In which Craig Benzine teaches you about the compromises met in ratifying the U.S. Constitution. The United States didn’t always have its current system of government. Actually, this is its second attempt. Craig will delve into the failures (and few successes) of the Articles of Confederation, tell you how delegates settled on a two-house system of representation, discuss the issues of slavery and population that have been embedded into our constitution, and fire up the clone machine to discuss how federalists and anti-federalist opposition provided the U.S. a Bill of Rights. And who knows, maybe all this talk of compromise will even inspire Craig and eagle to find some middle ground.
Produced in collaboration with PBS Digital Studios: http://youtube.com/pbsdigitalstudios
Support is provided by Voqal: http://www.voqal.org
Introduction: The Constitution 00:00
The Articles of Confederation: Precursor to the Constitution 0:28
Why did the Articles of Confederation fail? 1:15
The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 2:06
The Virginia Plan 2:35
The New Jersey Plan 3:14
The Connecticut Compromise / The Great Compromise 3:30
The 3/5ths Compromise 4:00
Ratification of the U.S. Constitution 5:22
Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists 6:09
The Bill of Rights 7:36
Credits 8:23
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So why does it seem like republicans and democrats switched views?
this guys awesome trynna make politics funny
this help with my paragraph thank you
Im not gonna punch you BURD
1:40 made me laugh audibly, and I normally dislike the jokes
I like how everyone’s just gonna casually ignore Skrillex on the left at 0:52
dude i love this guy lol
how do you feel about the three fifths compromise?
Aren't you gonna talk about how he portrait 'slaves' as 'black american' isn't it racist?
This guy hate America!
This man hates America so much. Punching bald eagle isn’t fun. America education system is deeply infiltrated by her enemies.
If anyone needs it, I have a google slides covering the main points of all 50 videos and some other stuff about politics and government in general. If you need or want it I can email it to you!
That dog ! Amazing haha
How do we know you're not John Green, just in a disguise?
I didn't realize Skrillex was a Constitutional Convention Delegate.
This is hilarious
Thank you so much for having subtitles on all of the Crash Course videos! It makes taking notes so much easier and I can actually spell things correctly this way!
Why is everyone so concerned with what the founders wanted? The gov should adjust to the people's wants right?
who is stan?
YouTube really put a racist video with less views in a higher place on the search results
I find it silly that the federalist clone, who signifies those who often represent commercial classes and wealthy people, is wearing a blue shirt, and the anti-federalist clone looks really business-savvy in his black overcoat.
And yeah, this Craig guy is great! Kind of reminds me of Spiderman joining and representing the Avengers.
george washington: I know the united states of america will be the best one day. us right now: CORONAVIRUS DONALD TRUMP
0:45 so what i am hearing is that the states should throw out the Constitution again and rewrite it. this year 2020 and come together and say this does not work any more
"How come he can shoot fireworks?"
That poor bird needs a vacation.
Where is Green????
@ 0:54 is that Skrillex in the line-up or
The federalist clone reminded me of Kermit
craig, my professor said the three-fifths compromise doesn't mean a slave is three-fifths of a person- he said they only counted three-fifths of the entire slave population in order to please the states that wanted more power in the House of Representatives (but not entirely)
👍🏿🤘🏿 @thecube6928
He talks way too fast and is distractionally ditsy!
compromise stated @ 3:45
Still watching 2020!😎
I love It when he punches the eagle!!
Nice video nice edits and nice voice sir…
Green's better
Someone please explain why Craig hates the Eagle so much 🤣
Did not expect my boy Weezy Waiter to be teaching me about the government but this has been the most pleasant surprise
pray to god this helps me get at least an 80 on my exam
This man needs a raise. I like him better than Green
Some of those comments are so mean, poor guy just wants to help us learn in a fun way and he gets criticized. You go Craig!
a little to simplistic at 5:15…Counting slaves as 3/5 was not actually the belief slaves were 3/5 of a human. That is misconstrued by educators today and a lazy interpretation of what it really was which was a political tactic to bring the union together (and the North keeping the balance of power intact) knowing there was no way to abolish slavery in that moment. I specifically rememebr my AP US history teaching saying slaves were believed to be 3/5 of a person and i always found it kind of strange since it was obvious the north was doing this in terms of representation and fearing the spread of slavery to other parts of the country.
is it just me, or does craig kind of look like jackson from gilmore girls?
you are wrong ; the final number of slave population was tabulated at 60% of the whole , actual number . Only the Slave states treated men like property and did not want to pay taxes on them YET had the chutzpah to try to count them for Congress.
Incidentally , this is why Democrats welcome illegal immigration ; because it allows them more Representation in Congress. Not much has changed really…