I Died And Entered Another Realm | Near Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Entered Another Realm | Near Death Experience | NDE
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Millions of people have had Near Death Experiences (NDEs) and even more, claim to have had Out of Body Experiences (OBEs). These are their stories. If you have your own you would like to share we would love to hear it.

If you would like for me to narrate your personal NDE, feel free to email me at heavenawaitsyou2@gmail.com

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For more NDE narrations, please see below.

I Died And Was Given Three Reasons To Return | Leigh’s NDE

I Died And Saw Emerald And Purple Beings | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Saw My Previous Lives | Near-Death Experience | NDE

I Died And Met The Angel Lamdiel | Near-Death Experience | NDE


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About the Author: Heaven Awaits


  1. Hi everyone I have a question for who can answer me. Why I see feathers flying front my face all the time when every time I think about Angels and Archangels It's over 20 years I discovered I'm connected with them through feathers and double numbers following me everyday and everywhere. Someone does explanation about it? Please who knows more please leave a comment. Thank you in advance

  2. The first NDE makes me wonder. I've been told because of my trauma that EMDR would be useful to me but I haven't been able yo find someone. I wonder how much we could find out with that. This person has many gifts but chose not to use them…..how is this fulfilling their purpose & hard to live because they're almost pure light? I'm confused. I thought she would say how she would share her purpose. Anyhow. For the second NDE. It's amazing, a miracle he survived, God is love, nobody can be higher than Him. I would just think they would go to God sooner. What a way to see God's love right, no residual of any kind.

  3. Good morning Lee thank you for providing these stories of Hope and encouragement where you get these awesome pictures for the screen they're really beautiful I hope one day we all get to heaven and we get to see this and it's full entirety but keep up the good work I love you videos and your content you are really amazing job thanks for providing us hope again hope you have a blessed dayly take care

  4. I like you narrating Leigh, as I find your voice very soothing. When first found your channel, I would listen to your playlists to put myself to sleep. I would later go back to the video I had last heard, before falling asleep. Great job on all levels! Blessed always!

  5. This is perplexing, as so many NDE's exclaim there is no Hell. Kryon, channeled by Lee Carrol also confirmed Hell does not exist. Only varying levels of Heaven/Dimensional plains, dependent on our particular Soul vibration. Thus, those who were loving and kind vibrate at a higher frequency. Whereas the antithesis thereof, vibrate at very low frequencies and are ergo drawn to the lower, darker dimensional levels. We all in general, go back to the same place (Heaven with its innumerable levels); even those who commit atrocities or take their own lives.

  6. I am so grateful to you Lee! When I said I wanted to donate to the channel, I am fully aware that you give the money you receive to one of the shelters you like. That isn't any different than me tithing or giving money to a person on the street that needs it. I want you to take the money I give to your channel and do what you want with it. If it keeps these stories coming then all the better!
    Treena M Jones

  7. I want to warn people about seeing psychics. They are not of God but driven through Satan. Be aware church and ask the Lord Jesus Christ to sharpen discernment skills. We must test the spirits. Jesus Christ will return soon.

  8. My husband recently passed away and it gives so much peace and joy knowing he lives on in another dimension Thank you for these near death experiences of so many people it gives so much confidence

  9. I watch these almost every day but I rarely comment. But since you asked, I did find elements of these two hard to believe but by no means am I saying it’s not real. I’ve only seen one on here that I thought sounded very fake and that was several months back when someone was posting something about the world monetary system. Even if true, I can’t see that a future monetary system would be part of anyone’s NDE. I have never had an NDE, but I’ve had two out of body experiences. (The reason I don’t call them NDEs is because I was not near death-one, I have no idea what made it happen, but the other, I was hospitalized but never really near death.)

  10. Thanks Lee for these videos, as always I really enjoy listening to you narrate them. I do have one question on todays videos – the first one. They mention that they now feel they can share their experience and their purpose, but I didn't grasp what they were saying their purpose was. Could you explain?
    Thank you again for the Narrations – it's something I look forward to.

