Are Ghosts Real?! YOU be the judge! Watch as me and my wife Stacey Ghost or Roast these paranormal clips! Let us know what you think in the comments! #ghosts #haunted #paranormal #dalenspratt #spirit
Are Ghosts Real?! YOU be the judge! Watch as me and my wife Stacey Ghost or Roast these paranormal clips! Let us know what you think in the comments! #ghosts #haunted #paranormal #dalenspratt #spirit
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Ghosted on the curtains and trash can moving. Kudos for standing your ground, Dalen!
I love these videos with Stacy! You have a lovely wife! And smart too!
there was a shadow in the second to last video. right lower corner
You guys are so much fun! Stacey has a point about the grocery bag – it’s not that she doesn’t evaluate the paranormal, she just also notices the “normal” things that seem out of place and could be relevant to whether it’s ghosted or roasted. Thanks for another good video you guys!
I comment as I watch. Team Stacy video 2. Video 3 anytime a knife is moved that is dangerous so I am team Dylan.
Stacy thinks like a woman, u should piggy-back more often, this lady so logical tho!! im with Stacy on all them videos
team Stacy when it comes to that grocery bag i know these people PLANTED that for a set up, cos no one drops off their grocery bag in the living room, that ghost telling them to CLEAN UP he mad now
Video #2 is for sure ghosted, that curtain is what's really unexplained. I think this has been happening for a while & they're probably used to it by now which would explain them having no actual reaction.
Video #3 may be ghosted. If there was a camera up then he may have been trying to capture activity he'd been seeing in that area. Although it could be roasted, I'd love to see what he said when he uploaded.
Happy new year!!!! Love you both! Keep these videos coming.🙌🏾
I love how Stacy be debunking these videos.👏🏾🤣 she makes me start to look at them differently you know.🤔🤔 am with her on why that bag just in the middle like that….. Cuz some of these houses am like how they decor look like that….🤣🤣🤭
And Dalen ur family ghost story gave me the chills….WOW.
God bless you and your family. May this year bring you all love, health,wealth, and joy.💗🙌🏾🙏🏾
Number two ghosted they are probably used to it happening.
No 2 ghosted, I grew up in a haunted house so it became something that we were all used too. Luckily our ghost was an elderly lady who was lovely
I agree with Stacy on all three. The last one did t make sense when the camera moved. Looks stage
So, here's how it goes when I watch Roasted or Ghosted …
video plays
Me: yeah, but what about … ?
Stacy: (says the very thing I was just thinking)
Every time!
Okay, I see Brandon may be on his New Year, New Vids kick. Not all trash this time 😂
I just love y’all so much! The chemistry is genuine, the humor & laughter is real. Can’t wait for the next one. 💜
Since this girl can't see the videos, I'll reserve my vote. Even though there was a sock on the living room floor, the only way for me to "see" it is to step on it.
On second thought, I'll vote with Stacey, MK?
"I'm kicking ghost ass!" I love watching you two. ❤ Keep ghostin' and roastin'
🎉🎉Happy New Year to you and yours!! 🎉🎉
I think video 2 is roasted….there just seems to be too much activity in a short space of time.
Happy New Year Dalen, Stacey, and Baby Axel! I absolutely enjoy watching you two. Even though I just love Stacey, I gotta say that video 2 is ghosted (sorry Stacey😔) The way those curtains moved (probably was trying to open the sliding door) the pantry door opening up (it's just trying to help with the cooking) and the jacket lifting and grocery bag moving, yeah there was definitely something going on there but not in a bad way. I assume the people in the video were used to the things happening in their home and it didn't seem to pose a threat. I think it was trying to move that grocery bag that Stacey was talking about into the kitchen. I mean groceries should not be by the front door (At least, that's what I thought. The ghost probably thought so too) 😂
Your story about the headless man in your grandma's house reminded me of my Aunt's story (she was little at the time) where she thought she saw my grandmother standing in the kitchen in front of the stove with her back toward my aunt. My grandmother had long black hair that she kept braided). My aunt said she called out to her but whatever it was never turned around, it just stood there. My aunt said she took off running from the kitchen and told my grandmother's sister(my great-aunt) who was watching my aunt at the time that granny was in the kitchen but wasn't saying anything. My great-aunt told my aunt that my grandmother had been gone with my grandpa to a party and that they had been gone for some time. Both my aunt and great-aunt ran up out of the house and sat outside until my grandmother and grandfather came home. My aunt to this day still does not know what that was standing in the kitchen and it still spooks her to this day when she talks about it. This is just one of the many reasons why I've become interested in the paranormal.
