Lions Fight Lions To The Death | Battle Of The Mapogo Alliance | Wild Animals
The Mapogo lion alliance became famous for its ruthless tactics and they also possessed a speed of conquering new territories extremely quickly in wild animals. They will kill all the lions they come across, and even eat the ill-fated lions.
They have even taken down buffalo, adult giraffes, even rhinos and hippos without full membership in wild animals.
The Mapogo Lion Alliance’s ability to control and defend such a vast expanse of land is unprecedented in the lion population – they have captured and ruled eight other lions in wild animals.
This alliance of six male lions changed the entire ecosystem in the Sabi Sands area, dominating and controlling an area once ruled by eight other individual lions in wild animals.
In it, many unfortunate lions seem to have been brutally wiped out under the proud clutches of the Mapogo Alliance in wild animals. The opposing elements were also brutally devoured in spite of; It is a fierce fate that we have almost never heard of in lions in wild animals.
Over the next three years, two other lions in the Mapogo pack disappeared without a trace in wild animals. In 2012, the Southern lions challenged the remaining members of the Mapogos alliance, forcing them to retreat, and Mr T was chased and killed in wild animals.
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– This video is researched by Susanna Hamill PhD
Geo coordinates 66.490655,157.529708
Mother’s maiden name Wyman
Birthday: 1971-02-20 Age 50 years old
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Copyright Music By:
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and other artists
Background music is used in the video by Kevin MacLeod, licensed under the Creative Commons – Attribution 4.0 License. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100879
Artist: http://incompetech.com
Mechanolith by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons License – Attribution 4.0 license.
Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1100879
Artist: http://incompetech.com/
#lion #lionfight
#wildanimals #swaganimal
You got a lot of the prides mixed up👎
I don’t think this is harsh but it does hurt my heart . I just find it strange I can’t go do that to humans is all . Everybody starts to care then , idk maybe it’s just me .
Lol, this not Mapogo, young lion at Kambaku sothern Kruger
I wish spam commenters would go away in wild animals.
Rabbit eats grass, snake eats rabbit, lion eats snake, poop comes out of lion, grass grows from poop..Now that's the circle of life.
They say Mr. T was did die however another Documentary shows he ended up ruling another pride with another male from the same colalition named Scar who was actually one of the main leaders with "Maculoo". Then Mr.T actually got sick likely from contaminated meat and pretty much wasted away. I suggest watching the Mapogo Documentary that follows and goes "behind the scenes" of the biologists who did the Mopogo pride. It's insane!
Is sad to see death Kinky tail and mr T🥺🥺❤️
It was good at first but then the sound got terrible. I wouldn’t waist my time watching it.
They think they were all blood related. There’s a big chance he was a half brother or cousin
Super fascinating topic thx and good job…they legends
🎋🧧Going to see the #lions has a #liondance🦁
🎋🧧 #LIONDANCE2023 🦁
🎋#Liondancer dance with #reallion🦁
🧧#Liondancing around the #malelion🦁
🎋🧧#Lion_Dance in Asia🦁
So sadly i don't want to see lions fighting 😞
You should stop making videos, due to the fact that you are very uneducated. Do not get your facts straight and don’t even show footage of the Mapogo coalition,you are an absolute idiot stop making videos.
Kinda crazy to think they did a lot of these battles in the dark of night.
Holy shit I seriously hate Hyenas!! 😡
Lions are beast when it comes to food, family, and they are very territorial for land the jungle and their females Lionesses?
Mr t and kinky tail iykyk
Hyenas are one of the most successful carnivores, just like lions, they will scavenge
لا اله الا الله
This Lions Is so mad
Also rasta and dread locks were poached.
The mapogos mr.t and kinky tail killed one of the 5 majingilanes and mr.t chose to fight the selati/southern pride males to let his brothers escape. He chose to die the same way kinky tail did by fighting in a 4v1 scenario.but he was buried at an undisclosed location he was not eaten alive tho..
Damn 👍🏿 man 😩
Hello every one
Stop filling your comment section with bots. Every comment ends with the same phrase. Im-possible.
Nice video
why the high music???? I'd nerly don't hear the comments!! 👎
How long it's been since last time we saw you?
Stop acting like u know everything about lions
That group of males killed over a hundred lions
lmao search up mapogo lion coalition , there were 6 brothers
Is this about lions or the it's all about me person
They killed alotta lions since theyre still strong and the most dominant group in the savana of africa
Wait, was that colonials speaking ?
Lions of sabi sand
Why are male lions always so aggressive towards each other?
Nowadays I'm only watching lion videos..
why couldnt the old lion go to the humans and ask to be put into a zoo or reserve?
Look how thin those lions are , when you think of all the obese humans in this world .
Edit : It's been 11 months and I'm still watching lion videos.