Disaster strikes the city, i’m not sure if we can handle it. Luckily we have the greatest response team in the world to save us!
Disaster strikes the city, i’m not sure if we can handle it. Luckily we have the greatest response team in the world to save us!
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The best episode yet, just because of the meteor
Man i really missed this.
I'm on my 4th rewatch of this series, the silly edits never gets old. Classics i tell you!
Coming back in 2022; series is still solid gold.
Coming back years later and seeing the meteor hit poo lagoon with that music… face hurt levels of laughing.
Can’t believe Tom missed the opportunity to say “poonami”
That hit 100% where everyone was wanting it to.
1:57 I actually said to myself, "Oh the poomanity!"
it is as if the Lord himself struck down Poo Lagoon for being a blight on the Earth
The people of the poo lagoon
-live in shitty little houses
– have to endure life right next to the poo lagoon
– suffer through massive polution
– are hated and despised by their godlike mayor
– will most likely be sacrificed to the dark gods
– got struck by a motherf*cking meteor and almost drowned in a tidal wave of literal shit
Meanwhile in the sunny part of town:
"We DoN'T hAvE EnOUgH PaRkS!1!!
Please don't tell me I'm the only one falling asleep to the dulcet tones of chill Tom
please tell me that was the Air Bud theme
OMG, it was a shitstorm for those poo people.
best thunderbird was the plane that turned into a sub. If I recall…I saw the show as a kid and that was a looooong time ago.
That meteor hitting poo lagoon is the single funniest thing I have ever seen on a lets play
Could someone please tell me what’s the game of this map and if it’s available at the steam workshop? Thank you
Thunderbird 3 was shit cos all it did was carry people to and from Thunderbird 5. It is unworthy of Thunderbird status, it’s just a fucking spaceship.
poo lagoon has become a huge black stain on the map both because of the poo and because of the burn marks
Watching this in 2018 and its still fucking hilarious
What map is this tom?
Oh fuck poo lagoon noooo
"Astrologists report?"
of all the places to land!… XD
I love poo lagoon for them shity people
1:35 and this is when he knew Poo Lagoon was fucked. Again.
Why poo lagoon
the thought of tom just sitting there like oh a meteor thats normal. WTF?
Ha ha ha LOVED THUNDERBIRDS!! Growing up I was sooo jealous of any kids that had the die cast metal models!!!
omg thunderbird 2 brings back so many memorys XD i had it as a toy and i was soooooooo happy
Does the news voice actually say "astrologists report"? Whew.
Shout out to the Thunder Birds
RIP Poo Lagoon
I liked thunderbird 5, the satellite one. it was the only reason they knew any disasters were happening.
On another note, you ever see the thunderbird movie?
2:22 I died
Of course it hit Poo Lagoon. Of course it did.
I blame the cultists of Cultburg. I suspect they called it down on their smelly, mutant neighbours.
Had to search for that thunderbirds theme tune, lol, the references are pretty amazing and the replacement music was pretty good too.
I love that the in-game voice says astrologers have predicted the meteor. It fits in with the whole Cultsburg theme.
poo lAgoon has expanded