SUBSCRIBE & LEAVE A COMMENT TO WIN AN OVERNIGHT INVESTIGATION WITH US!! NEW WINNER EVERY VIDEO! This investigation is one of those incredibly frustrating where this type of paranormal activity is bound to happen… Unfortunately a majority of our footage ended up being corrupted & impossible to recover the files. That footage is what we needed to tie everything in together so ultimately I ended up cutting a large portion of the video as it didn’t make any sense without the previous events of the night. My sincere apologies that this video isn’t at our usual standard but I truly loved this location & didn’t want to not post it like some episodes in the past.
This is location 20 of 30 from our USA Road Trip series so make sure to subscribe! Started by TFIL, the OVERNIGHT channel is dedicated to paranormal investigations at new haunted locations! #OVERNIGHT #PARANORMAL #haunted
Have any haunted items you want or need to get rid of? Send them to us! Please make sure to include a printed or hand written note with the story of the item!!
9534 Reseda Blvd
PO Box 280896
Northridge CA 91328
IG – http://www.instagram.com/EltonCastee
Twitter – http://twitter.com/EltonCaste
YouTube – @ECastee
IG – https://www.instagram.com/coreyscherer/
Twitter – https://twitter.com/ItsCoreyScherer
Youtube – @ItsCoreyScherer
IG – https://www.instagram.com/corbinreinhardt
Youtube – @corbinreinhardt5273
EVAN BUTKA (The donut demolisher)
IG – https://www.instagram.com/ebutka/
JONAH LEVINE (Camera Guy that keeps getting hurt)
IG – https://www.instagram.com/jonah_levine
Just want to be upfront about this – I do not think this anywhere near one of our better videos. From the technical problems to editing to pacing to all of it. I did love this place & wanted to post it but my apologies for not giving you the best video we can from this amazing location. Positive note! The winner from the OVERNIGHT episode is – Drew Hammond @drewhammond5547 | Reply to us here with your email so we can plan things out for this year!
I am so down guys
Love your videos and can watch them for hours. The way you can have fun and be serious at the same time is just amazing and I love the energy Corey, Elton, Corbin give of with each other. Stay positiv guys and do stay safe.
At 1:01:08 you can here a woman say "Corey" or that is what I heard 🙂 just wanted to put that out
28:16 The SLS has a tendency of overheating and shutting down!!!
Hiii love uuu
Note to self do not give Elton bells lol
Why the apologies?
It’s a great Video like every time Guys
I’m impressed how you climbed the Tower I would shit my pants 😅
Right before the cat ball lights up, look at the top right corner side of screen
"did they climb all the way to the top" "huh?"
It would be sooooo coool if you guys come to germany 😀
I want it the hard way✌💓🙏😇☀😎🎶🕺🍀🌈♿🎇🎉
36:11 i swear i hear a loud female say “what” clearly, it sounds like a woman
I heard Alice when Elton asked for a name
If you need any paranormal expert in your team, I'm interested in working with you for this … because
♦♦ By the grace of God – I can present Paranormal Power over the medium and talk –
★ I can destroy / cut off any black magic–
★ I can sanctify any demon possessed person —-???
★★ Especially I can sanctify any demonic place —
Me and my friends have been talking about starting our own haunted investigation channel. But we are all slowly moving away from eachother. I personally am moving to Tennessee soon and cannot wait to see the haunted thing there
@OVERNIGHT Elton, Corey,..The video was just great, no need to apologize for ANYTHING. Tech issues happens and when you have heavy energy around it gets messy. It happens. Now, just a little thing.. i HATE that little bell. I couldnt even stand the sound of it and it gave me really body pain…its something about the energy around it or whatever but it made me sick..So, just be careful
wow its weird to see u in my home town wish i could have come
Yous have really inspired me to do ghost huntings for a life, I’m from Liverpool and around here there’s not many haunted places 🥲 can’t wait for the many more investigations you bring in the future, my favourite is probably the execution rocks 😂♥️ also Elton you have fashion !
Wearing headphones watching this.
From 58:40 – 1:00
Am I the only one who heard screaming, like constant screaming? Besides the "get out of here" and "your getting somewhere" (or whatever the second one was) I just heard screaming like 5+ times.
Asking since Elton and Evan didn't mention it. But God damn all I heard was a woman screaming. Like loud as fuck screaming
“Punished my kids” 😢
at 11:11 is that whispering or is that the wind or just someone of the crew whispering
My heart melted when Elton said “thanks for letting this be a job” I’ve never been so happy to love paranormal things
Y’all fucked up if you missed The Dumas while y’all were up here. Place is absolutely wild
We need a part 2 this was great 😊
Imagn doing this on Acid… the fuckn jurney 🤯
Hey Elton ive loved your videos since day one when you were tfil and doing the Fuck it list. and your overnight videos jsut sent me. I absolutely love everything you do and i would more then love to be a part of an overnight video. it would be an amazing honor to work with you guys and be a part of that. ive been involved with spirits my entire life and that partially from me being an empath and feeling the energies around me whether it is good or evil. all i ask is for a chance to be a part of one of your overnights and spend time with you guys and to be in your element. ive explored many places abandoned and haunted so i am experienced and wont be just a drag along lol. i love you guys and thank you for the consideration.
Love your videos, definately one of the best paranormal channels on youtube. It always helps to watch you guys when I'm feeling down. Keep up the good work 👍
At 37:49 it almost sounds like a little girl whispering “Hey”
"what height do i die from" xD
oh my god i love this
there is nothing quite like watching these videos at 3 in the morning it just makes my night.
Dude I'm the absolute biggest pussy. I couldn't do anything alone. I can't even leave my bed watching these videos but they're so fucking addicting
At 1:14:37 an orb appears after the cat ball turn off
You guys are awesome. I got into paranormal because of you guys and some of your former trap house members ❤❤ would love to go on an overnight with you all
hi, I dont know if its just me experiencing this issue, but since maybe 5 videos back the audio has been kinda not particularly good. I would recommend that you guys maybe each are wired to individual mics so we can hear you all more clearly?
No matter if it’s good or not we still love the co tent you produce much love to you Elton
Hi all at 22:45 corbins shadow on the wall behind him… both of combine arms are slightly bent so why has the shadows arms straight down? Or is it 1 of the guys shadow? Or is it a shadow of what Corey is saying someone is stood behind corbin is? Has anyone else noticed this…. thanks…
The videos you guys post are always perfect!! Always bizarre with the things you guys catch
Totally random but I love your pants Cory! I need the deets on where to get them?
Evan and Elton climbing that water tower — that is scarier than any dumb paranormal joke stuff they do all year.
1:30 That wasn't built in 1912. They didn't use that style of steel and X-bracing back then. Probably at the oldest 1972, but more likely newer.
I don’t believe in ghosts
I love the energy everyone gives off. They all work so well together and seem to have a lot of fun. Their content is so amazing to see everytime I watch these videos, and it makes me excited to try and capture evidence myself. I think what makes me enjoy watching most, is seeing their emotional reactions to events. That is just something that I don't think can be faked, and really makes it substantial for me. Keep it up guys! It truly is inspiring!
At 52:44 there is a woman laughing as Elton opens the door to the administration building.
you guys make my day 🙂
When you were on top of that Tower you should done I guess it's EVP up there
I don't know if it's just me but I think I saw an orb by the window 59:27
I would LOVE too do something with you guys