Unbelievable natural disasters caught on camera tape . Storm in Europe | Mother Nature Angry
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Jesus Christ just visited everything in his hand
Wrath of GOD were working. Have MERCY!
by By
Pour éviter la mort par ces punitions d' ALLAH les forts séismes tsunami volcan les inondations tempête de neige de New York les tornades les foudres météorite Covid-19 les non-musulmans de se convertir à l'islam et les musulmans d'appliquer le Coran à 100% immédiatement dans le monde entier et pour éviter l'enfer si la fin du monde vendredi 13 Janvier 2023.
Где это происходит?Спаси и сохрани Бог нашу Землю.
В такое время надо держаться вместе , а они еще воюют лезут на Россию , бог не тимошка …. .
ужас, страх господня
Have a feeling I better go visit my mom and brother prayers up for everyone it world.
Con đau chuyển dạ đang gia tăng 🙄🤔😨😖
Dios Santo ,! ayúdalos y Bendigalos .
Вообще пусть так теперь каждый день и ночь будет так🤗🤗🤗🤗👍👍👍👍🙄.
Luke 21:25
“And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in
the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity;
the sea and the waves roaring;” Luke 21:11 KJV
and great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines
and pestilences; and fearful sights and great signs shall there
be from heaven.What will it take to wake people up to the truth.
All these things were prophesied to happen and they all are.
Repent, to Jesus Christ for your Salvation today as (no one)
is guaranteed tomorrow.
1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10 & Acts 2:38
Помолимся за людей
Der Planet hat fertig
Dios mio t'en misericordia de todos los wue estan sufriendo calamidades por favor
Die sin repent perish Hell
Переезжайте в Россию правда сегодня -30 за то дышится легко.
Gesu' arrivare presto a queste Mondo
Lo llaman cambio climático, pero la realidad es que estas son señales antes del fin, porque Cristo viene pronto aleluya 🎺 🙌 los muertos resucitaran primero y los vivos desaparecerán en un abrir y cerrar de ojos. Y vendrá el anticristo y vendrá lo peor,
Lean Mateo 24 y otros libros como el de Daniel, Apocalipsis para que sus vidas no se queden a ver todo lo malo. 📖🙇🙌😇🎺
จากที่ผมค้นคว้าหาข้อมูลมาวิเคราะห์ ความรุนแรงจะเพิ่มขึ้นกว่าที่ได้รับทุกปี
#สหประชาชาติอนุมัติให้ผมแก้ปัญหาโลกร้อนผมก็จะรีบแก้ไขปัญหาให้จบโดยเร็ว ข้อมูลผมมีมากพอที่จะพิสูจน์ให้ทุกท่านทราบถึงแนวทางและวิธีแก้ไขปัญหาโลกร้อนโดยวิทยาศาสตร์ให้กลับมาเป็นปกติ..
I have commented 2 years and I still confirm that I solved the global warming problem.
From what I have researched and analyzed The violence is increasing than it has been every year.
UN approves me to solve global warming problem, I will fix the problem ASAP. There is enough information I have to prove to everyone that scientific approaches and solutions to global warming can be restored to normal..
Se fòt peche nou yo tout tan nou pa detounen nou de tout move pratik nou yo Dieu pap tande nou se tout ògèy nou yo kap tonbe sou nou ann aprann viv an namoni sispann epwize planèt la
But God so loved the world He gave His only Son. The beginning can start now by receiving Jesus and being whole in Christ. There is only one way to the Father in Heaven through Christ Jesus His son. Receive Jesus sacrifice for you to have a eternal relationship with God.
The end games have begun
God is washing away the filth of the Sicilian mafia.
'Eine Serie — e I Ne Seh Ri e' ? Seria a., 1 Im e Uropa.😆.Guth Bies.
Deus tenha misericórdia
Очень печально, жаль, что происходит, это какой то армагедон.
Doları düşürmessiniz haaa mazluma zulmedersiniz kan dökersiniz haaa Allah intikam sahibidir.