ЁЯж┤ You'll Never Believe How Skinny This Dog Was ЁЯЪи

ЁЯж┤ You'll Never Believe How Skinny This Dog Was ЁЯЪи
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Sharpay is a 3 year old pitbull mix who arrived at the animal shelter skinny and in rough shape. If you are looking to foster, rescue or adopt, she is currently at Columbia Animal Services in Columbia, South Carolina.

Here’s a post from Reddit about Moby (another shelter dog) https://www.reddit.com/r/MoreTimeForDogs/comments/y5lv63/walking_a_huge_pitbull_at_an_animal_shelter/

To find out how you can help shelter dogs, visit us at www.palmettocommercialservices.com/how-to-help-shelter-dogs/

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#doggie #sharpay #shelterpittie #happydog #dogssmiling #adopt #moretimefordogs #rescuepittie #pitbullrescue #dogstory #dogshelter #animalshelter #pittienation #skinny #pittie

This is part of the True shelter dog stories, most of which are in South Carolina. This is not part of The Dodo Dogs, Pawspot Dogs, Hope For Paws, Pawsome Pets or any of those series. If you would like information on how to adopt a pitbull or how to adopt a shelter dog, contact your local animal shelter or dog pound to see what the regulations are in your area. Some of the dogs have amazing stories and many of the animals in the animal shelter are pitbulls. Some dog rescues will pull dogs from the animal shelters, but some of these animals don’t have much time remaining or have health issues, making their rescue attempts much more costly and much less viable. These are true shelter dog stories and real shelter dog stories. Most of the shelter dogs are pitbulls and these are real pitbull stories and true pitbull stories.

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