February 24 our country woke up to flying rockets and explosions! The governmental authorities of the Russian Federation started a full-scale war against our country…
So many families leave the country and their pets are just left behind on the streets
We don’t leave the country, we continue to feed stray dogs and rescue as many animals as we can
Please pray for Ukraine, please pray for us and our Furry Friends to be safe
Please subscribe to our new channel “Stray Furry Friends” …
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Too rough turning the head. I love both dogs. They are beautiful! TY for rescuing them. Adorable dress up for photoshoot. I want them!
How much will be the cost to adopt going to other countries?
I am just an old guy approaching the big 90 in a couple of years and it is great to see this young woman and the two puppies in action.
Thank you for saving puppies's lives. Both are so beautiful puppies. Both are so beautiful puppies 🥰. God bless both of them have a lovely home. 🙏❤️🐾🌹
I love your content ! you have inspired me to start my own channel where i go out and feed stray dog's in Thailand ❤️
Herzlichen Dank an Euch! ❤🙏🏼
I am sure your room is very smell.
Voces vao separalos tadinhos
.. Nur das Beste in der Zukunft ist für diese zwei süssen, ( ausgesetzten..!!) Kleinen gut genug ..
Danke Olena, ohne deine Rettungsaktion wären die beiden dem Tod geweiht gewesen..
Soooo sweet ❤️❤️❤️
I hope the war will be over soon.
Pups need more than shelter…they need love and a home.
More people like this let little fellers be little fellers
Simply beautiful. Thank you.
God bless you all those who cares for life, unfortunately I am jobless living as a burden on my old aged parents
wonderful ladies and wonderful, absolutely lovely puppies. And God bless Ukraine, a country which raises up such beautiful creatures. 'God give them freedom and happiness.
God bless you for doing this work. You are all angels from heaven ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Как мне нравиться Елена,сколько в ней доброты,всегда улыбается,какое у ней огромное сердце
Thank for the video you share saving 2 Poppy life is wonderful and wonderful heart you have goodheart. I have see feel video of yours I kind wonder what do you do with all those dog after you show the video ? how you saved them life ? or you just do video and then let them go to the street back to where they come from ? Or you have the house for them to leaf happy forever ? or you adopt them away to other family ? that is my question
The puppies photo session is so adorable! Their personalities really shine.
they are adorable.
I love you Girl ❤️🥰🌹
Why do you say they are heart broken? They seemed ok until you disturb them
Awesome !