I know this is not my normal/typical style of video. However I have been asked this question hundreds of times and so I wanted to make this video to help answer your questions.
Hope this helps shine some light on the question/subject guys! 🙏 thank you!
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Hermosos todos! Ustedes tambien! Feliz 2023!😚
Kenai looked excited. I feel like he just wanted to go play with a new friend .
I love all three of them, they have great temperament but kenai’s willingness to play with the little one is beyond cute !!
Yes they can. Our most loved rottweiler Humphrey who we sadly lost a little over a year ago first started life with us alone then at about 6-7months came the additional member to our family in the form of Kevin the Pug, who bossed Humphrey around most of the time when they were both little, then when Humphrey was about 4yrs came the next member of our family George the French Bulldog. So what I'm trying to say is yes of course Rottweiler's can get along with small dogs like any other dogs can. The question you should be asking is can my Small dog get along with my Rottweiler. 🥰🐾🇬🇧🌲⛄
Does anyone else find it ironic that small dogs have a worse temperament than big dogs? Years ago when we had a yorkie she had a pretty bad temperament to the point I barely touched her. I love how well behaved your rotties are
Kina is best 👌
I have a Yorkshire Terrier-Rottweiler mix
Dude lte him play,, get the fuck away man,,
My grandparents had 7 chihuahuas and a rottie. They all got along, aria(the rott) probably got annoyed but never any issues they all were like a family. I can't remember if they had the chihuahuas when arias sister Annie was still around or not
Kenie & Jack were adorable! I know I’m late to the party here, but as a former owner of a rottweiler nurse dog & a 4.5 lb chihuahua I thank you for changing peoples perspectives on breeds.
kenai had the best because he was more interactive and actually made a friend. I have a rottie and had an older Maltese. They got along great and he was always gentle with her. She died a few months ago at 15 yrs old and he misses his little buddy. I find that my guy ignores little dogs when they bark or act aggressively towards him. We pass a house a on our walks with 2 super aggressive chihuahuas and he just walks by without even glancing at them. Now if a big dog acted like that he would not stand for it. He seems to understand his size or the other dogs size and knows what an actual threat might be. I’d trust him around any little dog. Big dogs not
When I introduce dogs or kids to dogs I use their names. So it would go Fuzzy this is Jack, and Jack this is Fluffy. I always want to be very clear with names. It seems to add legitimacy, that this new dog/person is a friend. It is also a hint that the new dog is not moving in or becoming a member of our family, but is here for a visit. This seems to put my dogs at ease as they seem to understand this is a short term visit, not a complete add to the structure of our group.
With children it is always the Child first, then to the dog (So something like: This little boy's name is Ted. Ted this is Fluffy; Fluffy this is Ted)
I am so happy to see that they get along with smaller dogs because my neighbor has a smaller dog matter fact she’s got a Yorky so I’m glad to see the interaction between the two dogs
I warned my friends that my Rottweiler considered small dogs as “snacks”. I got their attention!
All the dogs were nice to the little dog.
The First dog was the best because she didn't care. Have. good day!
The other dog is like what am I during here in the first place!
They are like what is this other dog during in my house!
Yorkies tend to not be intimidated by size, indeed, I'm not sure they recognize size. I've had two of them; one weighed 3-lbs and he would run much bigger dogs back into their house.
Imagine if humans were like that:
Hey, nice to meet you, I'll just sniff your butt for a couple of minutes.
Yeah, sure, go ahead, I'll even lift my leg to help you.
congratulations on being in full control ,beutifull dogs men
My rottie would be afraid backs up like wth is that lol
My chihuahua used to play with a rotti at dog training, he was so gentle! I’m looking at getting Enzo a little big brother puppy Rottweiler as a companion and guardian. Do you think the rotti puppy would copy Enzo’s bad habits? Such as barking?
Sad that yorkies are now lapdogs
Kenai's tail started up and never quit.🤣🤣🤣🤣 I was laughing so hard I had tears. He reminds me of my Leo, tail and all. Kita like my Jessabell.
Kenai was thrilled that Jack wanted to play with him. All of the dogs have such different personalities. Perhaps because of Kenai's age or something he read from Jack. They are very cute with each other. I would hate to feel Kenai's tail on bare legs when he is excited. Great video. Such control and respect with such a powerful breed. They just want to please you.
Nice Vid <3 ……………….. i Just set up my chanel for my cute Rottweiler, hope it will grow too :]
We have a 2 year old Rott whose companion is a 7 year old Griffon Bruxellois. They sleep in the same bed during the day and walk the property together when outside. They also share their home with a 4 year old Chow Chow who they get along famously with. As for hierarchy, both the Griff and the Rott defer to the Chow.
Great dogs. Kenichi . Was best but others awesome too. Love it Thank you. U have a wonderful family. Wish they could meet my chiweenie. Tinkerbell. U r truly blessed. Thanks.
My rotti is fine with any dog smaller than her she is more weary of bigger breeds especially if they are high strung or jump on her face. She likes cats and other small creatures like guinea pigs too. I think it depends on the dog.
I’m getting anxiety just watching this
Canine was the best interaction with the little dog.
I am looking a Rotty to
buy. Do u have any leads
or prospects? I am
having a hard time
finding one.
Kenai definitely. But I love your dogs… when I get mine may I bring my puppy to meet your dogs?
Poor little innocent dog to be put in that terrifying situation. Thats wrong ,not fair !
They are still dogs.
I like this video and love your channel. I subscribed
cutest Yorkie ever. Jack being more scared of the 10lbs camera over the 90-120 dogs was the best part of the video hands down.
Hello Collin,
It clearly Keanai and Jack who interaction was the best to me😘. They all were lovable 💕. Thanks for sharing with us viewers. Kerp safe.
Yeah k9 was the best,