“Leigh v. Leigh”: Is a 39-year-old man the son of a late New York NFL Player? His children strongly reject his claim, yet are eager to embrace another man as their sibling.
“Jones v Milan”: A Memphis, TN man and his mother come to court to prove that, although he has been helping her take care of a woman’s six other children, he is not the father of her 3-month-old.
“Walker v. Royal”: Her son expressed paternity doubt to her three weeks before his murder. This heartbroken mother brings his alleged babyโs mother to court to prove that her son is not the biological father of her 15-month-old son.
Season 4, Episode 46 | Season 3, Episode 46 | Season 7, Episode 16
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Paternity Court:
Roku : https://therokuchannel.roku.com/details/0470a50df0d65f72a7dc6111b416b0fe/lauren-lakes-paternity-court
Tubi: https://tubitv.com/series/3287/paternity-court
Couples Court: https://www.fubo.tv/welcome/series/115903611/couples-court-with-the-cutlers
Personal Injury Court: https://www.fubo.tv/welcome/series/115877734/personal-injury-court
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