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💫Sag Gal Intuition💫
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Couples 17:21
Love this couple on reading on point❤
This my story omg😮
Thank you for your time and reading
I'm wondering how he feels.
Long distance relationship ,he hasn't been keeping in touch like he used to.
That's me right now you don't call I don't call
I don't want anyone from my past.
This reading is so true with what I'm going thru
wow…. beautiful😊
Wow keep up the good work u spoke of me I'm a sag man an my situation is wat I just described to a tee tee last part I almost cried 🥺
We are Soul Mates ,💗💗
Sagittarius couples 17:15
its my story.
thank you 🙏
#Couples 18:00
I ended my relationship a year ago. I held on hoping things would work out but I finally found that I wasn't the one who had the problem, I blamed myself and yes I was severely mistreated but now I know I didn't deserve that kind of treatment. It's taken me years to shovel the blame back on to my abusers so that's exactly what I did. Now I am free ready to go out and live life as it is going to get better every day. Thank God that Jesus finally helped me see feel and believe I am worthy of all the good things in life. God, the holy spirit and my angels opened my eyes to see the beautiful woman, mother and friend I really am.Thanks for your reading . ✌,love and 🚦
Claim it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I. Agree. I'm not that special. N. After awhile. They want new. Men R Just Fickled n Horn Dogs
No he is just a confused person I don't care it's not easy being cheesy especially if you want to be showered as a woman
Well my period is late but I’ll have the baby by myself if I am
On target! Thank You
And istg I said I learned that lesson OUT LOUD TODAY! shook
My man is a playaa 😆 we are new and he ghosted me but I didn’t trip because I know he’s coming back and my intuition is crazy like that. This video was for me!! I can’t wait 😛 😆 come to mama!
😩This reading was so on point its scary.
Once a cheater always a cheater!
I'm the one that's been depressed, not because of him,but why I ended it was because of his x gf on speaker telling hi I love!! It was just the icing on the cake!
Nailed it! Wi the manipulative and secretive! All the above for year's
I broke up with my bf ,long term a month ago,I just listened to my intuition,I'm I'm good by myself! ain't crying over any of em anymore!
Ha definitely not pregnant! 😂
My x bf is an Aries,x husband is piceas,it took yrs to heal from all he did to me!
Couples 17:12
Yes I've been through hell n back in my 51years!
Exactly!I thought he was true,but I caught him lying red handed!too many times,greed , gossiping about me as well as his friends etc etc 🙄🥴
What I truly want is to not exist on this insane planet another moment 🙋♀️