Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos Of 2023 | Scary Comp. V1

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Top 10 SCARY Ghost Videos Of 2023 | Scary Comp. V1
The SCARY Videos Of Paranormal Activity Caught on CAMERA! SO In this Video A Top 10 List of SCARY Shadows, CREEPY Videos, GHOST, Poltergeist Activity, Demons & SCARY Things Caught! On No #10 A Door opens on It’s own – Including.. Apparition of Ghost caught on Road. Creepiest Dark entity & Unknown foots Caught on TikTok! Paranormal Investigation Team managed To Captures SCARY Activity At Haunted PLACE! SCARY Photo on Reddit. Japanese Ghost Hunters records Ghostly Figure. Strange Apparition caught on Camera! Another Ghost Hunting Team captures Poltergeist Activity & Shadow person. Finally Urban Explorer caught SCARY Head Peeking!

#ghostvidz #top5 #scary #ghost #ghostvideos #scarycomp

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About the Author: Ghost Vidz


  1. Stop watching the video on 7 fake asf damn🤔🤔if these guys get rich off fake stuff why can't some of us get rich also but yea these videos are edited and as far as objects moving anybody can do that and as for the banging,footsteps,and thumping sounds anybody can do that off camera I'm starting to think all these videos with ghost and demons are all just to get fame and attention

  2. The entity that is on the staircase, it looks like an old man I want to say maybe looks like Mark Twain, or even the the Kentucky fried Chicken

  3. Привет Большое спасибо за усилия, которые вы вложили в создание видео. Они классные и страшные 👍

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