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About the Author: CNN


  1. My great-grandfather said this reminds him of when liberal Western media stated that Adolf Hitler was a joke and would fail on day one of an attack. The media lied and has been doing so ever since their conception.

  2. Brazil's position is correct! Ukraine should change its stance, because at the end of this conflict it will end up with a disfigured and unrecognizable face from so much beating, it had opportunities but preferred that! All the easy Yankee, English and European money flow is going to Ukraine! You'll be able to buy a lot of dressing for the nose! Money here is earned through work!
    Ukraine criticizes BRICS governments and quotes Brazil: 'We hope that elections will change the country's attitude'


    what the price of bribing one general?

    hmmm she a nazi
    putin is fighting nazism who want to kill 97% of russia
    her buddy giving that number as he shows off his trophy case of victims hats here a link to there words

    whos blindfolded him?(fact thanks uk intel m5)
    whos close enough?
    who know and mastered hilter playbook?
    first time since hilter in the 30's
    even the food games
    the 3rd riech big trick to get the masses to submit
    russian troop starved to death

    President Putin's army burned as the Ukraine did
    during the hijack
    two birds one stone…..

    they are linked to jade helm 15 and alexjonees "psychosis" (better term radicalized or walkie talkie as isis puts it) and the 2016 election

    usa we found them at there core
    is covid a hoax?

    they gave covid to you

    usa neo-nazism saw trump as the next rise.

  4. Scary to hear such b******t from a senior, western intelligence officer. I beginning to feel more and more unsecure to be a westerner with guardians like this guy.

  5. The war in Ukraine will end sooner or later and the victory will be Russian. Even if the Russian forces stop at a certain line and leave a part of Ukraine to continue playing the role of an international subject, which the West will loudly proclaim as a "Russian defeat", the free part of Ukraine will be demilitarized and de-Nazified, and the hypothetical rest if not be de-Nazified, it will be consistently demilitarized, with security forces that will not pose a threat to the neighboring rural atar, not to Russia. But in the end, let's be patient, because no one knows what he will be like in terms of what Ukraine will be.

    But what we do know is that Russia will not lose this war and its goals, apart from those listed, are completely clear. Denazification and demilitarization are now unimportant and it is being carried out according to plan, but what will the New World Order be like?

  6. The KYIV junta crushed Donetsk for eight years from three of its fortified points: from Avdejevka and Marjinka and the suburban settlement of Peski.
    And it won't be long.
    The Russian army and units of the First Corps of the Donetsk Republic – with the hurricane support of artillery – have already broken through the Ukrainian lines around Avdeyevka in three places and are taking it "in a pinch".
    Allied assault groups also managed to penetrate the equally fortified settlement of Peski, located between Donetsk and what remains of its international airport.
    They created strongholds within the settlement, as starting points for further advancement.
    DPR President Denis Pushilin confirmed that the breakthrough of the Ukrainian fortified lines around Maryinka has also begun.
    He stated that allied units have already cut the Yasinovataya-Konstantinovka highway, which may be decisive for the outcome of the battle for Avdejevka.
    According to the logic of things, these three Ukrainian fortifications, which are located west of Donetsk, should fall by the beginning of the gitka for Kramatorsk and Slavyansk. The main "battles for Donbas."
    After its completion – probably by the end of August – the Russian army and the forces of the Donbas republics will move towards Kharkiv, Mykolaiv and Odesa. Maybe Chernigov too.
    The activation of the "northern front" is already hinted at by the actions of Russian rockets and aviation.
    The spokesman of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov, announced that two American launchers of multi-barrel HIMARS rocket launchers were destroyed in Kharkiv by high-precision rocket strikes.
    In the same way, the positions of the Ukrainian 92nd mechanized brigade, which lost up to 200 soldiers and seven armored vehicles, were destroyed near Kharkiv.
    Due to large, irreparable losses, mass desertion began from the Ukrainian 93rd Mechanized Brigade, which was also deployed "around Kharkiv", and from the 128th Mountain Assault Brigade deployed around Zaporozhye.
    – The racist and neo-colonial model of domination by the "golden billion" and global elites is over.

    – The model of total domination of the "golden billion" is unfair. A model based on the illusion of exclusivity, which divides people into first-class and second-class, cannot exist.

    – Only truly sovereign states can ensure high growth dynamics.

    – Today, the elites of these "golden billions" are terribly afraid that other centers of world development could present their own development opportunities.

    We must expand on these theses in order to understand what concrete steps will be required to implement this new model of world order.

    Behind the nice words about the "Great Reset" and the "Fourth Economic Revolution", the "golden billion" had a plan and worked to subordinate the entire world socio-economic system to one task, which can be described as "the development of the human race, but only for the elite".

  7. Putin's former top adviser hospitalized with mysterious illness.
    67-year-old Anatolij Tjubajs has become paralyzed in both arms and legs, several media reports.
    The 67-year-old adviser and well-known politician had spoken publicly in critical terms about the invasion of Ukraine. Fearing for his life, he reportedly fled the country.
    Now Tjubajs is affected by a mysterious disorder.
    KGB agent Putin likes to experiment with poisons. Just ask Putin critic Vladimir Kara-Murza or well-known opposition politician Aleksey Navalny.

    You are a very bad boy Putin.

  8. Ukraine has become a sinkhole for mercenaries!
    Russia destroys 2 HIMARS rocket systems in Ukraine and eliminates 53 nationalists, says Russian MD.
    During the special military operation, the Russian military destroyed a launcher from the US Harpoon anti-ship missile complex in the Odessa region, said on Monday (1st) the official representative of Russian Defense, Lieutenant General Igor Konashenkov.
    "In the area of ​​the village of Veliky Dalnik, in the Odessa region, a launcher of the American Harpoon anti-ship missile complex was destroyed," he said.
    Russian Defense reported that with high-precision missiles the Russian Armed Forces eliminated two US-made HIMARS multiple rocket launch systems on the territory of a plant in the Kharkov region.

  9. "Ukrainian citizens were killed by the Russians." ประชาชนยูเครน ถูกฆ่าโดยรัสเซีย.
    "The people of Myanmar were killed by the military dictatorship." ประชาชนเมียนม่า ถูกฆ่าโดยรัฐบาลเผด็จการทหาร.

    "They fight for freedom and democracy." พวกเขาต่อสู้เพื่อเสรีภาพและปรัชาธิปไตย. "America , Please help the people of Myanmar." อเมริกา โปรดช่วยเหลือประชาชนเมียนม่าด้วย

  10. Failed at large Costs, Time to Go Home before Ukraine takes over part's of Russia !!! Ever think of that. Russia is vulnerable to loosing its own Homeland. Ukrainian Flags should be shown in Russia, maybe that would get your Misguided misfits Home …

  11. Sad, this is pure propoganda,. Why does he feel it necessary to say this.
    This signals to me, and probably others, that he does not really understand the Russian objective.
    Is this an attempt at black propoganda?
    Or just wishful thinking.

  12. Fun Facts: You ignorant fools. The reason Putin is losing. Is because NATO step in. In the Illegal Ukraine Evasion. Hitler/ VLAD got away in the past invading other countries. For their resources wealth. Just like Hitler did.

  13. Yes, nearly six months into an invasion that was meant to take mere days and russia has failed to succeed in even a single objective, and there's idiots who believe that is winning.

  14. Russia has taken almost 1/3rd of Ukraine. That taken area is the economic engine of Kieve. This MI6 agent needs to be degraded to MI2.

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