The Homeless Mama Dog Tries to Cover And Protect The Puppies When Everything Is Frozen
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We found this poor mother giving birth in a dumpster. She was suffering from cold and hunger.
The mother dog is very worried about the puppies, she is constantly alert when she sees us. She rushed after me….after I “catch” her child.
This poor girl was finally persuaded to come to the shelter. Here they will be safe.
Thanks Rescuer:
Nizami Ramazanov
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Thank you for watching!
#animalrescue, #rescuedog
Porque não resgatou todos? Os outros ficarão lá, pra morrerem de fome e frio . Achei legal resgatem a mãozinha, eu fiquei com dö dos outros.
Thanks you very much help to puppy and mom ❤️💕 is very good somuch 🙏♥️ is again happy every day so much ❤️💖💖🙏🐕 so cute very much
Ich glaube eine kleine ist gefroren und verstorben, da ist nur ein Welpe geblieben. Leider
What about the other puppies. They only took one? Left the others in the snow?
Gracias que dios los bendiga
Merci pour elle 😇🌹😇🌹😇🌹
Poor mom and puppies thank so much for rescued God Bless 😭😭🙏🙏❤️❤️🐶🐕🐶🐕💕💕💕💕
😥😢pobrecita en ese frío no abandona a sus hijos gracias por ayudarlos 👍🏻😍😘
Don't be an asshole can't you see . She loves her baby .She just might be scared of losing them.
Thank you sir for rescuing this mama dog and her baby. Was one of her puppy was dead? Thank you again and again. May God bless you.
awesome rescue…but where are the other litters i only saw one pup😔
My last post was of the Chinese Dancers.
Die haben Angst die Hunde könnten ihr Auto beschmutzt, tolle Rettung
God bless everyone that help this precious dog and her puppies
Dobra oglądalność ? Bo jak dla mnie masakra. Filmik pod oglądalność a suka dalej w sianie
O bala üşüyür axı. Aldın isti yerdən heç olmasa bir şeyə bük də o soyuqda . Lap əsəbləşdim. Yaxşılıq edirsən heç olmasa düzgün elə . Yenə də Allah razı olsun. O boyda ölkədə bəlkə 100 nəfər ancaq olar ki heyvanlara ürəyi yansın. Bir də müsəlman olacaqlar, Allahdan xəbərləri yoxdur, vicdansızlar
God bless you babies and mamma live long and be happy 🥺😘
Los que abandonan a un angelito de cuatro patas, merecen cadena perpetua y que el karma y dios les de un castigo ejemplar, que les hagan lo mismo que ellos hacen.
Merci aux sauveurs
Thank God you folks are trying to protect and help them be more safe and well.
God love the mother dog trying to protect her dear puppies.
El pequeño tenéis que abrigarlo rápido hace mucho frío ahí, u iad
y la madre no puede ni respirar en ese poco espacio dentro de ese coche por favor más sensibilidad con los animales pobrecitos.