Singing, jumping and even climbing walls 🤯 The pets of Bondi Vet got some crazy skills and here are our top 5!
00:26 – This goat can open the fridge!
07:13 – Beagle agility king!
18:37 – Singing dog!
34:50 – Animals that help kids on the spectrum!
39:39 – Ninja dog can climbs walls!
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Chris must be very tall. He makes doorways look like they belong to gnomes.
Splodge is truly something else. He doesn't look up at the world. He looks down at it.
Now that was so much fun. I love your ideas Chris and understanding of the animals. You are in it for the love of animals for sure. To bad you live so far away. Who ever has you as a vet is very fortunate.
Dog has laryngitis. Well, why not. One of my sister's cats gave himself a case of laryngitis by hissing almost nonstop at a cat that was hanging around my sister's house. Being the protector of the house and family he fancied himself to be, he would sit in the living room window and hiss at the cat incessantly. Poor George, he got to the point that he had no meow ….. he could only mouth a meow. The cat eventually disappeared and George's voice eventually returned.
The goat wasn't the issue. The unlocked refrigerator was the problem.
Why would anyone tie up a goat with a thin rope that any goat would eat?
child locks are needed lol naughty brownie
❤❤❤ You are all heroes!
Brownie peed on the floor because she was mad that she couldn't get her Turkish bread. My dogs do it all the time. They use my legs and feet as targets when they are upset with me. Animals are very smart. You'd be surprised at what they do to show you how upset and angry they are with you. I was cutting the nails of one of my dogs and I cut his quick. I gushed all over him and showered him with kisses and apologies. Well, his brother saw this and when it was his turn to get his nails cut days later he screamed in pain with cutting one nail! I looked all over and found NOTHING. NO BLOOD, NOTHING ON HIS FEET, NO SCREAMING WHEN I MOVED HIS LEGS AND HIPS AND TOUCHED HIS RIBCAGE. But, when I put him on the floor to walk, screaming and limping. I checked again bearing weight on the foot. Nothing. I carried him around and kept him in my bedroom. The next morning I let him run loose with his brother, no limping, no screaming, he was running around like a football/soccer player!!! I was made a fool of the day before by this dog. Who would have thought that a dog would watch carefully and pick up on a human and dog behavior and do such a sneaky thing?
Love those dogs lol
Elise is an adorable Beagle. Hope she was able to continue to do the agility exercise for many more years.
My solution to Brownie the goat's problem is to simply put a door on that doorway and keep it closed. Having goats in the house is ridiculous. Especially if they aren't housebroken.
Dani stop farting
Splodge king of the hill!
The nurse who xrayed Pluto farted
🤣🤣🤣 Scott cracks me up with his French.
A dog in a cat's body. LoL! 👅
I would have thought this case was funny if it wasn't so fatal.
Makes sense why Splodge is so jacked around his hindquarters and shoulders with the way he climbs!!! 😂😂😂
I just saw on the 24/7 livestream where Charlie passed. Is offering up my dogs blood something we can do? Is there a doggy blood bank?
Brownie the Goat definitely got the last word! What a brilliant 🐐- with attitude. Chris found a clever, simple solution that worked beautifully. Works with cats & dogs too..
I love watching this programme, it proves to me that I’m not the only one who loves their little animal friend like another child. My Louis is a little darling – even if I do have a poodle paw on my arm just now wanting attention.
Poor splodge! He needs exercise, and agility training cause hes creative n fearless!
Maybe put a gps locator on brownies collar
Velcro on the refrigerator strap it shut
Classic solution