ЁЯЫ╣ Can This Shelter Dog Skateboard? Part 1 ЁЯРХ

ЁЯЫ╣ Can This Shelter Dog Skateboard?  Part 1 ЁЯРХ
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Pirate was found as a stray so not much is known about him. He had an injury to his eye but appears to have recovered. He is currently awaiting adoption at Columbia Animal Services in Columbia SC. If I gave him a Vans hat and a skateboard, could this dog skateboard and do tricks?

Here’s a post from Reddit about Moby (another shelter dog) https://www.reddit.com/r/MoreTimeForDogs/comments/y5lv63/walking_a_huge_pitbull_at_an_animal_shelter/

To find out how you can help shelter dogs, visit us at www.palmettocommercialservices.com/how-to-help-shelter-dogs/

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