Does your cat have a habit of bringing special “gifts” to your door?
In this material we’ll briefly discuss why felines engage in this type of behavior and what you can do to stop it.
Enjoy the video! We hope you find it beneficial.
Music: « “E.R.F.” » from
I rarely let my cat outside but sometimes I let him out for a half hour or so. Usually he hangs around the back patio & comes back in when I go out & call him back in. However this past spring he has discovered there are tiny baby rabbits out there somewhere. He had brought me 2 live ones which were completely unharmed — so I wrapped them in towels & calmed them & released them back outdoors. However, last night my cat left a tiny dead rabbit in my bed. No blood at all. I don't know how he killed it & I didn't want to know I woke up & went to make coffee & then I saw this furry thing in the top corner of my bed next to a pillow …. oh no!!!!!. I know it was a "gift" so I did not get angry or yell or scream at the cat. I covered the tiny rabbit in paper towels & using long tongs put it in a plastic bag & took it immediately to the trash dumpsters. Then I washed my sheets. Needless to say, my cat is not going outside anymore at all no matter how much he complains. These "gifts" are [as you said in this video] "getting old".
Today my stray cat brought home a dead squirrel he caught and brought to the patio and put it in front of the door. Problem is it was one of the squirrels I knew from a baby that I named Bandit. I recognized it's coat. Although I took it as a compliment, I'm sure Bandit did not. He's a big growing kitty so it's time to take him to the Vet to get neutered and shots.
My cat brings my pidgeons
My dear Cat "Boots" left a dead mouse in my shoe. I found out the disgusting hard way early one morning when I rushed to put them on to catch the school bus!
Awesome video!
i have a cat that was born and raised in a shelter until i adopted it at 1½ years old.
i let her come and go as she pleases, the 1st week home she brought in a live a bird and mouse and every week after that at least once a week she will bring me either a headless mouse or dead mouse sometimes alive, i don't understand how she learnt to kill so good.
I have a group of feral cats that me and my family started to feed they don't bring me dead animals they bring me clothes from all over the place kids clothes hats socks and toys they don't appear to be damaged clothes in fact they're in great shape I just don't know what to do about this I'm not going to stop feeding them I can't it's not easy but we try to get them spayed and neutered
I don't believe in the gift theory. I think it's more likely that since your house is also your cat's territory, that's where it brings its new toy to play with.
My cats brought me a dead mouse. It was maybe a quarter eaten. I was like thanks. barf
This video is a waste of time. don't watch it. this guy tries to funny at every remark and comes with 0 solutions or a clear way to convey the message "cats just can't help them themselves"
My wife says cats think we're too lame to hunt and feed ourselves and do that for us. Our cat? Wooden blocks, a checkbook from 1998, screws etc. etc. etc.
My cat once brought me a dead cockroach.
My cat brought a mauled duckling. I don't see how this is a nice thing
My last cat had brought me a rat that I thought was dead till he dropped it out of his mouth and the rat ran inside
The other morning my cat gave me a dead lizard of some sort in my bathroom.
Depending on what mine brought home I was either happy or disgusted, squirrels? Eh a free meal is a free meal. Rats? Gross man I can't cook a rat… at least I don't think so..
I have a cat name zoey and she brote in a mouse, garden snake, birds, and she eats them right infront of me sometimes
4:23 … am I supposed to have a candle lit dinner with my cat after that too? Like wtf.
They leave them there and they smell and attract flies.
I have a senior rescue and he brings me a gift almost every day I'm slightly less annoyed with this behavior
I'm finding dead frogs all the time in my room
My sweet Mew whom I have raised since 3 weeks old – she is 4 years old now – when somebody left her in my front yard at night, brings me gifts of dead cicadas now in the summer and leaves them on my bed to make sure that i find them, poor things. Well, she is a cat and she loves me. What can i do ?
My cat likes to bring me gifts too. He is a strange cat. Often he bring me live chipmunks, moles, field mice and live snakes and lizards he brings them inside the house if I don't catch him first. He plays with them until he gets tired and then he lets them go in the house. Once he brought in a chipmunk and let it go in the house and I couldn't find it. I could hear it squeaking but never found it, still don't know if it's in the house or not. It's disconcerting to walk into your dining room and see a snake coiled up in a defense coil in the middle of your floor and the cat squatting in front of it staring it down.
Every single day I would check under my trampoline and I would see parts of dead birds ,rats anything my cat could get his paws on and he brought in two live mouses 😂😂 it scared me so we had to rescue them and my cat alsways puts his tail up when he sees me or my parents 😂❤
We had dilla for 6 years now and she has brought 1 squirrel and maybe 7 or 8 birds and 3 garder snakes
My kitty brung a lizard!
Yes my cat is doing this a lot of times . I have other cats but they in doors . Spiky like to be outside. He even knows how to open doors . He dont like the other cats .
I think it's either because they're showing off, they are trying to feed you, they are showing their appreciation or they want you to have your chance playing with their new toy, sharing is caring after all!
This stray cat I feed meows and wants me to watch her hunt. lol
6 july 2022 my 6 month old female at gave me a alive rat on my bed . Haha
We heard a thump at our door, only to find a rat had been thrown at the door by the neighbors cat we feed. Not just once, but about four times. She was persistent on giving it to us until she desired to devour everything but the insides.
My cat brought me a grass hopper. I pretended I was happy about it. But she look at me with her big eyes so I ate half of it to make her feel better
One morning my cat brought me a dead bird to my bed , lol i was freaking out
No way it's meant as a gift if my cat manages to sneak a life animal in he growls and hisses at me when I approach him. At the most its to show off to me what a great hunter he is but most likely he bring them in because he want to keep catching it again and again till its dead in a dry warm controlled environment to prevent his pray to really escape. After the job is done he hides it underneath something for it to slowly decay and covers up his crime. Unfortunately for him the smell of crime can't be just shoved under the rug. I tried to make it clear to him that inside the house is a prey free zone, but he finds that stupid. The lines are drawn now, no cat flap for him. At night he has a choice, sleep anywhere in the house on multiple comfy beds or stay in the kitchen with access to the great outdoors. In the evening he makes his choice clear very loudly he complains endlessly if he can't go outside. So kitchen it is, door closed so he can go outside but can't hide his crimes all over my house. I can't hear him at night if he changes his mind and start screaming that he wants to sleep in a comfy bed. I notice it in the morning when he's obviously very annoyed with me that I didn't answer his call in the middle of the night. He ignores me, refuses to speak to me and goes to sleep with his back turned to me. After a couple hours I'm his friend again and we have a peaceful afternoon. Till it gets dark and the call of nature starts all over again. So be it.
My cat was hit by a car and was killed, I buried her in my yard about 6 months ago. Yesterday I went outside and noticed 3 dead animals by her grave, a bird, a large mole, and a baby possum. This has me totally stumped, we’re these 3 gifts from another cat? Please reply…… thanks
My cat Is WOLD bring me home Lots of gifts his record was 5 M ICE Is in one CHImonk In one day You were starting at that time