Atmospheric rivers are storms, similar to rivers in the sky, that drop huge amounts of rain and can cause floods, cause landslides, and result in loss of life and massive property damage.
Rain and snow fed by the atmospheric river hit California for days, causing severe flooding and killing at least 19 people across the state.
The rains are subsiding across much of California, giving the state a much-needed break from relentless storms that have turned neighborhoods into lakes, damaged highways and forced tens of thousands of people to evacuate across the state.
Heavy rain, wind and snow hit California again, triggering flood warnings and power outages in several regions.
Storms are expected to continue, the National Weather Service said. President Joe Biden declared the storms a major disaster and ordered federal assistance to supplement local recovery efforts in affected areas.
Flood warnings have been issued for the Bay Area and Central Valley, including Mendocino, Napa, Marin, Sonoma, Sacramento, Merced and Fresno counties.
In Monterey County, on the central coast, an evacuation order was issued, where overflowing Salinas River flooded farmland.
In California, which has received as much rain in three weeks as it normally does in an entire year in some areas, the latest in a series of deadly storms is expected to leave the state.
“This was the most impressive series of storms we have seen since 1995, when our outage records began.
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What did you say?
Вот это действительно катаклизм и катастрофа ! 💔
26 млн. человек должны эвакуировать Америка Калифорния затопленные. Ответьте себе честно, кто этим будет заниматься. Людей оставят с бедой один на один.просыпайся созидательное общество это наш единственный шанс выжить
Пиндосы получают обратно запущенный бумеранг!
Мы в Россию их примем ! Не вопрос !
Они наверно знают о предсказании. Потому заранее подготовили и провоцировали войну на Украине. 25% территории Украины уже куплены Западом. Остальное за огромные долги могут присвоить. Также идет работа с Казахстаном. Казахстан тоже с обширной территорией мягким климатом,плодородной землей,богатыми недрами так же как Украина. Чтобы очистить территорию от населения, тоже наверно будут провоцировать войну.
Have we crossed the point of no return in terms of damaging the planet? There is no such point. We need to trust that our thought, which is our greatest quality, can change nature. We only need to understand the direction to which we should aim our thoughts. What should we think about? What condition or state should we aspire to and ask for?
In order to save our planet, we should think about positive human connections. That is, how can we, in our connections, keep nature safe? How can we all together protect our world? If we truly wish to better our planet, then we should see people holding a concern for how to positively connect everywhere that we look.
It has nothing to do with recycling or other activities that we commonly associate with as being sustainable. If we come closer to and consider each other, that we will reach an entirely organic, perfectly connected and round state, then the negative forces will disappear from the world.
We need to understand that if we start thinking better about each other, then the planet will recover from all harm, because our thoughts are the strongest force in nature. Likewise, our negative thoughts about each other are entirely to blame for damaging the planet. That is why the more we recycle and invest in energies and activities that we commonly think of as being sustainable, the worse our planet becomes. Nothing will work to benefit us until we reach a state where our attitude changes toward each other for the better to protect and improve our planet.
Texto mentiroso 👎
The water is running this fast an people think it’s because of the rain an snow, there flooding the tunnel systems destroying the satanic elite child trafficking
а санкции наложить слабо? они же думают что боги на земле, и только они правят миром, вперёд
Мне очень , очень жалко животных , они первые страдают и от стихии и от людей . Людей не очень то и жалко , их спасают , а животные гибнут .
Americans wanted to delete ather nationalities and now they are in the same pisition .it is their sins and panishment….
Ничего, всю грязь смоет – чистота будет!
$37,000 en solo dos semanas, Sr. ALEXANDER BEN MARASHLIAN, todavía existen buenas personas.😍💰
А вот врать не нужно. О каких 26 000 000 идёт речь?
Why don't they call upon their government to send those tanks, missiles and trained military to fight the weather ( enemy ) attack? I thought this is an obvious thing for them to do! With those stockpiles of Himars and this they should attack their enemy who obviously is relentlessly destroying their possessions! Clearly their Pentagon is still there!
Это ответка за вмешательство в жизнь других стран. Отстаньте от России.
Откуда в Калифорнии 26 миллионов человек?
Очень жаль что страдает простые люди, лучше бы Пентагон смыло с лица земли!
26 000 000 (?!!)
Жалко простых людей, животных, зверей!! Они не виновны! Господи, храни их всех в Твоей милостивой руке
Все утонете в пучине, летом в засухе – за ту боль народов и разрушенные страны и государств к вам пришла КАРМА. ВАС НЕ ЖАЛКО!
Побольше им катаклизмов и Америка будет занята собой ,а весь мир вздохнет свободно!!!
18 миллионов в США бывших фронтовиков. Которые получают пенсии. Которые участвовали в горячих точках.. Вопрос.. На вас кто то нападал.? Нет.. Вы скоты воюете по всему миру и устраиваете войны. Как вы хотите, что бы мы к вам относились? Желаем вам тонуть, гореть и всем просто здохнуть.
Природа их сама эвакуирует. 🤣
Природа против злости !
кажется золотой миллиард оказался говнищем унитазным 😆😆😆
This is making the polishness of some people by using technology how to destroy our life or the whole world, this is a another kind of BIO WAR , imagine in one week how many countrie are flooding, l'm not beleived this what happenned to our life are thesame typhon,flood , tornado and more rain, this is devil lucifer person those doing these BIO WAR….