48 Luckiest People Caught On Camera!
Hello guy’s, it’s WELUCK today we’re going to be checking out some people who got VERY LUCKY and if you get to meet any of them perhaps you can use them as a lucky charm. Watch this video until the end and see for yourself!
Over 9 minutes of LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA! we’re going to show you some of the Luckiest People, Dangerous moments, Lucky tiktok videos, and people couldn’t be LUCKIER.
There are 3 people who are VERY LUCKY, the first In moments, This guy skydived, but even though it suddenly had a problem, it took forever to open and give him a how. 2nd This man was buried deep under the thick snow, left out of hope but he was saved in the end. And the last one, During the New Year, instead of driving carefully, the owner of this car almost couldn’t see the faces of loved ones one last time…
0:16 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 1st: A truck lost control and collapsed on the road, fortunately the people around were able to escape…
0:36 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 2nd: The plane crashed and had to make an emergency landing, and when he and his blood-stained feet were being helped out of the plane, a train rattled forward and crushed the small plane…
1:03 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 3th: The woman was leisurely walking on the road when suddenly an out of control car came and pushed her down, but fortunately, apart from panic, the girl was completely unharmed…
1:22 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 4th: A person carelessly fell onto the track, while the train was roaring forward! Fortunately, the man was pulled up by a kind person and saved his life…
1:40 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 5th: A piece of iron penetrated the car window, pointed directly at the driver’s seat, but the owner of the car was still unharmed…
1:56 LUCKIEST PEOPLE 6th: The F1 car suddenly lost control during the race while other racing cars were rushing behind…
→ And other lucky people moment that I’m probably not remembering! Let’s see for yourself.
→ If you enjoyed this TOP LUCKIEST PEOPLE CAUGHT ON CAMERA! you should also check out these other LUCKIEST PEOPLE video lists LUCKIEST PEOPLE! https://www.youtube.com/@welucks/playlists
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48 Luckiest People Caught On Camera!
All I can say is, that entire montourage of events is one that you have to say if I didn't see it, I wouldn't believe it! On freaking believable man!
Dramatic yet entertaining. Thanks! 😁
I wish you all the best of luck😁
Bro, thanks for the content! I started making videos, too, and I did it. You're my motivator 😁
Being one of the luckiest people caught on camera in the world is a 1 in a billion thing.😁
So many of these seem like mistakes you make first thing in the morning when you’re not even totally awake yet on the job.
I was curious what getting on your guardian angel's last nerve was supposed to look like. And i was not disappointed.
I have been more positive while watching your videos. Thanks WELUCK
lets take a moment to appreciate them and the editors for how much effort they put in👍
Thanks!! I had a really bad day today, so this cheered me up. Seeing lucky people is a whole lot better than see idiots doing stupid things. Thanks again.
For every one of these lucky survivors, I imagine 20 people being not-so-lucky.
this is not luck, but skill
Skill will get you only so far, luck on the other hand can take you all the way.
I can't believe my eyes
That was an awesome editing skill. You guys rock!! 😊👌👍👍👍
One of my luckiest moments was similar to the last semi one but between a small car(mine) and a van
My entire life has been lucky, why, because my mom while pregnant with me, was arrested for outstanding warrants on her way to the abortion clinic !
Most of these seem to take place in countries that have no safety laws and not person injury lawyers.
I love how they have just completely abandoned "No one was harmed"
Enjoying the video and the music!🥰
You can make us cry you can make us laugh you can make us feel excitement and all in a great positive way YOU DESERVE ALL THE LOVE AND SUPPORT MY MAN, I THANK YOU PERSONALLY
These people are incredibly lucky.
No such thing as luck
I chose the Top Lucky People to be caught by the camera. And please vote for the luckiest person 👇👇
This is where all of 2022's luck went into.
I love your videos 🥰🥰
your video is very good 👍👍
That last one, I want to believe it was pure skill.
These clips are really worth studying. You can learn a lot of wisdom from seeing how things can fall in expected ways. Just as one example, if something is attached at one end, like a tree branch, and the free end pivots down before the attached end breaks, the branch is likely to swing in towards the attached side, and anything in that general area could be hit.
Good entertaining vid and from real experiences as well with no fake click garbage
What's more amazing, the luck that these people had, or that these incidents we're caught on camera? Great video! Thanks for posting this!
I find these situations very fortunate, how about you? 😁
These people are more than lucky… one word "MIRACLE"
The most luckiest thing about this is that all of them were recorded
A lot of guardian angels are working overtime.