Unbelievable natural disasters caught on camera in 2023. Snow in Paris, blizzard in France
“Last night in general between Normandy, the Parisian basin and part of Champagne, 1 to 3 cm of snow fell, sometimes 10 cm in Lorraine.”
While it is still snowing in the northeast, the Mulhouse and South Alsace Region Hospital Group notes emergency saturation
From Brittany to Alsace through the Paris region, many departments in the northern half of France have been issued orange warnings due to snow and ice, with a high risk of traffic disruptions.
This morning the snowfall reached northern Alsace. While snowflakes continue to fall in the middle of the morning in the northeast of the country, the Saverne region has been particularly hard hit.
The biggest danger this morning” remains ice, warns meteorologist Guillaume Sechet. Freezing rain causes particular difficulties in the east of the country, with accidents reported in Doubs or vehicles stuck in Meurthe-et-Moselle.
If flakes are rare in the Paris region, then snow cover is more important in Normandy
Snow hit Calvados well last night. This is especially true of Deauville, where the town hall was covered in a thin layer of snow. Vegetation, streets and rooftops were also white with snow.
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Какие хлипкие чуть снега уже трагедия
Looks like Thursday afternoon in Chicago.
Pas de neige et de glace à Paris cela n'est qu'un mensonge . Avant d'avancer de telles déclarations il faut se renseigner sur la météo.
Assalam aleykoum mes frères et sœurs, soit fidèle à la GLOIRE de ALLAH.Que ALLAH soit l'ABRE auquel nous serions ACCROCHÉ lors de ses ÉPREUVES.
Was da gesagt wird ist kaum zu verstehen. Wenn man kein Englisch kann ,dann einen anderen Sprecher nehmen oder einfach weglassen
Voice so annoying than the cyclone itself 😏
это привет от России за украину и санкции. живите так привыкайте!
Und wenn ich jetzt die live cam von Paris anschaue was sehe ich dann???
И кому теперь каперсы нужны макрон ?
Не рекомендовать видео с этого канала. ОДНО ВРАНЬЕ.
What the hell are you saying..cannot understand the words cmng out of your mouth 🤣
Natural disasters happening world wide including France remind us about end times. Frequency of disasters like Extreme Climates.. Flash floods, Earth quakes, Volcanic eruptions,Wild fires, Hailstorms, Cyclones, Tsunami ,Tornadoes, Landslides, Pandemic have increased during last few years …Believe it or not…These are signs of end times, beginning of sorrows. Prophesies are coming true…Let us repent and pray for Lord''s mercy…!!!
Ну какой хаос, зима как зима. Снега не видели раньше что-ли?
Guao que terrible
Man! Which language do you speak?
У тебя по Английскому в школе Двойка была да ?:))
Gracias creador de la naturaleza se que tienes el poder AMEN AL CREADOR DE LA NATURALEZA SI NO QUIEREN LO MALO …. AMEN 🙏
Por siempre nuestro Padre Dios ha estado al control de la tierra y su naturaleza que Él mismo creó. Pero la criatura más inteligente, la que más ama y por la cual todo creó, se rebeldizo contra Él, le dió la espalda, desconoce su grandeza y su Poder, y rechaza su salvación y su Salvador…. ahí están las consecuencias. Quizás decidamos seguir siendo ateos
Я уже не смотрю,врут как дышат
No sea tan mentiroso, no engañen a la gente, esta parte de Europa tenemos temperaturas casi de primavera, esas deben ser imágenes de EE.UU o de Canadá.
This isn't Paris. Clickbait.
Kakoita Shluxin sin ili dochka feik indo zanemayeca
Netrep sprostosti, v Paríži je + 10 stupňov.
A ver si viene de una p… vez el calentamiento global porque nos estamos pelando de frío
Хорошее событие, все методы достойны)) мне был сон)
Интересно, а лягушки не замёрзнут? Чем французы питаться будут? Так и до гладомора недолго.
الله غاضب على الغرب ضلماء وسفهاء وهم قوم لوط ولواط سيروا الجحيم
رئيس فرنسا ماكرون الماكر ربه..ويسب رسوله صلى الله عليه وسلم…لقد استجابة لكم الله تعالى علا مايفعلون من ضلم وفسق قوم لوط ولواط سيروا الجحيم
No os da verguenza engañar asi. Que pretendeis.
M e n t i r aaaaaaaa
España o sea fatal