🤣🤣🤣 I love you guys so much! 😂
I love you two together you all are so cute. Happy New year to you both. So in the second video I think the family might be the type of people who may think if we ignore it, it will go away but I think the younger one believes and that's why it got posted to the web.
I am not sure about the 2nd video but I'm leaning towards ghosted because I can attest to the fact that if stuff like that happens regularly, you get used to it. My house that I grew up in was haunted af. Things disappeared we never did find like my brother's jean on Christmas Eve when no one else was home. He got undressed to get a shower & when he got out, his jeans were gone. They were in the same room as him & it was an old house. If someone came in the bathroom, he would have known it cause the door & the tub where right next to each other. I had a teddy bear when I was a kid vanish & my brothers didn't touch it cause they weren't home. Stuff would get moved all the time. We didn't even acknowledge it after awhile. When my parents first moved in, my brother was 3 & would get out of his crib, open the door that was hard to open cause of the shag carpet in the room, turn on the lights that weren't a switch but a push button that were 5 feet from the floor, over the baby gate at the top of the stairs, over the baby gate at the bottom of the stairs, turn on more high push button lights, get a snack out of cabinet that was high without moving a chair & would be in the living room playing with "the man" who he always told my parents got him out of bed & carried him down the stairs. These are stairs that have turns to it too. They had me right after moving in & when I was about 3, moved me into the room he slept in when "the man" would get him out of bed. I woke them up screaming every night cause a man was coming into the room to try to get me out of bed. I described the same man that my brother has described. There was a shadow figure – I guess that's what it was. Couldn't make out any feature but it stood in my doorway (of that same room) when I would sleep cause I always left the door open so the cats could come in & out. My friends would sleep over & they'd be like "someone is in your doorway" & I was like it's just the man. He's just making sure we are okay. Go to sleep. Eventually, they got used to him too. My brother had the most stuff happen to him cause he slept in the back of the house by the attic stairs & the "servant stairs". The door knob would rattle on both stairs & after awhile he didn't even acknowledge it anymore. You get used to it if it's not trying to hurt you.
Another awesome episode you guys make my day ❤
Y’all are both too precious and funny as all hell, I love it!
The last one of the kitchen was the door in the upper left shut.
Happy New Year!!! Another great video!!! I think the second video was ghosted, I felt the same way, if the family has been going through things moving for a while now in their house, they are probably used to it and not surprised as much when something happens. For the third video I feel like it is ghosted because how did the butter move just a little bit on the counter. I was thinking maybe the camera could have been set up there to watch his dog during the day (I assume he has a dog because of the dog food). Wow what a crazy family story!! Thank you for sharing that!! Scary!!!✌✌
I’ve lived in a few houses like #2, after a while you kinda get used to stuff happening, we’d been taught to normalize it & let it be if we aren’t being harmed. ln our current house both my bedroom & the bathroom doors like to open & close. If I close my door all the way the door shakes. I’ve also lost an Apple Pencil, 4 lighters & 6 sets of Bluetooth earbuds on my bed, moved the furniture & everything. Fortunately my Apple Pencil, that disappeared in July, showed up 3wks ago behind my bed where I’d checked at least 5 times. I’m hoping at least my Beats & AirPods come back.
Video 2. There was the shadow of 2 skinny ankles on the floor at the bottom of the curtain. Video 3. Why did only the 2 cabinets that were already partly open finish opening? ROASTED!!!!!!!
# 2 roasted
Hmmm 2nd vid GHOSTED. Probably poltergeisted-ghosted grocery bag man. 😂
Oh my god!! I love you guys SO much. I needed to see you two today, it made MY DAY!!!! Happy and prosperous New Year to you and your family.
Loving these!!!
Love your t-shirt Dalen!
I think video #2 is Roasted! You can’t see in the closet so someone could’ve been in there and opened it. Like Stacey said, those people didn’t act surprised that it opened.
Well glad Rosemary and Mary Ellen isn't bothering you at home but seriously what are you gonna do if they decide to come into Ghost Brothers: Lights Out? lol
I have a baby too. OK they are 15 now but I got out of ghost investigation when I wanted to get pregnant because my husband and I both feared endangering Elora. Now that they are 15 we are wanting to get back into it. I agree with your wife! I wouldn't even wait for scratches on my child…something gets in that room, I'm on the war path! Nothing goes near my baby!
Got damn! What video camera was y'all using!? Shit fucked up my eye
Video #2 was definitely ghosted…as a person who lives in a very “active” house…you do get used to it after a point and you don’t react. I don’t know if it was just me but I swear I saw more activity in that kitchen area than just the curtain. And the shadow under the curtain was its reflection off the floor. That was definitely a non living being in the curtain. My guess would be the ghost of a dog or small child.
video 3 ROAST IT