No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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Molto impegnativo..
another way is to throw a big huge net but that would stress the dog out. Takis is so patient
Thanks for sharing.
She is a clever dog..wouldn't go in the trap and is wary of the net..the pups are so darn cute..probably full of fleas as scratching like mad..hope you can outwit her Takis they are all in danger there..
The babies must look like their father…🤷♀
Amor, dedicação e paciência, são as palavras certas desse vídeo. 🙏
Dear little dinky dog. How awful to be dumped, with babies is even worse.
Chihuahua…they are tough. I miss my little Chihuahua girl so much. I rescued my current dog because of you, Takis. Rescued animals know they have been saved and are grateful. I will always adopt my pets because of this channel.
She is a clever and loving mum that will learn takis is saving her and her babies
Tiny, but smart. A lot going through that little head of hers with all these giants around her.
It sure takes patience on Takis, Apostolia and Marcos' part….but so gratifying when it works to everyone's benefit.
Thank you Takis and Apostolia for saving this family.
Another suspenseful mission of mercy which will end successfully !
As a kid, our family had 2 different small red dogs(different times) ,but both the same size & colour as her, same body shape. They were mixed Chihuahua
terriers, so l am thinking she's a chihuahua-terrier mix maybe. My goodness she gave you a run on patience –something you never seem to run out of, thank god…🕊️🐾🌈☮️🇨🇦I have NO idea why there are lines thru my comment, it must be this crap phone.
Deve ter sido muito abusada e maltratada essa pequena,grata pela dedicação e paciência de vocês.
She's 🐾 just going everywhere and her baby needs her awww 😔. ❤️✌🏼. ÇALI🌴
Such a cute clever mama dog, happy when you finally get her and she'll realize how fortunate she is and the pups will thrive!!
Millions of poor abused animals all over the world; those you rescued are so blessed 🐶❤️God bless you guys 🙏👼🏼🌹
Die süße Mama weiß noch nicht das Takis & sein Team die Rettung sind…. ❤
With time and a lot of patience our heroes will succeed the achievement.🐕🥅
Just wondering if food was used to lure her? Sometimes if a person sits down with food the dog is more comfortable to approach.
Just let yourself be caught mama , it’s the best thing u can ever do!
I wonder what happened to her other little puppies?!
Wonder how long it took in real time. So frustrating when there is so much work to do back at the shelter.
Thank you very much for the rescue 🙏😍🐶🐕🐕💖💖☄💖🤗.
Takis and Apostolia please keep trying. I am sure you will both rescue the 4 kilo mom and her babies.
I know you will be succesful eventualy 😍
Ay Takis, siempre ayudando , gracias , eres un ángel🥰🥰👏👏👏
Mamma is gorgeous lives on hert wits keeps moving. Lol 😂 as I say Takis patience does it .
Try carrying a net to put over the dogs if you feel they will not go crazy.
Mamas are clever, they know the danger. Hahaha 😂
La mami es muy lista!! Nunca perdéis la paciéncia… Sois un maravilloso equipo.Gracias por existir!!!🤗
Another little family left to fend on there own so sad. Thank you again for helping and letting them live a good happy life 🙏👌💓
Love these type of videos too, shows how patience and determination are important in these type of cases and also when taking care of an animal, it’s not only positive moments when dealing with animals, but having the strive and responsibility it takes, everything gets done properly 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻👏
I know you'll catch her. But yes, smart girl, darling puppies and obviously frightened of people. She has no idea how awesome her & her puppies' life will be once she is with you and gorgeous Apostolia!
How many more can you cope with thank-you xx
Takis und apostolia haben so viel Geduld. Sie werden es schaffen da bin ich mir sicher. Vielen lieben Dank ihr zwei 💕
Un personaje la pequeña mamá.Con unos cachorros bien gorditos.Espero próximo vídeo de ella.
Que delicia ver isso adorei , ela é esperta kkķkkk , pega os filhote dela na mão e mostra pra ela com pedaço de carne na mão , ela só está assustada,muito bom vidio eu gostei!!!os caçadores dos desvalidos gratidão ,takis estava parecendo caçador de borboletas 🦋 😂😂😂apesar que no Brasil também se usa isso na zoonose 👍gratidão pelo grande trabalho de amor de todos vocês ❤🇧🇷