🇵🇭 Philippines Chicken Inasal: https://youtu.be/Ctt0z9Db7-s
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CORDOVA, PHILIPPINES – Today I’m hanging out with my friends @BhenYuri and we’ve been invited over to the @yangcofamilymukbang9627 who make family village food and mukbang videos. They are cooking one of the greatest Filipino food meal experiences you can have – a boodle fight!
Cordova is just a short drive from Cebu, yet it’s a totally different world – quiet, relaxing, and still some countryside. The Yangco family has a fantastic property with a farm, vegetables, and even chickens. A boodle fight is a communal style of eating where everyone stands around a table and eats together communally. For this Filipino food boodle fight they are making a couple dishes – a very unique roasted chicken in a tin can wrapped in a banana stalk. Humba bisaya, a braised pork stew that’s one of the favorite dishes of the Visayas, and finally kinalaw – raw fish marinated in vinegar, and this time with grilled pork.
Once all the dishes were finished cooking we then set the table with everything – the rice on first, all the meat and side dishes, and even fruits around the table. It was an absolute feast, and one of the best Filipino food meals I’ve ever had!
Thank you to my friends Bhen and Yuri:
And huge thank you to Yangco Family:
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🌶️ 🌶️🌶️ NEW: Smoked Ghost Pepper Available Now:
Direct: https://www.kivahealthfood.com/markghostpepper
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There’s something about Mark’s mouth and the sound it makes when he chews. Respect to the Philippines 🇵🇭
❤ You should go to Belize 🇧🇿 next
Good to learn from others
Ooh jah lecker, pilipino traditional dishes and fresh.
so mouthwatering! wish i can join eating too☺️
This video is so wholesome. Everything about Philippines looks amazing. I can’t wait to visit one day.
Mark Wiens be carefull Filipinos is not good they are Thift they will steal your money.Filipinos is Fake
🇵🇭❤Love that you enJoy our food! Thank you for support and sharing.
Never knew there was a Cordova in Cebu, only Cordova I know of is in Spain, well no one should be surprised the Spanish Colonized the Philippines in the 16th century. Great video.
Thank you beri mats
Hi Mark I'm from Philippines was 8 years ago I'm so jealous you are so awesome for sharing us your experiences I love Philippines food it's amazing this people is so awesome for sharing there home with you so you can share this with us 💖 💕 💗 thank you 😊 💖
Bro,I wonder why you are very thin where in fact you are eating lots of nutritious foods
Pork Special #asmr cooking video 😍
Enjoy the delicous Video:https://youtu.be/1EhZlJzgt48
Wow it makes me hungry!
Humba and kinilaw is the best!!! Best combooo then after eating that gonna finish the meal with mango or something refreshing
I love to go there in Cebo Philippines 🇵🇭
mark needs more chili! 😁
This is an amazing video Mark. Thank you for bringing this to everyone, and please continue to journey and show the world the cultural differences we all have within our tastes and food preferences.
You makes me hungry the way you eat wt your hands hahaha❤😂
Dont eat the seed of Calamansi its so bitter😭
Hey!!!! I'm drooooooooooooooling here come on!
Mark is one of the best food vlogger, that's why he have a millions of subscribers
Hi mark I'm from Cordova Cebu.
I miss Asia so much. Phillippines, Thailand, VietNam. I lived in Thailand for 4 years and I miss the street/rural cooking so much. Mark you kill me with your enjoyment because it takes me back there and I can remember how I loved it. Love you guys and keep up the good work bringing the beauty of sharing good food with great people that is the Asian culture. Thank you.
Watching you enjoying the different varieties of Kinilaw shows how much you really appreciate the food here in PH. Thank you for exploring our food varieties ❤️❤️❤️
Budol fight is not a traditional ways of Filipinos of how they eat! I really hated Filipinos every time they tried to promote this kind of eating… There are lots of Filipinos starving in my Country and knowing how this was eaten there is no way you people can save the left over… Most Koreans throw their left overs especially their side dishes…
It's really heartwarming seeing how you enjoy and appreciate our Filipino culture type of cooking. You are really one of a kind taking your time, effort and sacrifices just to dive in the center of our culture. More success to you and your family. We love you Mark Wiens the Migrationology.
I miss working with my Filipino family, they were so humble and generous when it came to feeding me even if I brought my own lunch ❤😂😊😊😊
Please also visit the northern part of Philippines in Sagada.. see the culture and food..☺️
mark wiens go to batangas🔥
I salute to Mark Wiens a lot……
Wow!!!that’s absolutely stunning 😮
Not eating if it's not spicy… ALWAYS! 😁
your left eye needs to be checked out bro it keeps poping out
New subscriber here.. Come to Leyte next you are welcome here Mark.
Any time you hear Mark says “ Oh wow” you know the food is really good 😋😋