China issues second biggest cold wave warning, heavy snow and storm forecast
temperatures will drop by 8 to 12 degrees Celsius across much of central and eastern China, according to the National Meteorological Center.
The China Meteorological Administration issued the second-worst cold wave warning on Friday, predicting severe temperature swings, gale-force winds and heavy snowfall across vast regions of the country.
During this period, temperatures in the Heilongjiang regions will drop by more than 20 degrees Celsius, accompanied by strong winds, the Xinhua news agency reported.
Heavy snow is forecast to hit parts of Shanxi, Shaanxi, Hebei, Henan,provinces, as well as Tibet Autonomous Region and Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region
If winter is complete with snow, then winter with snowmen is perfect. Right now, our country is being affected by the first cold weather in 2023, and large-scale rains and snowfalls have spread in the central and eastern regions.
The center advised the population to warm up in conditions of a sharp cold snap and be aware of the dangers of traffic in adverse weather conditions
Snowfall is expected to reach 100 cm in Hokuriku, Tohoku and Tokai, 70 cm in China, 60 cm in Hokkaido and Kinki, 50 cm in Shikoku and 40 cm in the north.
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Not even close to us northern Alberta Canada . Still pour concrete minus40
У нас в Казахстане такое каждую зиму😳
This could stop China pollution by stopping their manufacturing and stop them from flying so they don't spread the virus again like they did last time, this is good news for the western worlds
Ya unlike the ya hu people
🤲 Allah is one!
🤲allahim yardem et sana emanetdir ,senin kuluniz
почитаешь заголовки, прямо конец света, просто идёт снег с ветром
Пусть начало конца света ..
Get a narrator that we can understand
A globalisci dalej będą nam wciskać kit o globalnym ociepleniu.
The wrath of GOD is coming to the ungodly, idolaters and wicked people! Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon 🙏🏼❤️🕊Repent, believe in the Gospel, Be Born Again
السماء والطارق ما أدراك ما الطارق النجم الثاقب كل نفس عليها حافظ لينظر الإنسان من ماخلق ، خلق من ماء دافق يخرج من بين الصلب والثرايب ، الله على رجعه قادر ، يوم تبلا السراير ما له من قوه ولا ناصر ، السماء ذات الرجع و الأرض ذات الصدع أنه لقول فصل ما هو بهزل ، إنهم يكيدون كيدا و الله يكيد كيدا ومهل الكافرين امهلهم رويداً ،،،،**
Praying for Chinese people and their country,they are not all bad people
Чтобы поменьше думали о захвате Сибири.Пусть поклоняются своему истукану из Библии дальше.
Psalms 148:8
8 lightning and hail, snow and clouds, stormy winds that do his bidding
Jesus Christ's return is near, Repent & believe in the Gospel of Salvation
be born again in Christ Jesus and be saved.🙏🕊❤🤴
1 Corinthians 15:1-4, Romans 10:9-10 & Acts 2:38
هذا انتشر قبل ثمان ايام
قده احتيال
Bendiciones Dios los proteja 🙏
Global warming CCP warns.
🇨🇳 is suffer with the super cold is,because the way they treated the Most High's children, and he is coming for them.
How did our forefathers prepare for extreme weather. We certainly need excellent vehicles and homes to succeed.
Ничего страшного и опасного нет . Зачем пугать и нагнетать ? Ради лайков ?
Oh my goodness 😳
😆 🤣 😂 😆 🤣 😂