Creepy guy follows mom and her kid to their house… be aware of your surroundings!
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🎵Music → (Kevin MacLeod)(Myuu)
Business → expertdeathyt@gmail.com
#expertdeath #react #tiktok
3:27 is that the trollge incident
Expertdeath play FNF mod Mr.Trololo please you will be so amazed
I watch you every week just please
The first thing that i say in a comment section: 7:26
That other video that guy watch he fought that monster was a drone it's a real monster
ok ok if you say that a homelessporsin then why do he have a home hm hm tell me
React to red sun troll edit
That light looks EPIC!
You Are alone? ilke trollge
Hey ExpertDeath! You need to watch Brooglis videos about the backrooms! Maybe in a video sorry for my english im just learning it welcome from Hungary!
Your light in the bg is Sick!
watch the chosen one please the one with 8 mins and 2 mins plz 🙏
It’s siren head he makes commute where should I bring some fun with that😕.
Can I tell if something is a creature that’s what it is I don’t mind creature that’s it
Bro please react to hypemyke you'll love his horror exploring vids
I love these videos
Please watch mr incredible becoming uncanny story mode from baconbelike
Yay keep uploading your videos your videos are the best and I always watch them keep up the good job!
Can you play ark survival evolved? If not that’s ok
Lol heh
if ExpertDeath replies to this, i will be laughing at 3am as a prank
Yo bro it’s been so long since I have watched your video
3:15 I think they found the backrooms hound in real life though.
Also at 7:45 I think that its that one siren thing people talk about where like sirens go off at the bottom of the ocean which lure people in and they die by a giant creature.
The light looks cool
When Did You Get That New Light Also Ur Light Is Gorgeous
The light looks just the best btw I have a question are you gblub if you don’t know why I think that go and watch the voice reveal incedent
Noice he room Changed
I Dare You To Watch "Who Killed Captain Alex"It Is Good Video
Technology Papa bum bum bum
Gblud made 2 new videos
What are we suppose to look at?
What is the music of the cave part
Noice vedio
My idea series name – scary tiktoks
Hey if you go back to many of your life videos like three months ago about the whole like Sarah story
The whole reason why she the monster was crying and that was because well that was her real daughter but I think that one girl might’ve kidnapped her aunt or something was happening because if you look back on if you saw the broken picture the girl like the mother in the pitcher has the same type looking teeth as the monster which me which means that it had the daughter has to be the what are the mother has to be the monster
Calus backround vs NEW expertdeath backround
Cool : 1/1
Subs : 2/1
Views : 3/2
Likes : 3/3
Lights : 4/4
Numbers : 5/4
Brightnes : 5/5
Videos : 5/6
Thats not fast heres fast
Vids : 5/7
Looks : 5/8
Expert : 5/9
Deaths : 5/10
Backround : 5/11
Is : 5/12
Better : 5/13
Sub to expertdeath : 5/14
Winner? : expertdeaths backround is better than caluses backround
Me : i hate his backround
5 weeks later i think
Me : sees his backround
Also me : 😫im sorry expert man im sorry😫
3:29 skin crawler
The the first video that I saw what you watch that guy looks like shaggy
wait is that thing from wednesday the movie?
im like shocked in fear in the third ticktock
Play my singing monsters Please 🙏 😭
Dude react to the chosen one trollege it's so sick it has two chapters plz
1:55 🙃🙃 it is just a kiss
7:30 thats just a sea anemone
Keep going good work
yoo nice light i love it
Hehe yes good light