Miraculous Recovery from Covid-19: A Near Death Experience of Divine Intervention
Welcome To Logical NDE
Near-death experiences are profound events that often radically change the lives of those who have them. It some time called crossedover, otherside and life after death e.t.c
Some People dismiss near-death experiences as dreams or the hallucinations of a dying brain, people generally do not have the same kinds of hallucinations. In contrast, the descriptions of near-death experiences are remarkably consistent across culture and time. Many people do think when they do had their Near death Experience they saw past life regression, out of body experience, angels, heaven, met jesus,afterlife and testimony of jesus e.t.c..
If you would like for us to narrate your personal near-death experiences, feel free to email us at : enquire.logicalnde@gmail.com
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For more NDE narrations, please see below.
Atheist Surprised By Who He Saw In Heaven | Near Death Experience
Retired Law Enforcement officer Had Auto Crash Was Shown A New World Coming Soon ► https://youtu.be/6lbQBWeK6i4
Woman Died And The Spirit Shown Her Soul Purpose In Life
Near Death Experience – The Effects of Near-Death Experiences On Children
► https://youtu.be/2wPVC_HQbMg
MUSIC: StoryBlocks/Audio Library
🎥FOOTAGE licensed through StoryBlocks and Filmpac.
Disclaimer: This video is narrated / interview by us, not taken from another channel, and all original content. Do not do any form of financial transaction with anyone and we do not ask money for interviews.
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#nde #neardeathexperience #ghost #Logical-NDE
near death experiences
Please don't show these distracting commercial clips. Let us see your guest speaking. We come for the stories, not for the visuals.
Greatly appreciated your testimony
Alot of Preaching going on.
He's such a man of God. I need me a husband like this
Thank you for sharing…..this man is a Beautiful soul….what a Beacon of Light for the Lord…God Bless
I heard his story on a podcast amazing story full of wisdom