  11. The one thing that I love about your show is that you narrate it. When individuals are talking about thier nde sometimes you can't understand them because of dialect. I really appreciate listening to you every night. Thank you. 😊

  12. Ive been watching since day one as well. I honestly never had an NDE but with the way life has been going, I'm about to lose my home, I lost my father last year and he was all the family I had, no friends here, I moved back to NC from DC due to my father's health. Im ready to give up and I've always wondered if things were better than here. Just afraid because I've read many bad NDEs as well. Sorry, plz ignore me. Just have no one else to listen. Hope all is well and God bless you all.

  13. The thumbnail is misleading. A cross usually implies something about Jesus, but Jesus wasn’t mentioned in either story. I think it’s important to use thumbnails which indicate the content of the video more accurately.

  14. Leigh, is there any chance you could find or replay an nde regarding people seeing their pets in heaven seeing a soft flowing fields and other people around them I really like to hear one of those again if possible thank you for all you do

  15. Hi everyone I have a question for who can answer me. Why I see feathers flying front my face all the time when every time I think about Angels and Archangels It's over 20 years I discovered I'm connected with them through feathers and double numbers following me everyday and everywhere. Someone does explanation about it? Please who knows more please leave a comment. Thank you in advance

  16. good stories. I love it when I learn something new. From the first story I learned about EMDR. From the second I learned about the spleen. Actually, I learned about those things by looking them up after they were mentioned in the stories. I mean, I'd heard of the spleen before, but didn't really know what it does. And I'd never heard of EMDR before. the internet is pretty amazing! this channel is pretty amazing, too.

  17. I liked both, a lot. They’re both really blessed and both have much ‘knowing’ about their faith. I also saw , if you were never given formal God training, you still have been given a part of you that senses & knows God some place inside.

  18. Great video today! For those that doubt these NDEs- how does one explain how someone with no religious or spiritual upbringing, and no preconceived ideas about God, recognize Him in an NDE?
    Just something to think about.
    On a side note about last night's video Leigh. I know you've mentioned before how you're a little self conscious about the way you speak after your accident, but the fact these people wanted to use your voice in their commercials is a compliment! It's a messed up way to compliment you, by using your voice without permission, but if there's anything positive you can take from the whole experience, it's this lolol 😆😄

  19. I have a hard time sometimes seeing myself as a being of light and not this flesh and bone fantasy. I know I am a being of light but it just boggles the mind that this earthly realm is a fantasy compared to our true reality. Just some of the things that keep me up at night lee thanks to your videos lol. 😉

  20. Lately I've been scared that I won't ever see my parents ever again and I've been looking at NDEs, and I've seen one NDE that really gets me, the NDE I read on (this is a true story), this woman named Maria got put in the hospital and she died, she saw herself floating out of her body, she explains she could see everything and was indeed conscious during all of this, she floated up above the hospital roof, she said she saw a tennis shoe that is dark blue and left footed and laces tucked under the heel, she comes back to life and she explains what she saw, she told everyone about the tennis shoe she saw on the hospital roof, so they go up, they actually find the shoe exactly how she explained it, so she definitely wasn't hallucinating, she was conscious for literally all of it, this is a true story of this NDE. I have been crying every day wondering if I'll ever see my mom and dad ever again because they are good people and have taught me a lot and I love them to death, it scares me but reading that NDE I just talked about really is interesting, just because we can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

  21. In the second NDE, what I got out of it is the important message that he received "…the conviction I had from God, "Regardless of what happens, it's going to be okay." To me, that is so important because with true faith in God and that relationship established, we can rest assured that everything will be okay. This should bring comfort and peace to all believers. If we lean on our strong faith, like you would lean on a crutch when needed, we can stay strong and get through the troubles and difficulties of this life. 😊God IS Good and God will prevail !

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