Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape. Snow in Turin

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Unbelievable natural disasters caught on tape. Snow in Turin
In Turin, white flakes began to whitewash the city’s streets and rooftops around noon, and a service vehicle was turned on at full capacity to ensure safe conditions for vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

. In any case, snowfalls in recent years are less regular and less intense than in the past, and this is confirmed by statistics:
it’s snowing in Turin. The weather at this time of year in Turin is too cold to be pleasant for warm-weather travelers.

It had been snowing since late in the morning in Piedmont, as well as in Turin, which caused the first inconvenience to the viability of even the main arteries. In a few hours the capital was whitewashed. According to Arpa (Regional Environmental Protection Agency), precipitation that began in the south of the region is spreading to the rest of the territory.

Gtt, in particular, is stepping in to salt public transport stops and clean up passageways, porches, steps and walkways.

However, since yesterday evening, in the light of the weather forecast, the salt spreaders of the municipality have started to work, especially in the mountains and foothills, and with the beginning of the rain, the first snow plows have also started to work, especially on hilly roads.

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About the Author: Admin


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