet of free diesel fuel on top of the groundwater supply in Parque Aqua Azul but were told that was not part of our scope.
The toll this disaster took on the population of Guadalajara was clear and the scars remain in place today. I offer my prayers for the residents and hope such an event never happens again.
who was the Mexican president during this period?
(As I'm watching this video, my parents are in Guadalajara to watch a tennis competition. Unnerving, to say the least.)
One doesn't have to go far to see the destruction that oil and gas companies have been causing since they came into existence, whether it's from the countless accidents brought about by the hubris and greed of industry execs (and the politicians they lobby) or from the effects of air pollution on the climate. The sooner we can figure a way to get out of our dependence of fossil fuels, the better it will be for all of us.
So greedy people cared more about money not about people's lives
I live in GDL and im 28. Nobody from my generation knows anything about the explosions. Like me for example i just knew it happened but the details i discovered watching this video.
My mother told me stories about this, she had some good luck that day she was outside the city when the explosions happened…
I feel like this channel should exploit mexican tragedies as horror stories because oh boy, do we have plenty of them. Our literature and fiction is mostly inspired by them.
claps buildings.
I'm from Guadalajara, and also my grandparents.
They remember with fear and horror that day.
My grandpa was working on his truck when the explosions started and he was far from the incident, in his way home, he started to pick up people on the street and taken them to hospitals, streets were completely destroyed and lost of dead people on the street.
My grandmother was just fine in home whit all the children, she opened her dor and star calling people on the streets to refuge them, she thought that was the end of the world. After the explosions she attended all the hurt people she found and eventually my grandfather get home and take all that people to hospitals.
Mexico….from Dusk till Dawn.
I was 8 yrs old and I remember my mom and grand ma very nervous, pointing me to watch the buses on top of trees and roofs on tv
I've noticed that it's fine for places and people in certain parts to have "rich cultures, but in the US or even Britain, having a "rich culture" seems to be described as bigotry, or even racism. Why is that? Why is it ok for the people of Guadalajara to have a rich culture, but the moment a Polish Irish, or German community has the same, people talk about the need for diversity?
Just something I noticed.
my parents were buying their house in Guadalajara back in the 90s when this shit happend, one of the sidestreets got caught with the explosion, no one was hurt thankfully but that shit was just terrifying to witness.
That look as bad as Germany did at the end of WWII!
My grandpa was the boss of gualajaras police when this happened, he told me that the death count was much much higher that was was officially accepted by the government, that buses full of people were burriend because they had no way of lifting them up from the holes that were created from the explosions
It's like in Jaws, authorities refuse to evacuate the beaches because of $ and politics and those who have info are forced to shut up and look at the ensuing horror eat up people.
It happens when Sharks overgrow (corporations), the ones who regulate are just interested in their payroll often from the shark itself (federal agencies/politicians), and those with good info from the trenches can't take decisions (local professionals). Exactly how the video explains it. I'm from Guadalajara and work at the international level, you should know this is happening everywhere, the Beirut explosion, DuPont Dark Waters in US, BP in Gulf of Mexico, LTCM…so can you stop or flee a Jaws attack in your town or country? Or are you distracted by the Queen's funeral and Depp's divorce?
Terrible and sad day!!
I live in Guadalajara and there were buses on top of buldings, they found people sittting down in the toilet taking a sh….
It wasn’t Gasoline , there used to be a lake type of thing, like the LA river where all the movies are filmed , like going on 60 seconds, blood in blood out , fast and furious , etc… i think its 4th & Cesar Chavez , well you get it, behind east los. El rio de San Juan de Dios, which is the biggest market in Latin America and what they did is that the covered it and made a street on top of that and it became a drain pipe line for dirty water , but when it was created , they didn’t think of the airflow so with the years and years of poop water passing through it with no ventilation that the gases accumulated to a point that it blew through the pipe lines.
And yes I’m not saying it wasn’t that big , but comparing with the earthquakes in Mexico City , 9/11, etc.. it was nothing it was just like 3% of the city. We still dont forget what happened but it was no FUEL involve
Soy de Guadalajara, y siempre se recuerda este hecho todos los años , mis papás y abuelos cuentan como es que había hoyos en las calles y gente muerta y quemada por todos lados, una verdadera barbaridad, tomando en cuenta que jamás se juzgaron a los responsables, cómo siempre pasa en México😢😢
I know a girl who helped in the hospital and says it was in the thousands that died. And most were not compensated. Just offered then low interest loans. And the politicians don't want to pay nothing because they look at it as their money, to steal. And human rights are controlled by the government so they don't do anything. It is what it is. Corruption is as common as cockroaches so it's a common practice,but they continue to do so because their is no one to stop them.
my father was going to buy something some minutes before the explosion, but he forgot tu put socks on, so he went back home. he just survived due to the socks
This story really gets me in the heart.
Many people smelled gas for days and reported it. Sewer covers were emitting fumes and rumbling.
So the city sends out crews to investigate. The fire chief makes a statement over the radio for people not to panic. It's being taken care of. There will be no explosions.
The mayor doesn't want to evacuate citizens because it would just cause to many problems.
Many lives could have been saved if those who were near the strong smell were told to evacuate early as soon as the odor was noticed. There's no good reason for sewers to be reeking of gasoline bad enough for people to be feeling sick.
Surly no one could know the extent of damage or where explosions could happen.
But I would think the areas that had the strongest odors were would be considered ground 0.
The pictures of the damage are horrifying.
The gasoline company is pathetic in continuing to deny they're at fault and paying out small amounts of compensation.
Other than being at a gas station if I smell gas fumes I'm hightailing it out of there.
May all those who lost their lives be at peace. May the survivors and family members of all be wrapped in comfort.
Amazing how no one in these videos is held accountable -smh
…just never combine bean farts with gasoline fumes lol “shouldn’t have the chipotle” lol
"Y'see boys, the sewer is a fragile ecosystem" – Mr Hankey, 1998
Rest in peace to everyone who never made it home
It's Mexico… What do you expect?